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Prince of Persia 2 Demo!

ET Warrior

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I've played the demo already, I downloaded it the day it came out I think. It's pretty awsome, a little more demanding on your PC than Sands of Time but it looks superb.


Ubisoft (Montreal) has really focused on the fighting system this time. There are countless moves you can chain together, and aparently there are over 60 weapons and projectiles you can use to defeat your foes. Prince is more badass than ever, and it's a good thing, this game is gonna kick some behind.


There are 2 levels on the demo. The first one is a fighting tutorial, where you learn the basics of fighting with one, and two weapons. The second level brings you in a dungeon like environment where you have to fend off multiple enemies, until you meet... the boss :eek: :eek: :eek:


Also, the cinematics are truely awsome...

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I also didn't like how they broke it up into separate puzzles and separate fights.


I'm looking forward to this one, actually, because they've combined the puzzle elements and fighting elements into one big continuous game.


That and the prince no longer looks like he'd been kicked out of N'Sync.



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I loved the first one, but i must admit i'm a bit worried by the new direction of the sequel.

I'll admit that the combat was probably the weakest point of the first one (although it was only really the respawning waves of enemies that annoyed me)... but the point of PoP has never been the combat. Infact i'd almost rather they had cut out the combat all together, as it was a bit pointless and kept getting in the way of the puzzles/navigation. Which are, after all, the main reason to play a Pop game.


I'm not sure about this "dark gritty bloody" feel either... i liked the feel of the first one as it was a bit different, this just seems like they are making it like every other gothic action game to appeal to all the young kids who want more decapitations. Why take a great original game and make it more like everything else?


I'm not sure you could call it easy, but the dagger of time mechanic was a great one for cutting down cheap deaths and having to replay whole levels, which did mean you got through the game quicker. I found a few of the puzzles towards the end a bit tricky though.


Wouldn't want to have tried to have played it on a PC though, the controls and framerates probably wouldn't have been quite up to it.


I think i'll wait on the reviews to find out if they have wrecked it or not...

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The PC controls are DEFFINATELY not good. It's VERY difficult to feel like you have any control of what's going on and looking around is really stupid.


I did feel that the combat in this one will actually add to the puzzle solving of the last one, and will hopefully just be absolutely awesome :)

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didn't play the pc version, as i can imagine it wouldn't be the sort of game that would be best on a pc.


I'm hoping that the emphasis on combat in all the hype isn't going to mean that they have ruined the rest of the game... it would be nice if the two were linked together better... it did occasionally seem like *exploration level* *combat level* *exploration level* repeat....

although you probably don't want too much combat breaking up the flow of running through all those walls and traps at high speed.


I forgot to mention that possibly the best thing about the original was the storytelling/acting... it was great how they linked it all together as if it was a story being told... and it all went full circle and ended where it started. It was all those little clever polished touches in the voiceover (banter between characters, "Wait... that isn't how it happened! Let me start again" when you died and reloaded, etc...) that pulled it all together.


I'm still waiting for reviews to make sure they haven't combatized it too much though...

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

The PC demo for Prince of Persia 2: The Warrior Within is now available


Filre Rush




I am currently downlaoding, I'll post my comments later...

Woah, it must be really good if the spelling nazi is too excited to proof read his post :p


Anyways, never tried the first one, and my net is too slow for downloading this :\

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Originally posted by Pie™

Woah, it must be really good if the spelling nazi is too excited to proof read his post :p


You know it!


This is the inherent problem with being a spelling Nazi, sooner or later, you're going to have a typo, you're not going to see it, and SOMEBODY is going to call you on it.....for this, I will be forced to kill you Pie

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

You know it!


This is the inherent problem with being a spelling Nazi, sooner or later, you're going to have a typo, you're not going to see it, and SOMEBODY is going to call you on it.....for this, I will be forced to kill you Pie

You had 2 errors actually <.<;



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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Aren't you the same guy that obsesses over people mistaking "there", "their", and "they're"? Seig Heil, ET!!! Seig heil!

In all fairness, misuse of there their or they're is typically not a TYPO but an actual grammar misuse, whereas mine were pure typos :xp:




That's right, Heil me! HEIL ME!

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