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a look back.....


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I was just playing the games the other day, and yes i love them all to death. but i think i would like to see the next game more in the type of style that was CMI.

I really liked the animation and thought it was a luagh out loud riot and as much as i liked EMI i wasn't a fan of the big blockie 3d characters. I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same.

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Grim was intended to look like it did, and with good effect. I agree with chaoskid, I would like it in the style of CMI, it had a decent style to it.


And congrats on playing them all again, i make a habit of playing the first 2 at least once every 3 months, usually because I'm bored (and I have them both on my USB pen drive along with ScummVM, so i can play them almost anywhere, including Uni)

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Grim Fandango looked nice, just a little rough around the edges. EMI was much cleaner, and I for one loved the style. It was somehwat of an unrealistic, cartoony style of 3D which suited the game well. I really liked how it looked, but I can't make a judgement if I like it more of less than CMI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the old graphics, they were quite charming. I even prefer them to the other two, they had more atmosphere and subtlety, especially some of the animations where he puts things in his pants. Those sorts of animations made the games great, which is why EMI was even more dissapointing, there was literally no animation at all, everybody was stiff awkward and when Guybrush put stuff in his pants they just dissapeared! But I did prefer how Guybrush looked in EMI then CMI, where was too tall and he had a disgustingly elongated face.

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Yeah, the first two games were filled to the brim with atmosphere. You felt like you could actually visit those places. This was lost when they made the switch from realistic to cartoon. The games no longer felt like a place that I could actually visit. I want that atmosphere back. I miss it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by GregD

EMI was too plasticy looking... cmi although nice is too low detail for todays standards.


LEC need to aim for something like CMI but alot higher in detail with more of the charm of mi2.


What the hell do you mean too low in detail :confused: Do you mean resoloution or what? cause 2D graphics don't get much better than CMI.

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