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A possibility *Spoiler warning*


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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Then again, Canderous did say that he is tired of all the killing.

He also said he wasn't 'ready to give up this life of killing'. ;)

what is the official date (day, hour, month, year) of the PC release??

'Expected' Feb. '05. Not sure of the day/hour, perhaps skim the LA site (though I'm not sure if it's listed there).

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how early on was the game when this picture was pulled from it. Because there are to graphical problems that trouble me. One, the red blade is off the hilt quite noticable, and the green and other red saber are passed eachother in strike mode. I know its not a big deal and that its a little off topic, but what do you guys think?

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Originally posted by william_tur

how early on was the game when this picture was pulled from it. Because there are to graphical problems that trouble me. One, the red blade is off the hilt quite noticable, and the green and other red saber are passed eachother in strike mode. I know its not a big deal and that its a little off topic, but what do you guys think?

I don't see what you mean with "off the hilt", that's how the short saber hilt looks like.

The sabers not quite "lining up" happens sometimes in KOTOR. No big deal.


Something that annoys me, though, is how AA is turned off in all the screenshots...

I mean, it wouldn't hurt, would it?

[/likes eye candy]

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Originally posted by TemporaryTomato

Something that annoys me, though, is how AA is turned off in all the screenshots...

I mean, it wouldn't hurt, would it?

[/likes eye candy]


heh, maybe they're still running 2002 model video cards (geforce4, radeon 8500, etc)....:rolleyes:

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A lot of the pics also show a pretty boy with flowy blonde hair. I really hope he's not the mandalore under the helmit. Fabio with a repeater?! Come on!! Some of our female friends should be happy now. 50 year old Carth was a little creepy for a love interest.

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But how old was Revan? Every one spoke to him as some child. Bastila is more than likely younger than Revan, but they are pretty close in age. If Carth is 38, how old is Dustil?


Back on topic, His name might be Disciple... Or he may be one. Jedis have apprentices, though. I can't wait to see. Thank God I have an X-Box!!:p

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Dustil must be 15-16. In the middle of his teenage years crisis.


Bastilla is not much older then Mission so for her to have a normal relationship with Revan, she would need to be at least 18.

Revan is not referred as a child but rather as a young man/woman. That being said, for Revan to be old enough to participate in the Mandalorian wars and be a Knight at that moment, he/she would at least need to be over 25(-7 years=Mandalorian wars period meaning Revan would be 18 years old minimum but I expect he's older then that).

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Originally posted by UrchSr

But how old was Revan? Every one spoke to him as some child.


I don't think they spoke to him as a child but more as an apprentice Jedi.


I think Bastila was older than 18. Only because of the voice they chose for her. There's some maturity in it. I think she's in her mid 20's. Remember she's not an apprentice.


As far as Dustil, there's no telling. :confused:

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And Juhani is the only Jedi in the party that is not a padawon... Even Jolee was still one, sort of... I guess he is pretty old... He had a lot to do in his short life. What was his "rank" during the war?


Bastila is still young... But not too young... I do think her voice is of an adult, but not a mature one... more like snotty rich girl who thinks she's smart, no?


If Carth were 38, Distil could be the product of teenage pregnacy and be 20... He has to be younger, though. Carth was a career soldier/veteran. When did he have the time? It's not like he was "over seas". He was "over galaxies". What was hisvacation time like? And Lastly, Dustil was already born and old enough to know him when Carth came out of retirement to fight again... WTF!? I'm not going to worry about the timeline too much, because it could take away from the game.


Getting back on topic, I bet he's not Canderous under the mask, and I hope Canderous has a non-main story cameo.

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Originally posted by UrchSr

And Juhani is the only Jedi in the party that is not a padawon... Even Jolee was still one, sort of... I guess he is pretty old... He had a lot to do in his short life. What was his "rank" during the war?


Jolee was a padawan during the war against Exar Kun. They were ready to promote him to full Jedi but I don't know if he accepted the title then left or left without accepting it.



Originally posted by UrchSr

Bastila is still young... But not too young... I do think her voice is of an adult, but not a mature one... more like snotty rich girl who thinks she's smart, no?


She is snotty in the game. Canderous does call her a spoiled Jedi princess.




Originally posted by UrchSr

If Carth were 38, Distil could be the product of teenage pregnacy and be 20... He has to be younger, though. Carth was a career soldier/veteran. When did he have the time? It's not like he was "over seas". He was "over galaxies". What was hisvacation time like? And Lastly, Dustil was already born and old enough to know him when Carth came out of retirement to fight again... WTF!? I'm not going to worry about the timeline too much, because it could take away from the game.


He had a wedding night you know :D

If Dustil is 16 and the Mandalorian wars were 7 years ago and lasted 2-3 years, Dustil would have been 6 years old before his father left to fight the Mandalorians. Carth would have then come back and live with him for a few years before the Rise of Revan and Malak.


Originally posted by UrchSr

Getting back on topic, I bet he's not Canderous under the mask, and I hope Canderous has a non-main story cameo.


Why? You don't like Canderous?

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