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Europe Trip


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Me and 2 friends are intending to drive a camper-van (hopefully painted like the mystery machine) round Europe in just over a years time. I have been given the job of planing the route, so I would like all of your suggestions of places to go and things to do, the "must see's" of Europe if you will. Coz I havn't got a clue where to go.

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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Go to Spain, it's beautiful there, and Transylvania and see Drac's old castle. :D


I'd go to Spain, just because the best British crime film ever made (Sexy Beast) was filmed and takes place there. I wouldn't go to the land of make believe vampires unless it was to grind my butt crack on Vlad the Impalers stakes like a stripper in a most mocking fashion.

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Well.... of the top of my head:


Barcelona (awesome place, go in summer)


Iceland (expensive, hard to get to (esp in a camper) but i've always wanted to go.


Prague (again, always wanted to go)




Paris is interesting i guess...




Portugal (great food and nice beaches for surfing)


If you are driving round then i guess france/spain/italy will be pretty easy to string together. Car ferry from france to Uk is pretty easy too. As for the smaller countries.... if you want some variation i'd add in a scandinavian country such as iceland or sweden.. if you want mountains then the alps(france, switzerland etc..) and pyrennees(france/spain) are well worth visiting in summer and winter.


Having seen most of europe i'm currently more interested in eastern europe (prague, budapest, slovenia, etc...) but i'm not sure how wide your definition of "europe" goes. If you get the chance i'd recommend a quick trip from spain over to morocco or tunisia as well.


As for the UK: It does rain a fair bit in autumn/winter... but it isn't too bad in spring/summer. The probelm isn't the rain, it is the unpredictablility (can get sun, rain, sun, fog, sun, hail, rain in one day) which can make it hard to plan anything in advance.


The one thing i would say is that the UK is MORE THAN JUST LONDON. London is a great place, but it is pretty international and not really a reflection of the rest of the country... i get kind of annoyed at meeting all these people who have come to the UK and only seen london. I'd recommend bristol and the south west (devon, cornwall), brighton or heading up north somewhere (manchester, lake district).


Oh, while i remember, if you can time it right, you can hit a pretty well defined route of events and festivals that a lot of travelers follow. Including things such as: Bull runnning in pamplona (awesome party), tomato throwing festival in spain, oktoberfest in munich, (and i think there is this hill on the tour de france route where a lot of dutch people party and get drunk), and a few others...

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Start in Spain, theres a ship that goes from UK to the north of spain, also you should come to Madrid and then go to the mediterranean zone..Valencia, Barcelona...and then up to France to visit Monaco. Here there are nice girls and the bars are always full of people (from 17/18 to 28/29 years old) from 20:00 to 7:00a.m. :D, and the food is really good...also there are McDonals like everywhere if you dont know how to ask for food in spanish...

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Northern parts like Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Finland etc interest me.


We're not really that for north, y'know. I don't know for sure, but i think we're pretty different from scandinavia.



Though in norway they have more sunny days in an average year than we do.


Lucky bastards.

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