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Voting has been optimized?


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In the read me of the new 1.1 patch, one of the new features that is listed says "Process for voting an abusive player off a game has been optimized."


Did I miss something here? As far as I can tell it's the same POS voting system as before where you hit TAB, click the player name, and then click "Vote to Boot" at the bottom of the screen. I see no change or "optimized" voting process. Am I wrong and just not seeing it?


Calling a vote in game right now is the most worthless process. You will be the only person voting. You might announce to the whole server 20 times how to hit tab and vote for the person, but you still have everyone asking, "how do I vote".


Griefing is getting really bad! This weekend when I played on acouple servers I ended up just quit out of the whole game after the experiences I had. Here is mearly an example of MANY griefing techniques I am seeing with no way of stopping it.


Warning, griefing tactic exposed:


On Hoth, two players with the BS tag before their names were spawning as wookiees. As soon as a speeder appeared they would attach a timed mine to the speeder. Since team damage was on, the speeder would explode as soon as the timer stopped. Most people didn't realize what was happening and would jump in the speeder and try to take of when BOOM it explodes leaving the hanger. These two players did this EVERY time the speeders appeared, and where team killing in the mean time.



It got to the point where our team started hunting these two players down instead of the opposing imperial team. We tried calling boot votes, but only got about 3 votes, with most people asking constantly how to vote right after we explained how to.


Again this was only one instance of griefing with others I am not gonna get into. If voting was optimized greatly I think we'd avoid this crap from happening. So hopefully the optimization just missed being in the patch and will be coming with the next update, cause I see now optimization at this point!

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I have experienced same crap with TK'ers .... one thing that they could do is to make the amount of TK's a serversetting ... like this: Set the number of max TK's / player to 5 and when he TK's his 6th guy hes autopunted from the server.Thats the way it is in Delta Force Black Hawk Down wich i also play .... some servers have it like max 3 "murders" and your punted out of the server, tho your not banned but still it prevents TK'ers since thay have to rejoin every 3:rd murder ... im not sure this would work in SWBF but it might!

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Yes Rends that is what you need to do. Every vote is casted by hitting TAB, clicking the player, clicking Vote to Boot. The vote is started that way, and then everyone votes to boot the player that way.


Very, very crappy voting system, basically worthless. They might as well remove it. They need a serious optimization to it next patch. I truly hope that when they added that description to the new patch about the voting being optimized, it was for real but just didn't make the patch, and will be out in the next patch. I REALLy hope so. It's getting ridiculous!!!

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the voting is a misery.





-There are no voting options besides boot player

-Voting is based on amount of ppl on the server and not voters

-There is no shortcut. You need to TAB, FIND player, select user click boot. Process is way too long

-You can't even select TAB while DEAD or running. Highly annoying.



So you'll need to be alive, stop action, and do everything. Did they expect everyone to just hold a truce till the vote ended?!

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Originally posted by Alegis

the voting is a misery.



So you'll need to be alive, stop action, and do everything. Did they expect everyone to just hold a truce till the vote ended?!


Yes, well if i see an enemy standing still, I naturally assume that they must have tabbed out to vote, so I do not frag them until they have returned to the game.



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FF off still creates smacktards.


Voting should be like the BF serie. When a vote is called, press either Button X(Yes) or Button Y (No).


Sure there will be abuses at the beginning but it slows down after.


EDIT: I forgot about this. In most BF1942 servers, there's a minus score limit before you get banned. If you get -x score, you get automatically banned. Something like this should be implemented along with a minus 2 to your kill count for every tk.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Are people really so obsessed with "realism" or do they not realize this option can be changed?


That's what I wanna know as well. Having FF off is not that big of a deal. If you want realizm, obviously you aren't gonna get it with a Star Wars game. Come on, blasters and hairy creatures that can build a spaceship from scratch. It's not a realistic universe.


Friendly fire needs to be turned off until some work arounds are figured out. Until then FF is a griefers best friend!

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Originally posted by Cyclone7

That's what I wanna know as well. Having FF off is not that big of a deal. If you want realizm, obviously you aren't gonna get it with a Star Wars game. Come on, blasters and hairy creatures that can build a spaceship from scratch. It's not a realistic universe.


Friendly fire needs to be turned off until some work arounds are figured out. Until then FF is a griefers best friend!


I have to agree with this. In Battlefront, I haven't seen as many situations that could be abused with Friendly Fire OFF that I've seen in other games (No 'nade jumping...). Since it's more "In Your Face" you'll probably get killed by someone else before your own team anyway.


In BF:Vietnam there was a huge problem with friendly traps killing people because you could often not even see them. Until this was fixed, I enjoyed FF OFF far more than ON simply because you could actually enjoy the game. And I think that's the key: If the game is more enjoyable with FF off, screw 'realism' and have fun.

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