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The Strange Monkey Island 1 Installation Message/Glitch


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Hello there,


This is my first post to this forum, and is about something I've experienced for years! I originally bought Monkey Island as part of that LucasArts box set that came with Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, Loom, Zach McCracken, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. For a long time I played it on my old 486PC (hehe) with no problems, until one day, after a hard drive crash I believe - I tried reinstalling the game (which I believe I had successfully done before) and the installation screen looked different, and certainly behaved very different, with an odd message telling me to "poke myself in the eye" haha. I have included a screen shot here. This occurs when you try to install any of the games off of the 6 3.5" floppy disks that come with the set. Does anybody know if this was a virus that attacked this particular installation program? The humor seems very Lucas-Arts in style, so perhaps some sort of weird installation bug or copy protection thing? I have tried installing from the disks on different OS's and such, just to see if it would eventually work again, but no dice. I never could get LucasGames to write me back about this, but then again, I don't think I could ever get an email back from them period :)



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Now I am gonna sue you! You and Lucas Arts! I can't see!! :-p


Seriously though - isn't that the oddest thing? It just started one day... and nobody has ever been able to give me an explanation for it or even more strange - ever experienced it themselves. Very odd.

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Judging by the title at the top quoting "LucasArts entertainment company...(BLAH BLAH BLAH)" I'm guessing this a joke by the programming team (who're know for that kind of thing).


I suggest huge amounts of chocolate syrup followed by a new version of the game.


Oh, and don't forget to send this into the scumm Bar, they're hungry for some new news.

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