CapNColostomy Posted January 12, 2005 Share Posted January 12, 2005 A) She-zor. IIRC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted January 12, 2005 Share Posted January 12, 2005 correctomundo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 13, 2005 Author Share Posted January 13, 2005 *rules amended about 'passing' on questions* Ok, while Siv practises his spanish and the CapN pours through his sourcebooks looking for questions I will resume the quiz... * * * Q. Where is "Vader's Castle" located ? Where in EU did it feature and also in what game did you get to romp around in it ?? BONUS : If you can describe how the game depiction is relevant to the original EU appearance of Vaders Castle mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted January 13, 2005 Share Posted January 13, 2005 A. Vader's Castle, aka Bast Castle, aka Vader's Fortress, was located on the planet Vjun. It was one of the few places Lord Vader could recuperate outside of his armor. After his death, the reborn Emperor used it as a staging point for his return to power. His Dark Jedi made it a base for their operations. Luke Skywalker and some of his Jedi eventually find it and are able to defeat the Dark Jedi. Vjun and Vader's Castle were featured in the game Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Jedi Jaden Korr and Kyle Katarn go to Vjun to retrieve a lost apprentice. (I'm really not quite sure what you want for EU relevance and the game.) Q. Identify the "A-Wing Slash" and its first appearance in the EU. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 13, 2005 Author Share Posted January 13, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Rogue Nine ...I'm really not quite sure what you want for EU relevance and the game.... Nice answer Niner except you forgot to mention it mainly featured in the DARK EMPIRE comix and the Young Jedi Knights story 'Kenobi's Blade'. The BONUS POINTS ANSWER : The Dark Empire Comics depict Luke destroying Vader's Statue in a fit of rage...... When you get to Vjun on JA...the statue is in pieces.... Jaden even makes a smarta$$ comment about it.. * * * anyway - back to Niners question Q. Identify the "A-Wing Slash" and its first appearance in the EU. mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 8 Posted January 13, 2005 Share Posted January 13, 2005 A-Wing Slash Category: Spaceflight Type: Tactics Affiliation: New Republic this New Republic naval battle technique required split-second timing among a group of starfighters. The maneuver usually employed a group of X-Wings which flew directly toward the defensive line guarding a capital ship. Flying just behind the X-Wings would be a group of A-Wings, hiding in the X-Wings' drive glows. The X-Wings disengaged their attack at the last second, drawing the fire of the defense with them. The A-Wings could then strafe the undefended ship at will. It was very similar to a saggery-blossom maneuver. Specter of the Past, by Timothy Zahn, copyright 1997, from Bantam Spectra Books The Last Command, by Timothy Zahn, copyright 1993, from Bantam Spectra Books Q: Why did Lando want to get married in the Corellian Trilogy. BONUS: if you can find out what HUGE mistake he almost made with a "future" wife. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 13, 2005 Share Posted January 13, 2005 A: He wanted to find a wife so he could marry into credits Lando asked Luke to be the "token Jedi" and basically make Lando look good. Bonus: Karia Ver Seryan was on Lando's list of "rich wifes," but it turns out she was a "life-witch." In the end, Lando would have died ** 2 POINTS [/ASTRO Reminder] Q: Name the 4 "finalist students" at the training acedmy on Yinchorr. Bonus: What was their final test? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 15, 2005 Author Share Posted January 15, 2005 Quote Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak Q: Name the 4 "finalist students" at the training acedmy on Yinchorr. Bonus: What was their final test? *Phreak, you will need to verify this* Man, had to sift through my brain for this one. Yinchorr has featured in EU way back since the Marvel Comic days ! But what I think you are referring to is described in the hella cool Crimson Empire comix - The four finalists for selection into the Imperial Guard were - *Carnor Jax *Alum Frost *Kir Kanos *Lemmet Tauk BONUS Their final test was a fight to the death to display loyalty to the emperor - with Kanos being forced to kill his friend Lemmet Tauk, and Carnor Jax killing Alum Frost... IIRC, Kanos also gets jumped by Vader , who provides him with his distinctive lightsaber scar across his face [EDIT] 2 POINTS [/Astro Reminder] * * * * * Q. What do Darth Maul and Exar Kun have in common(apart from being Sith Lords!) ? BONUS : pics to illustrate mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted January 15, 2005 Share Posted January 15, 2005 A. Oy, this was a gimme. They both used double-bladed lightsabers. Darth Maul Exar Kun Q. Who was Shada D'Ukal and what organization was she part of? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 15, 2005 Share Posted January 15, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Astrotoy7 *Phreak, you will need to verify this* *Carnor Jax *Alum Frost *Kir Kanos *Lemmet Tauk Correcto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CapNColostomy Posted January 16, 2005 Share Posted January 16, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Rogue Nine Q. Who was Shada D'Ukal and what organization was she part of? A. Shamelessy copied and pasted from some damn SW site or another. Shada D'ukal Quote Book appearances Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina * The Last Command Timothy Zahn * Specter of the Past Timothy Zahn * contributed by Phil Messelken Affliations Formerly a member of the Mistryl, a group of female warriors from the planet Emberlene. An honorable group, the Mistryl were commissioned by the Eleven Elders of the People (of the planet Emberlene). The Mistryl sold their services and combat skills to 'the oppressed and powerless' in order to earn money for their devastated planet. Shada left the Mistryl when she was ordered to abandon her role as the smuggler Mazzic's bodyguard. The Mistryl, for reasons we do not yet know, planned to kill Mazzic. Shada disagreed with this, and the mercenary direction the Mistryl were apparently taking. After leaving the Mistryl, Shada made her way to Coruscant, where she asked Princess Leia if she could join the New Republic. Princess Leia arranged for Shada to join Talon Karrde in his rescue of the missing Mara Jade. Special Distinctions Shada is extremely stealthy and highly skilled with weapons and in hand to hand combat. In her attempt to reach Princess Leia, Shada was able to break into and enter the Princess's home after first disabling one of Leia's Noghri guards. As Specter of the Past is the first in Zahn's new two novel Hand of Thrawn series, we can expect to see more of Shada in the next installment of the ongoing Star Wars saga. Now gimme my points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted January 16, 2005 Share Posted January 16, 2005 Nice Googling and copying and pasting, Capn. I prefer to remember my answers or research them by hand if I can't recall, but your way is fine too, if inelegant and lazy. You're up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CapNColostomy Posted January 17, 2005 Share Posted January 17, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Rogue Nine Nice Googling and copying and pasting, Capn. I prefer to remember my answers or research them by hand if I can't recall, but your way is fine too, if inelegant and lazy. You're up. Well, that's the thing. The name rang a bell, but I just couldn't put anything with it. But believe it or not I own and have read all three of the books mentioned in my last post, I just couldn't remember anything about the character. It's been forever since I read any of those. Okay, I'll quit trying to explain and just take the "lazy" comment on the cheek. I'll pass on the question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 17, 2005 Author Share Posted January 17, 2005 Quote Originally posted by CapNColostomy ...Okay, I'll quit trying to explain and just take the "lazy" comment on the cheek. I'll pass on the question. lazy, no way. I commend CapN for taking the time(ie. not laziness) to research an answer..... many of us dont have the time, or even the actual books etc, to try and find the answer in p.132 The detail of many of the responses that are required have meant that a little bit of research is often required, especially as these are books/comics/games we may have read/played over 5-10+ years ago ! Research is encouraged and applauded ! though, it is probably better to paraphrase rather than straight cut'n'paste * * * Since CapN passed on the question, I'll resume Q. What is a corusca gem ? Where are they found ? What are their uses ?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted January 17, 2005 Share Posted January 17, 2005 corusca gems come from Yavin and are the 'hardest substance in the galaxy'. i believe they can be used in lightsabers, but are generally used in cutting tools. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 18, 2005 Author Share Posted January 18, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Sivy corusca gems come from Yavin and are the 'hardest substance in the galaxy'. i believe they can be used in lightsabers, but are generally used in cutting tools. correcte navidad now ask a damn question ! mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 \o/ which book did Garm Bel Iblis first appear in? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 8 Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 Bel Iblis, Garm Category: Characters Type: Human Qualifier: Corellian Affiliation: New Republic Planet of Origin: Corellia a legendary Corellian who sat on the Old Republic's Senate, Garm Bel Iblis was as charismatic as Senator Palpatine, but not as devious. As Bel Iblis watched, Palaptine quickly took over the Senate and the Old Republic. It was then-Senator Bel Iblis who announced that Corellia and the Corellian System would close its borders to the Old Republic, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, in an effort to avoid the turmoil surrounding the separtist movement of the day. He was quick to point out that Corellia was not seceding, but rather going into a period of Contemplanys Hermi, which literally meant "meditative solitude." When the New Order was established, Palpatine sought out Iblis on Anchoron and murdered his family, although Iblis found a way to escape before they could kil him. He made contact with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and was influential in