Astrotoy7 Posted March 23, 2005 Author Share Posted March 23, 2005 Quote Originally posted by jedispy Q: What is entechment? (be specific. Who? what? where? when? why?) The Ssi-Ruuvi used entechment to absorb power from living things(often resuklting in their death). This included humans and Pweck. This of course all happenned on the plaent Lwekk, during the events of "Truce at Bakura". However, by the time of NJO, the Pweck were in revolt. In addition, the process had been refined to the extent that enteched individuals assumed a mantle of immortality... that enough jedispy ? 6 part question for only one point ! You louse ! * * * Q. The Outrider makes a cameo appearance in one of the movies. Which one ? Where ? Bonus : screenie mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 23, 2005 Share Posted March 23, 2005 LOL. I didn't mean to be a louse. I just figured the points are worth more than a simple yes or no answer. Monkey's gotta dance for the quarter. Can't make the organ grinder do all the work. LOL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted March 23, 2005 Share Posted March 23, 2005 The Outrider makes an appearance in A New Hope (Special Edition) when Luke and Obi-wan are heading into Mos Eisley... q)while we are on movie camoes - which EU character has a cameo in The Phantom Menace. Who, when & where? Bonus - Screenie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 23, 2005 Share Posted March 23, 2005 Whoa!!! That is rad!! I wonder if it is supposed to be Mr. Rendar, or just another YT-2400. Ooh!!! LET'S SAY IT WAS RENDAR!!! </fanboy> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 24, 2005 Author Share Posted March 24, 2005 Quote Originally posted by jedispy Whoa!!! That is rad!! I wonder if it is supposed to be Mr. Rendar, or just another YT-2400. Ooh!!! LET'S SAY IT WAS RENDAR!!! </fanboy> it is meant to be dash and the outrider...inserted by a fanboi at ILM back in the day * * * As for sivy's question, ive gone blank... i do remember Indy Jones in TPM though mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 alright i'll give you the when as a hint. it's during the Pod Race. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 Quote it is meant to be dash and the outrider...inserted by a fanboi at ILM back in the day So...would that then make Dash Rendar a canonical character, and thus not strictly EU? Hey....wait a sec. That wasn't a EU question. Oh well you're the boss, so it's cool. I'll have to check that out. Quote Q. The Outrider makes a cameo appearance in one of the movies. Which one ? Where ? I know the answer....but can't remember the name. Will edit post later if there is time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 No, Dash is not "Movie-Canon." And it is EU related because Dash is in EU. Quote Originally posted by Sivy q)while we are on movie camoes - which EU character has a cameo in The Phantom Menace. Who, when & where? Man... I have no idea... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 another clue : the character is a bounty hunter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 You mean Aurra Sing don't you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 24, 2005 Author Share Posted March 24, 2005 Quote Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak You mean Aurra Sing don't you? phreak, I will leave you a little while to come up with a pic if you want the bonus, otherwise I am awarding one point * * * I think Aurra Sing was in the movie before she became an EU phenomenon, so that was why the answer escaped me. I loved the Aurra Sing comics There were always rumours that she was going to re-appear in ep2 but that never happenned. * * * I am satisfied with Phreaks answer, (if you were thinking of someone else sivy. let us know) I'll resume Q. What is Juri Juice ? Who is a particular fan of it ? Bonus : pic mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 BAH!!!! Aurra Sing!!!! Told you I knew the answer, but no name. Curses!! Quote Q. What is Juri Juice ? Who is a particular fan of it ? Juri Juice is an intoxicating drink commonly served at Wuher's cantina in Mos Eisley. Kabe, a female Chadra-Fan who frequents the establishment, is addicted to it. Bonus Image: Source: SWCCG...from memory. Since I assume that I am right, I will ask the next one: According to EU lore, what are three things that can enhance/increase one's natural force potential? Bonus: List sources (just quick names, no details needed) Extra Bonus: find more than 3 (there's only 3 that I'm aware of) Not intended to be a louse question. Only quick answers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 26, 2005 Author Share Posted March 26, 2005 Quote Originally posted by jedispy ... Kabe, a female Chadra-Fan who