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-A- in WoW


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i'll create another alt to play with you guys in a guild, dunno how much i'll play it though, grinding my lvl 30 Dwarf Hunter and lvl 4 Dwarf Priest lol


o i'm on the Stormrage server and i'm already in a guild, but like i said i'd make another alt to play with you guys a bit

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*cracks his knuckles* 37 Warlock... Though all my friends are already past 45 :( So I cant really group up with them cept when we play with our Pallys which I have a 21... Good times...Though I cant wait to get SWG back up and runnin

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what's up with all of you wanting to play in the good side? :p


I have a lvl 35 undead warlock, lvl 9 troll shamman and lvl 4 undead rogue in hellscream and having much fun with them :p


Of course not to mention my lvl 21 NE druid, lvl 15 Human Mage, lvl 13 troll priest and lvl 7 NE hunter in Argent Dawn :p


Supposedly I had a NE priest in Elune but never played it.


For the horde!!! :p





So we can say that currently the -A- is Tebra, wraithy and Grask? I've been sooo tempted to go back to SWG, more considering that new plan about SWG being added to the SOE plan that instead of 15$ a month you pay 21$ a month and get also a suscription for EQ, EQ2 and planetside, I have been wanting to play EQ2 to go with the one who dragged me to SWG....


but anyone, the thing is that since I'm pretty much done with the people I used to be more with on scylla (the people is awesome but it's not the guild I used to be in), I have been kinda nostalgic

and thinking about making my little Naja the main one, but I still say I need a big long break from SWG to say if I miss it or not, as I always say i don't want to pay $15 a month for a glorified chat.



but who cares? how's the people in the -A- lately?

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after the reformat and reinstall..i only had a 55mb patch..and they havent put anything new in since, so your good



DAGGERSPINE!!!! PvP, im in a guild






im broke at the moment, but ill help ya out if i can..oh and im Human with both characters :D

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Originally posted by lil_dude

i'll create another alt to play with you guys in a guild, dunno how much i'll play it though, grinding my lvl 30 Dwarf Hunter and lvl 4 Dwarf Priest lol


o i'm on the Stormrage server and i'm already in a guild, but like i said i'd make another alt to play with you guys a bit


What is your name on Stormrage.....I am a lvl 24 pally...Gallahad.

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Hey guys sorry I didnt post this earlier...


I made a NE Warrior on Llane. Iam currently doing quests in Westfall and Redridge Mountains and I am level 17. Iwok, if you want I was thinking we could get together to do the Deadmines tonight. How does 10:00 PM EST sound? Ive got some quests to do there and its the only thing I can think of doing that you would be completly bored with :p


EDIT: Oh yeah and the name is Alarrion.


And guys, in response to Grasks post, try and keep all WoW talk in this thread. Thanks.

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