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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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Out of curiosity ChAiNz do you use the Mac for KOTOR/TSL gameplay? Or can you more to the point?

Both ;)


I have KotOR for PC & Mac.. however TSL only on PC :fist:


I use Virtual PC quite often, but it's performance is lackluster at best. However, after WWDC06.. I'll more than likely be purchasing an Intel PowerMac (supposedly to be announced by then) which will give me the best of both worlds in one machine. ;)


I'm playing with their Developer's Prototype at work, and the machine is a beast.. dual boot OS allows me to have OSX and XP Professional on the same machine.. that and 16GB of RAM :D

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Heck man that's MONSTER RAM...lol We had bout 50 million pc vendors get real friendly when they found out we had been in talks with the Mac reps on those Intel based dual booted suckers...hee hee hee


I wonder how it (mac) handles all the "idiotic" things like registry entries and dll files and corruption from them ooh my? :D Imagine pc programs that do not get corrupted via Mac. ;)


Keep up the good work my fav lil' breakaway saber maker :D



General Kenobi

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  • 4 years later...

Dear gawdz.. this thing took forever to find *blows off the dust* hehehe :xp:


Before anyone gets any grand ideas, I've posted here only to ask a question about an old mod of mine (which actually, may become a new one). ;)




Does anyone remember if KaoruSoulreaper ever released this K1 mod I made for him? If not, I can make it available if anyone is interested.


It's just a simple texture/.uti, but it also acts as Jedi Armor (much like my Segan Wyndh armor). Heavy armor while allowing force powers, etc. etc...


Let me know if anyone is interested or if this mod is living somewhere out in the netherworld. I didn't see it anywhere on FileFront :giveup:


NOTE: I don't have the game(s) or tools installed, and this is an OLD mod.. meaning pre- TSL Patcher. It still has the old manual install instructions (baseitems.2da) and there's nothing I can do about it.. time just isn't on my side lately. Will gladly let anyone create a patcher version if there's any takers though. Full credit and kudos will be given on submission :D


Anywho let me know if it's out there or if anyone is even interested in it. I went digging through my archives and stumbled on it by dumbluck. Just so happens it's packed and ready for release (by the old standards at least) :lol:


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Description of Mod:



Kaoru's Fenris Armor (K1)


Long before the new age Jedi, a warrior walked the worlds. He was known as Fenris, named after the god he served. He wielded several artifacts in his campain over evil. This armor is one. Thought to have been created before the lightsaber or blaster, this armor is an excellent suit that still stands up today. It's alloy reflects blaster fire and provides excellent protection against melee weapons, including Lightsabers. The armor is the first in Fenris's artifacts which include this set of armor, a lightsaber crystal and a sword.





Defense 9

Max Dexterity Bonus +8

NO Force Power Restrictions

NO Minimum Requirements


Mask/Sabers NOT included (just the game's default Sith Mask anyways with and some old-school saber tube reskins & my Revan blade colors) hehehe

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That Chainz is such a spammer, bumping a 4-year-old thread... I think he should be banned.

Definitely. He's a no good, attention-whoring hack.. I thought that loser was gone already :lol:


Nice work as usual. ;)

Thanks luv, pretty minor stuff but I always liked texturing better than any other type of modding (ie - I'm a script-tard :xp: ) hehehe


Loving your ME weapons models though BTW! DAAAAAMN girl.. some smexy stuff :thumbsup:

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As for the cutscene, I was going to wait until later today, but since I'm here I might as well go for it ;)


I've ran into a snag :fist: Apparently the reason why I'm getting such sucky results is that these movies are rendered out in 1600x1200 baseline.


While my monitors can handle it, the capture doesn't (using Fraps). I could try it the way I do my normal editing and output it to my DVCPro Deck.. record.. then re-capture back into my system. Tweak the editing .. blah blah But that's just overkill for a cutscene that really doesn't change that much. Plus, it means starting back at square one :headbump


However, I have been messing with the existing high-res dialogue driven version and have come up with a pretty decent rendition of it. I tweaked some of the source scripts that stoffe had provided and I've gotten the movie to run pretty smoothly. I've also managed to create an FX track to mimick the sounds that the .bik movie had... The only downfall is that it loses that "dreamy" feeling and applying the clairovoyance effect to the scenes made the system stall just at the moment that Sion is about to introduce Kreia to his fist & knee :confused:


If that doesn't bother people, I can go ahead and pursue that route as I've gotten about 85% of it done already. One major benefit is that it is tremendously smaller in file size (since the rendered scenes are already on your system).


Let me know, but until then, I hope you enjoy the primary mod :D


Now that FRAPS has been updated a few times since then, have you considered giving this another go?

