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Matrix Reborn

Darth NeoVenom

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The one Sentinel doesn't detected anything and continues to follow the other Sentinels. Tons and tons of Sentinels pass by over head, still not knowing that the ships they are looking for are underneath them. Arcon waits patiently as he continues to look at the passing Sentinels above. NeoVenom and Zaphire do the same. Zaphire then looks at Wire with a worried look.

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Beth sighed and relaxed, but remained seated at the turret.


"No sense in being caught by surprise if they decide to come back," she muttered, giving herself a reason to stay where she was. Her real reason was that she felt very weak after how close the sentinels had come.

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Zaphire forced a smile to Beth. "We'll wait a bit more, just in case." whispered NeoVenom to Tepe. As Arcon and Radar continued looking up, there were no Sentinels. Arcon got up from his seat and went to where the others were. "We're going to take the small tunnel to the left. It's one of the secret passages back to Zion."


On the Zeus, Pulse replies back to Rogue, "Yeah, we just have to wait for the Infiltrator to take the lead. We'll follow." Nekro and Rufio both let out a sign of relief after hearing what Pulse just told them. Thatch remained in the cockpit of the ship.

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"Shhhh..." whispered Pulse. "Less talking and more awareness." Pulse exited towards the cockpit of the Zeus. After waiting for about ten minutes, Arcon gave the "ok" for Radar to turn the ship back on. On the Zeus, Pulse did the same thing to Thatch. While flicking various switches to their "On" position, Arcon pointed to a narrow tunnel. "Let us head thru that tunnel." said Arcon to Radar. Radar looks up, "Alright, sir."


The lights flickered on throughout the Infiltrator. "I guess we're moving out." said NeoVenom out loud. "About time, I hate staying in the darkness for a long period of time." Zaphire said. "Well it's better than being killed." NeoVenom said to Zaphire. "Yeah...you're right." Zaphire said with a sigh.

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Tepe smirked. "Afraid of the dark, are we?" he said and chuckled under his breath as he flipped the last switch. He looked at the short range radar and sighed. "The route's clear" he said, turning on the chair and then walked out of the cockpit, finding himself at the plug-in chairs. He looked at the machinery around him and sighed. It would be a great relief to see Zion again

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Shadow stared out the window long after the sentinels had gone, rolling his eyes at the conversations going on inside the ship. Some day they would all die because of some joke or whatnot...

Turning to Wire, she nodded and smiled, relieved that they had survived yet another sweep.

"Zion eh?"


Shadow hated the city, being still in love with his imaginative world. Zion seemed so sad and depressing, with the few survivors of the world screaming in joy over the fact they were alive. Impressing, but he always tried to leave as soon as they could.

Wire on the other side, loved spending time in the city. With the parties and the people.

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After both ships started up, they took off towards the direction of Zion. The Infiltrator travelled thru the narrow tunnel, which is a secret passage for ships from Zion to use. The Zeus closely followed the Infiltrator. As Arcon piloted the ship, Radar kept an eye on the Radar. NeoVenom sticked to a turret, just in case anything does happen. Zaphire, on the other hand, went to the kitchen to get something to eat. On the Zeus, Pulse and Thatch stayed in the cockpit while Nekro and Rufio still were in their turret seats.

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After a few moments of walking slowly around, Beth turned suddenly and followed Zaphire into the kitchen. As both of them were getting something to eat, Beth spoke for the first time since the sentinels had passed.


"I grow tired of these close calls," she said. "Weren't we getting along with the machines?" She sighed in disgust. "That has obviously changed... but why?"

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Rouge went to his ship's kitchen and got some "food", he had a few bites and sips.

"man, this stuff tastes like crap, i don't care if the machines manufactured taste, i'd still rather have something that doesn't taste likes it was scraped from Locke's shoes."

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