organizing the Rebellion and creating the Corellian Treaty. However, when Mon Mothma's charismatic personality began to take over the growing Alliance, Bel Iblis felt she was becoming too strong, and left the Alliance to fight the Empire on his own. He led a group of freedom fighters, striking against the Empire from a number of hidden bases. Among his compatriots, he was known as the Commander. Bel Iblis continued to stab at the Empire following the Battle of Endor, although he turned his attention to the New Republic. His prejudice against Mon Mothma told him that she would soon make the Republic a dictatorship. Following a successful attack on a Ubiqtorate base on Tangrene, Bel Iblis met up with Borsk Fey'lya, who set him up with a covert supply line in hopes that he could sway Bel Iblis to rejoin the New Republic as one of his supporters. He was later discovered by Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, and he was drawn into the New Republic. He reluctantly decided to help the Republic recover the Katana fleet, and later made a peace with Mon Mothma and joined the New Republic. This relationship failed when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, however, as Bel Iblis saw the same petty bickering and in-fighting that led to the fall of the Old Republic. Rather than be caught up in the machinations of Borsk Fey'lya, Bel Iblis again resigned his commission and set out on his own. He continued to command at the Republic's base on Fondor, but had split from acting directly for the New Republic. He established a personal base on Talaan, from which he commanded three distinct fleets. As before, Bel Iblis gathered to him a crack team of soldiers and officers, and began attacking the Yuuzhan Vong from hidden locations. He was again convinced to rejoin the Republic, this time by Luke Skywalker, and brought his fleets to Ebaq 9 as part of the Republic's ambush of Yuuzhan Vong forces during the Battle of Ebaq. Source Abbreviations Listing Dark Force Rising, by Timothy Zahn, copyright 1992, from Bantam Spectra Books Dark Force Rising Sourcebook, by Bill Slavicsek, copyright 1992, from West End Games Destiny's Way, by Walter Jon Williams, copyright 2002, from Del Rey Books, Issues 45 through 49, by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens, copyright 2002, from LucasFilm Limited so the answer is: Dark force rising. Q: Name the smartest Gamorean in the Galaxy. (sorry i cant think of most other Q's then for W squadron ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 just 'Dark force rising' would have done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 18, 2005 Author Share Posted January 18, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Wraith 8 so the answer is: Dark force rising. Wraith, whilst research is encouraged to ensure thoroughness of answers, doing a pure copy n paste is might be funny once(like with capN) but it seems its becoming a pattern with you paraphrase please ! * * * Quote Q: Name the smartest Gamorean in the Galaxy. (sorry I cant think of most other Q's then for W squadron ) A. Voort "Piggy" Sabinring - wraith squadron pilot of course. IIRC he ended up being so clever as he was the result of evil imperial experiments... * * * NEW QUESTION Q. Name the two species in the films that are native to Endor ?? 2 POINTS BONUS: if you can identify the original EU inspiration for one of these species mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 20, 2005 Author Share Posted January 20, 2005 Quote Q. Name the two species in the films that are native to Endor ?? 2 POINTS BONUS: if you can identify the original EU inspiration for one of these species what, so none of you sissies know the answer ? I'll give it to the end of the day.....if no answer, i'll pose a new question mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted January 20, 2005 Share Posted January 20, 2005 Pose away baby. I'm guessing Ewoks and Yuzzums. No idea about the bonus question. This is pretty close to movie related Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted January 20, 2005 Share Posted January 20, 2005 Yeah, I watched ROTJ again just to try to figure it out, but I couldn't see any others besides the Ewoks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted January 21, 2005 Author Share Posted January 21, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Rogue Nine Yeah, I watched ROTJ again just to try to figure it out, but I couldn't see any others besides the Ewoks. OK...Phreak got it pretty much.... ROTJ:SE ...with the new performance added to Jabba's Palace, the singer is Joh Yowza by name. Yuzzum is the name of his species, which are native to endor. This obviously wasnt mentioned in the movies, which is why it qualifies as EU here's a pic : and here's a freaky page on endors inhabitants The BONUS points bit relates to the fact that GL names Yuzzum on ROTJ after YuzzEm in 'Splinter of the Minds Eye' ... references : CUSWE entries : Yuzzum Yuzzem Endor Splinter of the Minds Eye. so I will award 1 point to phreaky ! good call man now ask a damn question mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted January 21, 2005 Share Posted January 21, 2005 he's taking too long so i'll ask one instead name the first wookiee Han Solo became good friends with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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