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FindRefs Utility (Latest version: v4.4)


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FindRefs v4.4 6/23/2007

A file search and extraction tool for KoTOR and TSL resources


Download from starwarsknights.com


Icon by svösh!



  • Extended the search to include the inventories of merchants, placeables, and creatures.


  • Added ability to search/extract .2da files
  • If search term is numeric and TLK references are enabled, the utility will assume the search term is an index to dialog.tlk and will search accordingly.
  • Source code for .exe and .dll included


  • Bug fix: Under certain search criteria, some .bif files were being searched twice needlessly.
  • Bug fix: Under certain search criteria, some resources in models.bif, templates.bif, and scripts.bif were being shown as found in multiple bifs.
  • DLL version numbering now in sync with EXE.
  • DLL compiled with Perl 5.8.8.


  • Bug fix! Fixed searches in templates.bif and scripts.bif


  • Search extended to .git/.mdl/.mdx/.tpc/.tga files
  • Added filename-only search toggle
  • Multiple selection/extraction now possible

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I hope it does save people some time. I know that searching for these kinds of references can be frustrating.


The global variable detection was actually a side-effect... since .ncs files are not .gff files, I just do a full search of the files looking for strings. Since Global Variables are strings within .ncs, they are just as detectable as those scripts called by the ExecuteScript. Likewise, you can also search for tagnames within .ncs files for the same reason (that just now occurred to me...).


Anyway, I apologize somewhat for the command-line format of this utility -- but on the upside, it only took about 4 hours to write. :)

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Thank you for the positive responses. Like I said, I'm quite sorry I didn't make it sooner... like back in March. :rolleyes:

Better late than never, I suppose.


For those of you who simply detest command line utilities, I wrapped this one up into an ActiveX object and stuffed it into a simplistic Visual Basic form. You can now download the GUI version from the first post in this thread.

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I'm glad that we are helping each other reach our full potential. It keeps things interesting.



Just realized something -- I had turned off the 'auto increment' of version control when I made v1.2 -- it still says v1.1 in the title bar. Doh! So if you're upgrading from v1.1 to v1.2 and you're not sure which is which, v1.2 has the Partial Match/Case Sensitive checkboxes and v1.1 does not. Sorry about that.

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FindRefs v0.3 (command line) released.


Adds case sensitivity and partial matching just like the GUI version.


Also adds the ability to search the Tag field in the *.ut* files and expands the search to include *.uti files. (The GUI version does not yet offer that.)


The new command line options are:

-I (search .uti files)

-C (search is case sensitive)

-P (allow partial matching)

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FindRefs GUI 1.3 released.

- Adds .uti to list of file types to be searched

- Adds "Tag" to list of fields searched

- Output more readable, using fixed with font in listbox


FindRefs (command line) 0.4 released.

- Added -q (quiet mode) which makes output more readable when multiple results are found.

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  • 2 months later...

FindRefs v2.1 has been released (command-line). The important addition to this utility is the -T option which will extend your search to TLK references as well (ExoLocStrings). Examples of this include Item Descriptions, Area Names, and Dialog text.


So the following command:

findrefs -DTq Sleheyron

will find all Dialogs that have Sleheyron will return

korr_m35aa_s.rim kor35_yuthuraban.dlg Entry 12 Text
'Let's see... after escaping from Sleheyron I was found by the Jedi. They took me in and trained me eve
n though I was a bit older than most Padawans.'


The -T option slows the search noticeably, especially when used in conjunction with the -D option. However, this function in essence merges my KTLK, DLGSearch, and FindRefs utility in one tool.

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