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Anakin/Vader was no hero!


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Originally posted by Aryyn

LOL what about everything else in between" can you say eratication of the jedi" destruction of the republic the list go's on & on. Should have left him on Tattoine where they found the little scrub


That was the Dark Side embodiement of Anakin, also known as Darth Vader.

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Originally posted by Aryyn

LOL what about everything else in between" can you say eratication of the jedi" destruction of the republic the list go's on & on. Should have left him on Tattoine where they found the little scrub


There is a difference between being a hero and being perfect. If they had left Anakin on Tatooine, Palpatine would likely take longer to defeat the Jedi, but would then be unchallenged. More importantly, we would not have gotten any Star Wars movies! :eek:

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

There is a difference between being a hero and being perfect. If they had left Anakin on Tatooine, Palpatine would likely take longer to defeat the Jedi, but would then be unchallenged. More importantly, we would not have gotten any Star Wars movies! :eek:


Without Vader to hunt down the Jedi, who knows if the Empire would have even gotten off its feet. Palpatine could have been defeated before he was in power. But, most likely Palpatine would have recruited someone else to do the dirty work of eliminating the Jedi, who it would be is a good question.


Of course, wheter or not Palpatine could have defeated the Jedi, when the second Death Star exploded with Palpatine onboard, the results would be the same in the end.

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According to Obi-Wan, Vader helped the Empire to hunt down and destroy the Jedi. This implies that he was not the only one who was doing the "dirty work". From the teaser trailer we know that

Palpatine does some of the fighting himself

So we will have to wait untill ROTS to see how good he is at it. Those things make me think that most likely the destruction of the Jedi could be done without Vader. Palpatine would just have to be a bit more careful about it.


If Anakin was on Tatooine, there would likely be no second Death Star. Anakin on Tatooine means no Luke, no Luke means the first Death Star would probably make it, meaning a second would not be necessary. The first making it means Yavin 4 not making it. Yavin 4 not making it means the Empire is virtually unchallenged.

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

According to Obi-Wan, Vader helped the Empire to hunt down and destroy the Jedi. This implies that he was not the only one who was doing the "dirty work". From the teaser trailer we know that

Palpatine does some of the fighting himself

So we will have to wait untill ROTS to see how good he is at it.


Palpatine would not have been alone anyway what about the stormclones or general grevious!


BTW WhereTF did the CIS troops and equipment go after the clonewars

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I never said he would be alone. I just had in mind that it would help to have a powerful Sith to take down the really tough Jedi. Also, you left an important person off your list: Darth Tyranus. I imagine he would help too.


As for the CIS stuff, I'm guessing ROTS will explain it. If not, I'm guessing: "Destroyed, by the Empire"

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If they had left Ani on Tatooine, Obi-wan would've probably shifted to the dark side and joined the Empire. I mean, his promise to Qui-Gon to train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi kept him good, I think. (afterall, it's hard instructing someone in the ways of the jedi when you're a Sith...) Otherwise Qui-gon would've just died, leaving Obi-wan very angry and stuff. That leads to the Dark side, and voila: Darth Ben: :eek:

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Originally posted by Armydude71490

Darth Tyranus


Dies within the first fifteen minutes of the movie if I am not mistaken!


yeah maybe, but if anakin was left on tatooin then Darth Tyranus probebly woulden't die becouse ani kills(shock:eek: ) him i think, and if he does on the movie, then how should Tyranus die if ani was left on tatooine. It's interesting to think how it would actully go if anakin was left on tatooine.

1. Naboo would fall.

2. Luke would never be born.

3. The biggest hero of all time, C-3PO would not be made:eek:

4. They woulden't find Geonosis.

And lots of other stuff.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

They're called spoiler tags people. When not in the Episode III spoiler thread, you should USE them if you're posting a potential spoiler, since SOME of us are trying to NOT be spoiled.


IE, me.


Sorry ET Warrior


But you are mistaken this thred is listed in the spoiler's allowed section of the forum!


And I did forget!


No sense doing in now since it was quoted!

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Originally posted by Aryyn

LOL what about everything else in between" can you say eratication of the jedi" destruction of the republic the list go's on & on. Should have left him on Tattoine where they found the little scrub


this is where the 'prophecies' comes in.


what i mean by this is that which ever you believe in, fate or destiny


the Jedi must have believed in destiny when they refered to the prophecies when Anakin was given the opertunity to be trained to become a Jedi.


remember as an old Jedi once said "Do, or do not. There is no try." becuase obviously if you believed in fate, you'd be definately looking at more choices


Destiny, however, is prewriten. All it tells you that if you had or had not done something, or will.


So in conclusion: Yoda, Windu, etc when they allowed the little 'scrub' to be trained by Obi-Wan. And with that nice scene eariler in the movie furementioning the prophecy. They believed that it was Anakin's destiny to become the 'chosen one'




in fact in another thread which mentioned that when Anakin's redemtion when he killed Palpy. He DID balence the force, it was just a matter of when..

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Originally posted by Armydude71490

But you are mistaken this thred is listed in the spoiler's allowed section of the forum!


