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If Your team from KOTOR were to return, what would they do?


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As no one is sure if any of your team from KOTOR (Carth, Mission, Zalbar, Bastlia, Canderous, Juhani, Jolee and HK) were to return what would they do.


We all know T3 returns as a team member and in the prologue (Tutorial), but what about the rest we know a new assassin droid HK-50 is in it who seems to be exactly like HK-47. There are also rumours that Canderous is your team member Mandalore.


But what about the rest? What will their roles be?

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Umm this is something I didn't think about (because I don't particularly care) but if Canderous is Mandalore does that mean he's reuniting the Mandalorians?


OT - Also, I agree with Prime about Bastila.


Actually that new hot Jedi chick(the younger one one in the front of the dark/light poster) is hotter than Bastila.


I'd like to see Canderous and HK-47 kill all the wussy party members.

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Originally posted by Prime

Bastila's role would be to make with the love...



From what I've heard, some of those who survived the first game may just have cameo roles. Most are saying thats all Revan's role will be.

I'd like to see Canderous and HK-47 kill all the wussy party members.


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Originally posted by starmark2k

You are aware they are basically pixles.



And you're proud to be a geek :eyeraise:


Which geek would not be drooling in front of hot pixels?!



Ahem Back on topic:


I always pictured Canderous with a pink apron baking cookiees, Carth and his little family in a nice 50's style house on Telos, Mission becoming a stripper, Zaalbar becoming a bouncer at Mission's strip club, Jolee rejoins the Jedi order, Juhani goes to anger management classes and Bastilla is somewhere with Revan.


Seriously though, I think each one of them parted ways and we'll find out what happened to them in TSL.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I always pictured Canderous with a pink apron baking cookiees, Carth and his little family in a nice 50's style house on Telos, Mission becoming a stripper, Zaalbar becoming a bouncer at Mission's strip club, Jolee rejoins the Jedi order, Juhani goes to anger management classes and Bastilla is somewhere with Revan.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: That's really funny!

I always pictured Zalbaar running of to a petting zoo, though... Mission seems like she'd become a gambler, though... maybe a drug addict. Maybe HK and T3 sold themselves to Microsoft....

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Originally posted by Prime

Bastila's role would be to make with the love...

:rofl: Definately! :D

Originally posted by starmark2k

You are aware they are basically pixles.



But... Bastila is one HOT set of pixels! :naughty:


:disaprove starmark2k, you claim to be a geek, and yet you don't even oogle over pixels???


I find your lack of Pixel Oogle-ing... disturbing.


J/K starmark2k! :D ... Or Not! :eyeraise:

Originally posted by Prime

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a sexy lady at your side.

:rofl: Bwahahahahaha!!! Now that's a sig quote in the making! :D


@ Once again, RLMAO!!! at lukeiamyourdad's Canderous with a pink apron baking cookies, that is one scary mental image! :D

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the smell of testosterone is getting a bit overpowering at this point.....:p


anyway, you do realize that bastila is no match for a really hot woman at your side that's at an all-nite LAN party, pwning everyone @ a fps except you, and to top things off, she's your girlfriend. oh yeah, and don't forget her being in those revealing pj's....:naughty:


trust me, a hot set of pixels is no match for a real girlfriend.... :D


especially when she's beautifully sexy....:naughty:

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Originally posted by RedHawke


@ Once again, RLMAO!!! at lukeiamyourdad's Canderous with a pink apron baking cookies, that is one scary mental image! :D


I can picture it. I can also picture some republic general who destroyed a bunch of Canderous' weapons and armour walking in the kitchen... I can picture Canderous taking boiling hot cookies out of the oven and throwing them in the General's face... even worse, forcefeeding him cookies! Canderous does not look like a good cook! :lol:

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Originally posted by RedHawke

:rofl: Definately! :D




But... Bastila is one HOT set of pixels! :naughty:


:disaprove starmark2k, you claim to be a geek, and yet you don't even oogle over pixels???


I find your lack of Pixel Oogle-ing... disturbing.


J/K starmark2k! :D ... Or Not! :eyeraise:


:rofl: Bwahahahahaha!!! Now that's a sig quote in the making! :D


OK i admit it i did find bastillia hot but i thought i was the only one. hey dose that mean its ok if i fink mission and juhani hot to :bored:


ummmmm Head tails and whiskers

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Originally posted by starmark2k

OK i admit it i did find bastillia hot but i thought i was the only one. hey dose that mean its ok if i fink mission and juhani hot to :bored:


ummmmm Head tails and whiskers

To each their own... :D


Though I found Juhani to be rather freightening to look at, the voice and accent worked for me but... there are so many better Felineoids out there in the realms of sci-fi they could have done better with her.


Like the Puma sisters from Masamune Shirow's Dominion: Tank Police... :naughty:

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I'll censor a certain word with "puppy" to avoid offending fundamentalists.


See, it is common knowledge that puppy can be less enjoyable after years of marriage. You see, puppy is something that must always be stimulating. For some couple, puppy has become boring. I hope for Prime that the puppy's good.


But some people leave it to a certain type of cyberpuppy...

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