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Gamers: What do YOU rate KotOR II?


How do YOU rate TSL (on a scale from 1 to 10)  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. How do YOU rate TSL (on a scale from 1 to 10)

    • 10 (This game is godly!)
    • 9 (I can't get enough! It's one of the best gaves I've played!)
    • 8 (Wow! So many good things, so few bad things)
    • 7 (It was pretty good...)
    • 6 (Eh - It was OK but I've played better)
    • 5 (Mid-level gaming experience)
    • 4 (Well...That was disappointing!)
    • 3 (TSL was like a broken pencil : Pointless!)
    • 2 (Ewwwwwwwwwwww!)
    • 1 (I had more fun last time I got my toe jammed under a door.)

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I'm interested in seeing what everyone gives TSL on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being best).


So if you've played, cast a vote, and even say why you loved or hated the game. (if there are spoilers use the spoiler tags PLEASE!)


I didn't see another poll like this anywhere...

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

My scoring doesn't have the same definitions as yours though. :)


Heh...I tried to pick definitions that seemed to portray about the right level...


Oh well...if a lot of people comment on that, a moderator can just delete those and keep the numbers :p

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Until now, I'd say an 8 but I have to play more before voting. The game is good but I lack some of the KotOR 1 humor and I feel that some testers didn't do their jobs very well.


There are many problems with triggers when you save your game at the wrong place, die and have to reload. Most of this was easy to notice and to fix (it's just a few additional lines of code here and there). Also, some dialogue branches sometimes fire at the wrong time (example the salvager who sells stuff near the Jedi on Dantoine is all messed up). Other thing I noticed is that the text does not always matches the spoken dialogue but that is very rare.

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Originally posted by Nichpo

How are you adding codes on an Xbox? ...Or is there something i'm missing...?


I don't have a modded xbox and I am not modifying the files. However if it would have been for the PC I would have already patched my game.


However, for Obsidian adding those few lines of code would have been more than easy and this is so obvious that I can't understand how it was never noticed during testing... I really hope they fix it for when they release the PC version because it is annoying.


@ Piece of metal: everyone knows there are merchants in the game, it is expected and I dont see how mentionning that a merchant dialogue is messed up can be considered as a spoiler. It doesn't reveal anything about the game plot or its NPC'S "secrets".

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Are others experiencing the problem? Maybe you have a faulty disc. It does seem a bit odd that they wouldn't catch that. Although they were in a hurry to get the game out probably...It was first scheduled for Xbox and PC for february, but they changed the Xbox to december....

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Many other are having similar problems: check the Ebon Hawk's machine room and Obsidian's boards. It's not the disc: it's scripting problems and lazy testing. I've been able to work around that since I save often and can figure out what is the cause of this but for someone who doesn't know anything about this, it can be really annoying. Despite that, Kotor 2 is still a good game.

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Originally posted by Darth333

@ Piece of metal: everyone knows there are merchants in the game, it is expected and I dont see how mentionning that a merchant dialogue is messed up can be considered as a spoiler. It doesn't reveal anything about the game plot or its NPC'S "secrets".

But we don't know if there is a jedi enclave :D

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Hated the cynical tone. Wanted to tell half my party to take a walk out the airlock.


Saw all the attention lavished on combat and looks, but recognized much of the music as recycled.


BEAUTIFUL scene with the Admiral querying about Revan, but are we supposed to buy this "ancient evil" and "left without a word" crap? S'Barge pulls off a poinant VA job I've not heard the likes of since Jerry Orbach's Zach Foxx. Still, after you're through with the box of kleenex, it rings like a frelling excuse. Sure, she may have not WANTED her loved ones to follow, but to steal one of Mission's lines..."The whole thing stinks like an overcrowded ronto stable. What kind of 'friends' would just abandon a crewmate?"


Oh, and they either forgot who "Mandalore" was, or he was lying through his helmet to Exile's crew about not recognizing the Admiral or the Droids...


And top it with a utterly pointless ending that lands somewhere between

"either way, you lose"

and "WTF?! THAT'S IT?!"

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:: off topic ::

Hey Allronix, I sent you a PM regarding a question you had at pcgamemods about my Juhani Mod (although I see you're playing TSL now). I'm having problems posting comments at pcgamemods on particular logs (have e-mailed Kengo about it).