Not really. The Star Wars forum is divided into Several different secions:The only section where spoilers are expected to run rampant is in the Episode III (Spoilers allowed) forum.


The Cantina is off topic so if you're going to spoil something PLEASE put it in spoiler tags, or at the very least put a warning at the beginning of your post.


Thank you :)

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

If Anakin was on Tatooine, there would likely be no second Death Star. Anakin on Tatooine means no Luke, no Luke means the first Death Star would probably make it, meaning a second would not be necessary. The first making it means Yavin 4 not making it. Yavin 4 not making it means the Empire is virtually unchallenged.


Oooops, I forgot about that. :o So if they didn't pick up Anakin the galaxy would have continued under Imperial rule much longer.


Originally posted by Darth Alec

1. Naboo would fall.


Actually it wouldn't, because Nute Gunray was already captured by Amidala before the control ship was destroyed. The control ship's destruction was just a bonus. "Without the Viceory they will be lost and confused" ~ Queen Amidala

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Originally posted by TK-8252




Actually it wouldn't, because Nute Gunray was already captured by Amidala before the control ship was destroyed. The control ship's destruction was just a bonus. "Without the Viceory they will be lost and confused" ~ Queen Amidala


Actuall TK I must say you are wrong!


If They never met anakin then they would have never left tatwooin (Im not even going to attempt to spell it) because they would have never gotton the money from the podrace and therefor would never leave tatwioone! Naboo would fall and palpatien would never have become Supreem Chanceler because the senet would have not have voted to get rid of the privous Chanceler due to his lack of control over these matters! Actually the senet would have never found out because of the blockade!


Because the jedi never reported back to tell about the blockade!


BTW what Amidala said was probably wrong there are other Nemoidians in control of the Trade Federation not just the Vicroy!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Not really. The Star Wars forum is divided into Several different secions:The only section where spoilers are expected to run rampant is in the Episode III (Spoilers allowed) forum.


The Cantina is off topic so if you're going to spoil something PLEASE put it in spoiler tags, or at the very least put a warning at the beginning of your post.


Thank you :)


No you missunderstood me this topic is also listed in the spoiler forum meaning that you can post spoilers in it.


BTW TK that stormtrooper in you avatar is so going to die!

The ewoks that appear behind him are about to kill him (as happened in the movie!)

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Originally posted by Armydude71490

BTW TK that stormtrooper in you avatar is so going to die!

The ewoks that appear behind him are about to kill him (as happened in the movie!)


In the movie they're just knocked unconcious. The chances of killing a heavily-armored man by hitting him with the end of a stick are highly unlikely.


Originally posted by Armydude71490

BTW: can someone plz tell me how to change the stupid thing that says pit droid under my name, it is really annoying!


Can't change it until you get 1000 posts.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Can't change it until you get 1000 posts.


But it WILL change on it's own once you hit 100 posts, and then 150, and so on.


0-50 = Bantha Fodder

50-100 = Pit Droid

100-150 = Sith Probe Droid

150-200 = Battle Droid

200-250 = Ewok

250-300 = Tusken Raider

300-350 = Wampa

350-400 = Jawa

400-450 = Gungan

450-500 = Bantha

500-600 = Wookiee

600-650 = Rancor

650-700 = Stormtrooper

700-750 = Sith

750-800 = Jedi

800-999 = Sith Lord

1,000+ = Jedi Master or Custom Rank

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Actually it wouldn't, because Nute Gunray was already captured by Amidala before the control ship was destroyed. The control ship's destruction was just a bonus. "Without the Viceory they will be lost and confused" ~ Queen Amidala


If the Viceroy was killed on Naboo, then one of the other leader's will take over and then sidios probebly would come and make problems, and the senate would have lots of problem's since no signal's came inn or out of the blockade. Just theory's of course.

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Originally posted by Darth Alec

If the Viceroy was killed on Naboo, then one of the other leader's will take over and then sidios probebly would come and make problems, and the senate would have lots of problem's since no signal's came inn or out of the blockade. Just theory's of course.


Before repeating what was already said please read all other posts!


Originally posted by TK-8252

In the movie they're just knocked unconcious. The chances of killing a heavily-armored man by hitting him with the end of a stick are highly unlikely.


So I was right.


In your face all my firends who kept telling me that they died!!!

:laughing::monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4:


BTW does anyone else think that they made the Imperial stuff on endor look like crap in Return of the Jedi!

In ANH Storm troopers took like 3-5 hits from rebels before going down, rebels took like 1

In ESB Imps just plain kick the rebels where it hurts like 10 or so times!

In RotJ Imp ground forces died so easy it took like 1 shot from a rebel to kill a storm trooper, and the pilots of the At-st's must have been friken dumb***'s because they they triped on logs and things really easy, and walked right into traps! I guess it was hard to make walker deaths look cool with the tech they had then! But a wookie and two ewoks piolting an At-st come on!


Oh and to that only stormtroopers are so precise thing they missed like 4 out of 5 shots when they showed them fighting!

Just my oppion how ever!

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