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CaptainSkye's W.I.P.


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Well, I'm pretty new to the KotOR modding community, originally drifting in from the JA section. Recently I watched Bneezy's tutorial on how to convert models from JA to KotOR and I had sort of a eurika moment. I'm currently working on a project that puts several things in game (items and such) that I feel probably should have been there in the first place. I just started recently, so I don't have much done.


So far I have "Naga Sadow's Armor" done.




I will post more pictures as I progress. Any feedback would be great. Thanks for the tip on making screenshots, Darth333:D

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Oh, I forgot to mention this. I converted this from JA with the help of bneezy's tutorial. I can't release it yet because the author hasn't responded yet, and it isnt really related to my project. Its just a neat little thing I felt the game "needed":p





In game:



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Originally posted by CaptainSkye

Well, I'm pretty new to the KotOR modding community, originally drifting in from the JA section. Recently I watched Bneezy's tutorial on how to convert models from JA to KotOR and I had sort of a eurika moment. I'm currently working on a project that puts several things in game (items and such) that I feel probably should have been there in the first place. I just started recently, so I don't have much done.


So far I have "Naga Sadow's Armor" done.




I will post more pictures as I progress. Any feedback would be great. Thanks for the tip on making screenshots, Darth333:D

Man i can't see much cuz the pic is too dark for my gamma correction, but the big Masonary eye in the chest plate is such a sweet idea!!! congratulations for the creativity.


PS. If possible, take a brigther screenshot for me:)

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Originally posted by Darth333

hmm...the third pic...that reminds me of I like Commas' "El Mariachi Mod "...he made blasters out of the Bith musician's instruments sometime ago... :D




To answer your question, T7, I made the armor using one huge picture of Naga Sadow a friend of mine scanned in for me (from the New Essential Guide to Characters). So yes, it is SW based, I guess. Thanks for all the feedback guys (and gals). I'll post a better picture of the armor.

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Ok, here:




I'll post pics of some of the other stuff I'm working on as soon as I can.



((don't you just hate yappy dogs? I really need to get to sleep, but there are two of the little buggers in some nearby house, and they won't shut up. They've been at it for the last hour or so. I mean, don't they get tired of yapping? ARRGH! I want to go out and knock on the person's door and yell "STFU" but that would be unlawful. Why would ANYONE want a dog that DOESNT SHUT UP! I mean, I have a nice quiet lab who only barks at the UPS truck. So why get one that will bark at the wall for days on end? Whats the appeal? Why not just get a llama instead? Then you could wake up to a nice llama braying in your ears, instead of that annoying yapping! I would MUCH prefer "UNNNGGHHH" to "YAPYAPYAPYAPYAP". Oh god, another one just chimed in. Now, all the dogs within 5 miles will be at it. Why me? Is it because its the most inconvinient? Wait...he stopped...the other one is trying to restart the conversation...its not working...YES! SILENCE! Good night all. ))

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sorry I havn't updated this thread in a very long time, but I wanted to have a slew of new items, not just one or two every so often. The only problem is, I've been having some majot problems with gmax, so I can't get any pictures in. I'm afraid I'm going to have to just TYPE out what I've been doing, and add pictures as soon as I can.


Tulak Hord's Armor (finished)


Canderous's Armor (finished, think mandalorian armor: red)


Sith Lord Robes (finished, think 3 dark jedi at end of DS playthrough)

Dark Jedi Robes (finished, look more like actual in-game dark jedi)


Glow Rod (finished, just your average glow rod, made into a stun baton:p )

Teta's Royal Band (having some problems, T7nowhere is making a greatly improved one, mine is just the nasty in-game model)

Dark Jedi Hood (problems exporting file)


Dark Jedi Mask/ Tulak Hord's Mask (problems exproting)


I'll post pictures ASAP.

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Alright, here are some pictures.


Tulak Hord's Armor:




Improved Dark Jedi Robes:




Canderous' Armor (still tweaking) (See Update)


Sith Lord Robes (red and blue variations as well)





Keep in mind, my video settings are on low, I believe, and my graphics card doesn't even support KotOR properly, so these might look better on someone else's PC.

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Those are excellent!!! I love Canderous' armor and Tulak Hord's too! They look like they belonged in the original Kotor!


Seriously, that is some fantastic work! When will you have these up for download??? No need to hurry... do what you will with them.... ignore the hungry fans.... (j/k) :p



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Well...er...I have an update. One that I'm not really too happy with.:( The good news is, after PM-ing a few people about my gmax problem (thanks guys:D )I was able to root out what I had been doing wrong (I'm still not really sure I know). Anywho, I wanted to put Marka Ragnos' Crest in-game. The results are as follow:





I'm debating as to whether or not I should even try to fix this, as its going to have a clipping issue with over half the player heads. I will post more on what I'm doing later on tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by CaptainSkye

I've updated "Canderous' Armor", and I hightly doubt that its going to be called that in the end. Maybe "Mandalore's Armor". Canderous wouldn't wear something so glittery...

ooooo...shiny. ChAiNz likey shiny...ooooo


Does it have a texture of any kind, or is it all smooth? Armor looks fantastic, but I would think it being Mandalore's it'd have some nicks and scratches here and there.

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