Sorry for the interruption, just wanted to let you know that I wasn't ignoring my comments log.


Sorry everyone...carry on! :)

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Actually, it's my brother in law's game. He has X-box, I have PC. There are also SEVERAL gamers at work who lined up for copies, and knew I was writing out the plot of K1 as a novel for my niece ("Destiny's Pawn" - it's on kotorff.com and fanfitcion.net), so they cheerily let me in on details and check over their shoulders.

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They couldn't have gotten this sequel more right. I was so knocked off my feet by this game... Everyone that I wanted to return did return in exactly the right amounts,

Canderous, Carth, Bastilla and HK

, and even a character I didn't care about in the first game came back and was ten times more interesting and useful. Not only that, but the new characters are mostly great -

Bao Dur is the closest thing to Christopher Walken we're going to get in Star Wars. I really hope that if there's a KotOR3, he makes a come back. Also, the Handmaiden's bikini sparring sessions were as surprising as they were wanted. Visas was cool, I've got mixed feelings about Kreia (but I guess I'm supposed to), and Hanharr was a lot of fun

. But, like the first game, there are one or two party members that I didn't care about. In the first game, it was mostly Juhani and partly Carth because of their whining, but this time around it's

Mira and Atton. It's not the whining, I just don't give a damn nor like these characters. Horrible Han Solo ripoffs, they should've stayed in the realm of fan fiction



The only complain that I have is the level design with relation to the load times. I had to wait two minutes in moving and load times on one of the maps just to do three seconds of story relevant dialogue. That suh-ucked. But everything else that was important: Perfect. The influence variables, the lightsaber and force forms, the story, the characters - 10, 10, 10, 10.


I guess I might be the only playing the game with headphones, but why aren't more people praising the Hell out of this sound track? It goes back and forth between being subtle, creepy, adrenaline pumped... This is the best non-John Williams music since Shadows of the Empire. I'd buy the CD for Christmas in a heartbeat.


I absolutely can NOT wait for another sequel. I really hope it happens, and follows up the end of this game. The Sith Lords was definitely a great Empire Strikes Back for the series, and it deserves to be continued.

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I picked 8. I really would give it a 8.5.


Something that gets on my nerves is the music. I left sound and graphics at default. At times the music will be grow louder than the NPC that is speaking. If you turn it down its to quiet. That's annoying.


I haven't gotten a chance to get that far because of the real world. I'm on Dxun. Been to Telos, Dantooine, and Nar Shadaa.

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I casted my final vote: 8


The game was pretty good and fun to play even if the end was a bit weird (something was lacking there). The two main things that bugged me were:


- the lack of polishing: text not always the same as what is being said, some problems with triggers that are apparently due to a few lines of code missing here and there - everything was easy to spot and would not have been difficult to fix - it looks like testing was rushed somewhat.


- lack of liberty: I prefer when I can run around, stumble and find out how to get out of a situation rather than constantly being put in control of a specific NPC I didn't chose. After some missions you were taken automatically to the Ebon Hawk and sent to another planet and directly outside the Ebon Hawk. Why not giving the possibility to return to the Ebon Hawk and decide were you want to go and when, like in KotOR 1. After the retrieval of the last Star map in KotOR 1, I could still wander around the galaxy, complete a few missions before selecting the "ultimate" destination.


Finally, just a comment concerning the influence thing. The idea was good and interesting but I felt that too much things were locked by the influence factor and that there was not enough to discuss with party members. I missed Jolee's funny stories :( , Canderous "exploits' and Hk-47's "cruel" humor.


Edit (12-20-2004) : corrected a few horrible typos

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That's odd... I would have thought the influence thing would have worked well...


I hope Obsidian reads this because if they're making KotOR III they should take into account what you just said: you seemed to outline all the major problems ;)

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I liked the influence thing but I just felt that they should have give you more opportunities to gain influence with some party members. Or at least unlock more dialogue without necessarily gaining influence. They could have new dialogue at each level like in Kotor 1 but also keep the influence factor. I got a bit tired to get the same conversation over and over with some party members.


But there are many things I liked too and apart the end that left too many questions unanswered and raised a new question " how did I get there? " the story was pretty good.