frequents the establishment, is addicted to it. Source: SWCCG...from memory. * * * According to EU lore, what are three things that can enhance/increase one's natural force potential? Bonus: List sources (just quick names, no details needed) Extra Bonus: find more than 3 (there's only 3 that I'm aware of) Not intended to be a louse question. Only quick answers. Kabe's tale is also told in the wonderful "Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina" compilation. Asking a question that refers to material that *only* ever appeared in SWCCG or RPG sourcebooks is a crime punishable by death in this quiz ! * * * As for your question, this is what I can come up with : 1. Kaiburr Crystal - Source Splinter of The Minds Eye - as well as the YJJ novel 'Lightsabers' 2. Those force crystals in JO, I dont know of any other name for them ! 3. Certain lightsaber Crystals also have this effect - source KOTOR/KOTOR II 4. Locations : Dark side places : Korriban, Byss, Vjun, Dagobah..sources ESB, Dark Empire, KOTOR Light side places : The Jedi Temple, Ilum, The Valley of the Jedi....sources PT, Clone Wars cartoon 5. Partnerships : *Sith Master/Apprentice bond *Master-Padawan bonds *Force Melds : I Jedi, NJO(used in piloting) * * * Please let me know if that is sufficient Jedispy, so I can give myself the 3 points ! * * * Lets continue, shall we ? Q. Who is Coleman Trebor ? What species was he ? What is special about his name ? mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 26, 2005 Share Posted March 26, 2005 A Winner is U. Didn't know about the KOTOR thing. Never played it myself. Didn't know about the other stuff too. Cool. (#5 that is) A. (I assume he shows up in EU at some point in time.) Coleman Trebor is a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi council. What is so special about his name is that he's named after a real person named Rob Coleman (Trebor is Robert backwards) that is in some way connected to Star Wars. (I can't remember role and purpose). His species is Vurk. I can't remember where I heard this, so source = From within the confines of Jedispy's endless knowledge of useless trivia. Q. Name 5 dancing girls in Jabba's palace at the time of ROTJ (don't forget about EU characters.) Bonus: Include species names. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 27, 2005 Author Share Posted March 27, 2005 Rob Coleman is one of the CG honchos at ILM. Coleman Trebor, the jedi that gets shot off the balconyby Jango is named after him. (this falls into 'movie EU') source : * * * A. 5 dancing girls...easy Take a pick Oola - Twilek Lyn Me - Twilek Rystall - Half Human/Half unknown Greeata - Rodian Arica(Mara Jade) - Human (source TTT, Mara Jade Comix) Leia - Human Manaroo - Aruzan * * * Q. Whats is Cortosis ? What was it commonly used for ?? mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted March 27, 2005 Share Posted March 27, 2005 A: Cortosis is a type of ore. It has the ability to short out lightsabers that come in contact with the stuff. Can be used as weapons against Jedi, or lined along walls so jedi can;t cut through with their lightsabers. Q: What Jedi lived with the Tusken Raiders? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 27, 2005 Author Share Posted March 27, 2005 Quote Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak A: Cortosis is a type of ore. It has the ability to short out lightsabers that come in contact with the stuff. Can be used as weapons against Jedi, or lined along walls so jedi can;t cut through with their lightsabers. Q: What Jedi lived with the Tusken Raiders? Aah. Interesting character this one A'Sharad Hett The son of Sharad Hett, a jedi killed by former padawan of the Dark Woman come bounty hunter - Aurra Sing. Sharad was originally to be trained by Ki Adi Mundi, but he chose to live among the Tuskens on Tattooine. Hett eventually confronted the Dark Woman, and ended up becoming her student(with teh blessing of Ki Adi Mundi) Hett did return to the Jedi Order, and attained the rank of master buy the time of the Clone Wars. He became quite close to anakin, during the battle on Jabiim, where he mentored him in teh absence of Obi-Wan whom was presumed dead at the time... Because of his history with the Tuskens, actually was one of the few to know anakin's dark secret about Tatooine... source - numerous Dark Horse Comics, from Outlander to Republic... * * * Q. Who assumed the title of 'The Trickster Goddess' ? What was the motivation behind this ?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted March 27, 2005 Share Posted March 27, 2005 Hmm got me on that one. I was thinking of Sharrad Hett. But they were both living with the Sand People. So win-win. A: Jaina Solo. It was all part of the psychological warfare against the Yuuzhan Vong. it was very effective in pissing them off Q: Who was Queen Amidala's predecessor and what happened to said person? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guybroom Posted March 27, 2005 Share Posted March 27, 2005 Is there one of these for the films? I havnt seen one so I'm guessing there isnt. Astroy - being a mod in the other fourms too can you make an OT one PLEASE. A: Padame Amidala took over from King Veruna who abdicated the throne in scandal. I'll pass on a question Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedispy Posted March 27, 2005 Share Posted March 27, 2005 O.k. easy question: Q: What is Jabba's FULL name (hint...his middle name is NOT The, and his last name is not Hutt) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 27, 2005 Author Share Posted March 27, 2005 Quote Originally posted by guybroom .... Astro - being a mod in the other fourms too can you make an OT one PLEASE..... hmm... interesting. But you see, if you are just limiting the content to what was actually said in the movie, then the questions will be fairly limited. It would also be damn easy for the likes of EU TITANS like me and phreak ...So rather than "who owned the cantina" which is an EU question, a movie *only* trivia thread will have things like "how many systems was the alien who confronted Luke in the Cantina wanted on ??" is that what you mean.... I wouldnt mind hearing what phreak has to say...of course Astro would have to be given extra powers if he was to run such a thread over at the OT section.... I'll keep you posted * * * In the meantime, get your teeth stuck into a real challenge, the EU quiz ! * * * A. Jabba's full name is Jabba Desilijic Tiure... Source : Tales from Jabbas Palace * * * Q. Han made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs....since a parsec is a unit of measurement of *distance* rather than time, what does this boast actually mean ?? make sure you give a souce mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted March 27, 2005 Share Posted March 27, 2005 Quote Originally posted by jedispy Q: What is Jabba's FULL name (hint...his middle name is NOT The, and his last name is not Hutt) A: Jabba Desilijic Tiure Quote Originally posted by Astrotoy7 Q. Han made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs....since a parsec is a unit of measurement of *distance* rather than time, what does this boast actually mean ?? make sure you give a souce A: It means he got really close to the Black Holes (Maw Cluster) making the Kessel Run shorter. Source: Han Solo Trilogy. And I'm not bothering with the OT trivia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 27, 2005 Author Share Posted March 27, 2005 Quote Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak A: Jabba Desilijic Tiure A: It means he got really close to the Black Holes (Maw Cluster) making the Kessel Run shorter. Source: Han Solo Trilogy. And I'm not bothering with the OT trivia looks liek we double dipped the Jabba question...ah well.. me first ! btw. technically, the *original* source for Hans handling of teh kessel run was actually in the Jedi Academy Trilogy...AC Crispin actually just expanded on what Kevin J Anderson had described... but you still get the point he he...I thought movie trivia would be below your awesome mind phreakski. Nonetheless, I think it may be something non EU freaks would be interested in.... Ive put it up for discussion at swforums so we'll see how it goes in the meantime, asking a question. No ? Ok I will !! 2 point question Q. Brielfly outline the origins and evolution of the Xwing fighter.... (use spoiler tags if necessary for any ep3 related content).. Make sure your answer covers right up to the end of the NJO mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sivy Posted March 29, 2005 Share Posted March 29, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Astrotoy7 I think Aurra Sing was in the movie before she became an EU phenomenon, yes you're right, my mistake. i thought she appeared in EU before TPM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrotoy7 Posted March 29, 2005 Author Share Posted March 29, 2005 Quote Originally posted by Sivy yes you're right, my mistake. i thought she appeared in EU before TPM. you thought wrong mista ! that is why Im an EU GOD, and you are wearing Batman's Nipples from Batman & Robin * * * we digress, Im leaving this one up just a bit longer..... Quote 2 point question Q. Brielfly outline the origins and evolution of the Xwing fighter.... (use spoiler tags if necessary for any ep3 related content).. Make sure your answer covers right up to the end of the NJO mtfbwya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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