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Verpine Implant Integration Visor


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This mod adds a new merchant named Teek in the Anchorhead Cantina. From whom you can buy a completely new modeled mask called the Verpine Implant integration Visor. This Visor Can be upgraded with the workbench in the Blasters upgrade screen.<<NOTE: to make the visor show up in the right hand corner select another blaster first then select the visor. It's only necessary to do that is you want to see the model of the Visor spinning like the Blasters >> you will however also have to buy the upgrade parts from Teek in order to make the visor upgrades. Normal blaster upgrades will not work.


I just disovered a minor bug with my mod :(. So After you upgrade the upgradeable visor you must remove this file:"upgrade.2da"


If you do not remove this File After the visor is fully Upgraded you Will have to buy More of My upgrade parts to upgrade the blasters. But as long as the upgrade.2da is removed after the visor is upgraded. then the blasters will be upgradeable the normal way. I thought I had it worked out, But I guess these things are a part of modding




Big Thanks to svösh this Mod also includes and edited Class 8 mesh (YAY! NO MORE STUPID POCKETS ON THE BELLY!) and an enhanced Skin For the "Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh" a very cool Armor that you can also purchase from Teek. Note:Sorry this is for males only. Female Armor still has the pockets. The mesh will also remove the pockets on all class 8 armor. only Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh has been reskinned to remove the pockets the other skins will still have pockets on the texture only.


Verpine implant integration Visor Base Stats:Download ViiV



Armor Proficiency - Light

Implant level 1


Damage Resistance 5/- vs Sonic

Saves: All +5

Skills: Awareness +4


There are some side affects to using the ViiV:

>Constitution: -1 (The Visor takes its power directly from your body. This is a small Price to pay for the Enhancements


the user gains)

>Vulnerability: 25% chance 6 seconds vs Ion



>The Ocular Enhancer: Bonus Feats

Sniper Shot

Improved Sniper Shot

Master Sniper Shot


>Neuron_Enhancer: Skill Bonus:

Computer use +4, Repair +4


>Spike Injector:

Computer Spike: +10

Droid Repair kit: +10


>Targeting Software: Bonus Feats:

Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle

Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle


The Upgrades are moderately priced and can be purchased from Teeks Inventory. To acquire the Visor that will take a little persuasion.




A HUGE thanks goes out to Darth333 for writing 90% of the scripts for this mod. :smash:Special Thanks goes to svösh for thinking outside the box and giving me the Idea of making The Visor Upgradeable. :fist: I normally wouldn't have thought of that. Also Special thanks goes out to tk102, cchargin and Fred Tetra and joco For making Modding SW-KotOR easy and last but not least Nodakrattler For requesting the Model of the Visor in the first place. I hope This Satisfies his Request.


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Thanks for the compliments guys, though Next time I think I'll just use the defualt Upgrades and not custom ones. Maybe the Saber upgrade screen would better sinse you can use multiple crystals in each of the power crystal slots,but the focusing crystal might get in the way.


Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the Visor. :)

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Thanks for the compliments guys, though Next time I think I'll just use the defualt Upgrades and not custom ones. Maybe the Saber upgrade screen would better sinse you can use multiple crystals in each of the power crystal slots,but the focusing crystal might get in the way.


Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the Visor. :)


Maybe color crystals = different color lol, doubt we could do that though...

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Excellent visor T7 :clap2: I know how much work you put in to this bad boy, I m sorry your custom upgrades didn’t work as you had planned….

Darth333 great scripts as always


I only have 20 mb on my own site so hosting the modified mesh and skin was not to realistic, thanks for adding it to your mod T7 :)



For those that want to fully get rid of the lame pocket images in class 8 Armour the best way is to copy the texture from the lower back and paste it to it own layer , place it , flatten the layers then a small soft clone bush 50 % opacity will help hide any edges to blend it in so it will look like was never there in the first place.



Mono that idea of yours just might work making different variations on the fx .tga and uti linking it to an icon adding the lines to upgrade.2da possibly you could change colors…. would be an interesting test hummm



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I realize this is old T7 but did you ever attempt changing the upgrade screen for the visor too the saber crystal screen? I was just kinda curious as I hadn't used this mod in so long that I nearly forgot about the upgrades.2da in upgrade visor then remove from overide so that it won't effect the other blasters trick untill I reread this thread. *Been shaking my fist at my computer.*

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Originally posted by Darkkender

I realize this is old T7 but did you ever attempt changing the upgrade screen for the visor too the saber crystal screen? I was just kinda curious as I hadn't used this mod in so long that I nearly forgot about the upgrades.2da in upgrade visor then remove from overide so that it won't effect the other blasters trick untill I reread this thread. *Been shaking my fist at my computer.*


Oh sorry about that. No I haven't Its just the way it was made, changing it to the Saber upgrade screen wouldn't be sufficient unless I wanted to rewrite half the mod.

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