I also preferrred to play a character who was more "anonymous" than Revan: despite my complaint for lack of liberty in the displacements, this choice gave me the impression that I had more liberty regarding character development. I liked the side quests too but wished there were some galactic level side quests as in Kotor 1 (example : the bounty missions in Kotor 1 where you had to travel to other planets - once a planet was "finished" there were no real reason to come back apart for "admiring the scenery" )


I also liked the fact that most of the maps were in general bigger than in Kotor 1.

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Originally posted by Darth333

They could have new dialogue at each level like in Kotor 1 but also keep the influence factor. I got a bit tired to get the same conversation over and over with some party members.


I totally agree! I missed learning about the backstories of all the characters like in Kotor I. That was one of my favorite things about the first game.


Also something I didn't like,



I was a LS female, and the Disciple was the last party member that I got so I never got much of a chance to talk to him or anything. When I was asking Kreia what was going to happen to everyone, she mentioned that the Disciple was in love with my character. That sure was news to me. lol So I was disappointed in some of the dialogue problems they had. It also annoyed me when they kept referring to Revan as a he when Revan had been a LS female in Kotor 1 for me. Half the time they would say she and half it would be he.



So in all I gave it an 8. I really loved it though and I'll be upset if they don't make a third game.

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even if the end was a bit weird (something was lacking there).

Just to say, a lot of people have said the ending left them hanging, or was like "huh, what the hell just happenned."

Well, maybe the developers wanted it that way. (Since KOTR II is supposed to be the Empire Strikes Back of the KOTR series. The ESB left people haning also, you find out Vader is Luke's father, then it ends, and the audience is like what the hell.

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I give it a 9.

better then KOTOR you ask? yes, yes it is.

Storyline better then KOTOR? in a sense...till the end that is. the ending and a lag issue or 2 are all that is keeping this game from getting a 10 in my book.

oh and


the fact that you get all the cool lightsaber colors so late in the game, I didnt even know there was a viridian color!


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The story from K1, IMO, just seemed to have a better flow. That is in no way saying I'm dissappointed with TSL

especially when the 3rd sith lord was staring us in the face all those months of speculating

nice work Avellone. I found it very interesting, I just enjoyed Revans adventure more.

Though walking on the bridge of the Ravager to fight whats his name had to be one of the most intense gaming experiences of my time.:eek:



- lack of liberty: I prefer when I can run around, stumble and find out how to get out of a situation rather than constantly being put in control of a specific NPC i didn't chose. Ater some missions you were taken dierectly to the Ebon Hawk and sent to another planet and directly outside the Ebon Hawk. Why not giving the possibility to return to the Ebon Hawk and decide were you want to go and when, like in KOtOR 1. After the retrieval of the last star map in KotOR 1, I could still wander around the galazy, complete a few missions before selecting the "ultimate" destination.


Probably my only real complaint about this game. Would have prefered a bit more control over my role playing destinations. & some of the conversation options for the PC were just dumb. Atleast the extortion for lunch money isn't as common this time ;)


<----Loves the music. An exciting emotional roller coaster, which fits perfectly in this era of the SW timeline, IMO. Everything I wanted from the soundtrack.


The characters, well didn't really get a chance to know any of them except for Kreia, Atton, & the few who return from K1. From what I can remember, I thought they were cool. Atton cracked me up on a few occassions.


So to make a short answer long....8/10.

I ranked it a 9 I believe in another thread, but the more I think about what bugged me personaly it slips a bit. Though it most likely will climb to 9-9.5 when I can actually play it & not rush to get an xbox back to a friend, so I can get my Les Paul back. Ahhh c'mon Feb.


XBox :fist:

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I think that, perhaps, a lot of the people who are playing through TSL are playing like most of us did in KotOR - namely, raise up strength, wisdom and dexterity, and to Hell with everything else. Leave all the repair work to Bao Dur, all the computer hacking to T3, and the stealth to Visas. This is kind of bad, because a lot of the dialogue choices and character development in this game depends on the skills the player character has. In other words, it's not just weighted on dialogue trees any more. Also, if you play through with a high charisma, influence doesn't even matter - you'll get to know every character in your party really well. G0-T0 and Hanharr are especially a lot of fun, but if I didn't have a high charisma, I'd be in the dark as to just how kickass they are, which is probably what has happened to a lot of people who are leaving Charisma at about 8 or 10.

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