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Now that FRAPS has been updated a few times since then, have you considered giving this another go?

I no longer have the games or tools installed, so not likely. :(


Plus, I'd have to dig out all the work files and figure out at what point I was in the project. Makes my head hurt just writing about it.. hehehe :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

yeah.. not so much a WIP but a bona-fide release.. hehehe ;)


I don't have any screenies since I no longer have the game installed, but I'm pretty sure this is a working mod (was in my FINALS folder).


Despite the bile building up, I installed TSL to test and everything seems to be working. Screenies index can be found here. Large 1920x1080 pics, be warned. (there's a TON):


Click for USM Hak Pad Screenies


This will add a USM Saber Shop dialogue node in the Storefronts section.


Just drop these files (excluding the .nss source) into your override folder, or wherever you have the Hak Pad installed.




You MUST have the USM, Original HakPad AND the Booster Pack v2 installed as the dialogue included in here uses them as a base.




USM: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Ultimate_Saber_Mod;73530

HakPad: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Hak_Pad;66316

Booster V2: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Hak_Pad_Booster_Pack;66352


or grab the mods from my site: http://www.jumpstationz.com





The shop includes only the sabers, not the individual crystals, to avoid saber creation (null-nade) problems some may have encountered.





This also includes the Train Handmaiden as a Guardian & the Darth333's Wherami Band fix.


Download links are in the first post of this thread and here. Click link below.



** Download USM Saber Shop Hak Pad add-on **


Discuss here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149446

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Added a few YouTube vids to some of my mods (TUCE & my site). May add more depending if I notice any of my mods that may need a visual reference better than screenies. Suggestions welcomed :)


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Hum... that is not a guarantee. Now I don't pretend to fully understand this, but TSL RCM use .mod files to make a good lot of modifications. From what I gather, this may involve problems with .utc/.utp files, and perhaps .ncs, but not sure... Also, if the 2da's from TSL RCM where used as a base to make the changes, it would probably increase compatibility.


The whole quest for the shroud may not be compatible with changes to the Korriban and Telos planets, but again, not sure. I only had problem once, with this mod: a bug where no one would ever speak on the Ebon hawk. Turns out uninstalling this mod and using backuped 2da's solved the problem.

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Hum... that is not a guarantee. Now I don't pretend to fully understand this, but TSL RCM use .mod files to make a good lot of modifications. From what I gather, this may involve problems with .utc/.utp files, and perhaps .ncs, but not sure...

You're right for the most part.. however anything in the override folder will, "generally", overwrite anything in a .mod file (if it changes the same thing). That in itself can cause some issues.. hehe


Also, if the 2da's from TSL RCM where used as a base to make the changes, it would probably increase compatibility.
The patcher eliminates that worry mostly.. how I incorporated it in this mod at least. Shouldn't be any discrepancies as long as you install a Patcher mod over a mod that uses static installs (drag-n-drop). Doesn't matter what base you use unless you're concerned with compatibility against other non-patcher mods (USM being one of the biggest offenders :fist: )


The whole quest for the shroud may not be compatible with changes to the Korriban and Telos planets, but again, not sure. I only had problem once, with this mod: a bug where no one would ever speak on the Ebon hawk. Turns out uninstalling this mod and using backuped 2da's solved the problem.
This is where most of the incompatibilities will come in to play.. however .2da files shouldn't have had anything to do with it. (probably some of the other files in the backup folder fixed the problem). Kreia's Robes mod will definitely conflict with any mod that alters the module enter script for Korriban & Telos Medical module (204 or 207 I think?). Those scripts fire the placeables and new area the mod introduces. As long as it doesn't touch those particular scripts.. everything should be golden. :) Also, the Remote's dialog file.. and some of Kreia's is altered I believe.. so that could've potentially caused an error with RCM. Not really sure what all that mod touches.. but I'd assume quite a bit.
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  • 1 month later...

Heya gang, just wanted to drop a note.


By happenstance I had stumbled across a modder's site and noticed there was a link to my very own site (thank you Darth InSidious). Me being a completely oblivious person to the outside world had no idea, and I realized that I didn't have a link to DI on my site (boo Cz). I fixed that rather quickly ;)


If anyone else has linked to my site and your own site isn't listed in my Modder's Section, PLEASE let me know.. I'll be more than happy to add it to my site's list. Link swaps are always welcomed, and the more the word is spread, the better. Keep in mind, link swapping isn't necessary.. I'll be happy to add your site regardless.. I just need to know. I rarely go around searching for sites if it isn't listed in TUCE, KotOR Files or Deadly Stream ;)


ALSO, please let us (LFN staff) know if your site isn't listed in the "Where Can I Find Mods" thread here:



We'll add you asap. Just post your request in the thread. :D

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