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I always thought that "Yucca" Mountain was a great name for a Nuclear Waste site.


You know, that Africa has there own African Union not too dissimilar to the EU. It began I believe in 1999 as a loose coalition. It is not well organized yet nor are the different countries linked together as in the EU, but if they were to get together it might benefit them fiscally. Maybe, maybe not. That sort of thing is difficult to predict exactly how it would go because politicians are involved and they are difficult to trust.


I'm not real big on wide open free trade for everybody, or maybe not even with anybody for that matter. Maybe I'm selfish and greedy and bit of an isolationist when it comes to this issue, but I was never a big fan of NAFTA here. It's not that I dislike other countries or their goods, don't think that, I just have a desire to put American goods first because I am an American and I want to help out Americans first. I expect all other countries to want to put their own goods and their own workers and jobs first too, I take no offense for looking out for their own interests in that respect, its a matter of survival.


World trade is vital to all economies and a happy middle ground is necessary for a good strong economy to grow, regardless of its size, type and strength, so a government must decide how best to do it. I believe that wide open, free trade is not what is best for America right now. That could change in the future, and it means that we have to expect other countries to put tariffs on our exports, which is fair and the way it should be, no problem with me. If we can't make a product that can compete in the world market then get out of the market and find a manufacture that can. Simple economics my friend.

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Having thought quite a bit about things, I've decided things aren't going to be all that bad with Bush in for a second term.


THE US economy has been on the rise in recent months, so hopefully that will continue with Bush in a second term. So although it took him four years, he's finally taking care of some domestic matters.


Internationally he's probably done all the damage he can. Honestly, things can only get better internationally; they probably won't get much worse. There won't be any more invasions; the other two members of the "Axis Of Evil" ( :rolleyes: ) are too well defended and aren't as much of an economic bonus to control as Iraq.


Of course the main problem with Bush as President again is that the majority of the world hates him. I mean really hates him. Expect to see a huge surge in "Anti-Americanism" over the next four years.


As a side note, I find it amusing that "Anti-Americanism" is a common phrase, but there's no such thing as Anti-Iraqism or even Anti-Frenchism...

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Originalyy posted by LukeIamYourDAD

And you voted for the protectionist republicans?

A good point that I am well aware of and one of my disagreements with the party. Also one of the reason I am registered as an independent and not as a Republican. If they were to alter this position more closely to mine I might seriously consider changing my official designation.


Did you guys hear that Mr. Arafat has passed away. The next year might be interesting to watch and see if Bush can help. I doubt that any foreign leader can really help the situation though. Again, I like staying out of things as much as possible, help when asked or when there’s a real threat to us, but let the countries work out their own problems. We don’t want anybody telling us what to do, why should we tell others what to do.


Teddy Roosevelt said to “Walk quietly and carry a big stick.” I think that is a great policy. Leave everybody alone and by ready to kick everybody's butt if they decide to mess with you just in case.


My dad always taught me to never start a fight, avoid trouble as much as possible, but (there’s always a but) if you find yourself in a fight, it doesn't matter if you win or not, just hurt the other guy so badly that everybody is scared to mess with ever again.


My mom was mad, but it worked.

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Yes the reports are conflicting, but to me that usually signals that it is actually true. I hope Bush doesn't stick his nose in that situation...

Again, I like staying out of things as much as possible, help when asked or when there’s a real threat to us, but let the countries work out their own problems.
Not really the policy Bush sticks to, now is it?
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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

Yes the reports are conflicting, but to me that usually signals that it is actually true. I hope Bush doesn't stick his nose in that situation...

Not really the policy Bush sticks to, now is it?


Not exactly, no. Going to Iraq wasn't (I'll admit) exactly keeping our nose out of other peoples business. I don't know what happened with the intelligence breakdown with the WMD information because I was convinced with all of the data given that they had it all and that it needed to be taken out. I guess I was suckered and I'll admit it.


But, have you guys been to this link yet? I think you really want to!!! Guess what, Palpatine has a . . . .


red light saber in the trailer!!




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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

Sorry Nairb, I had to go one better than you and animate my favourite part of the trailer for my avatar :D

Great Avatar Vostok. At the time all I had at my disposal was the most basic of graphic editors (MS Paint, chokes), in due time you too will come to call me master. (Sorry, but its a habbit of mine to quote, my wife says its a disease.)


I was, however, among the first even if I'm not the best. Yours rocks Vostok!! I love those yellow eyes, how Maulish!!

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A subject from pages ago:


Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Not at all. It's a picture she took at an anime convention.


Which convention was it, out of curiosity?


Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Vostok-The probability of her ever seeing it is very low. Besides, the picture is so small and it's a picture she posted on the internet before so...


Assuming it was at a cosplay site, can I have a link? :D (I have friends who are REALLY into this, so I'm quite curious, and they probably could recognize her character.)


On current topic, this situation with Arafat is scaring me. :x

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Originally posted by General Nitro

Somebody plese tell me how to make one of those highlight things. I have a spoiler about Syfo-Dias...

This is one of the best questions I've ever seen asked!


Before the text you want highlighted type the text "spoiler" (without the quotes) inside square brackets "[]". At the end of the text type in "/spoiler" inside square brackets "[]" "

" at the end, "

" at the begining.


Any questions?


EDIT: fixed my spoil to say spoiler. I got ahead of myself. Thanks for oversight notice Lukeiamyourdad.

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I've seen lots of spoilers. I've even seen people that seem to think they have a complete copy of the script somehow. Personally, I want to know very little. I want to know some of the stuff, like main characters and stuff like that, new characters, etc. Then I love guessing what's going to happen and why. If I'm right then great, if I'm wrong then great! It will be a great movie.

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