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How often do you get sick?


How often do you get sick?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you get sick?

    • Never
    • Three or four times a year
    • About 12 times a year
    • Almost every other month
    • Roughly every other week
    • Every day

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(I'm directing this question at modders) I know lack of sleep is a given with modding, and lack of sleeps leads to lack of immune system strength. Thus, I imagine most modders get sick fairly often, unless prevented otherwise. And, if you end up sick, do you stay up and mod anyway? I need advice. :confused:

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I almost never get sick. Once a year at most. And I try not to stay up too late finishing a mod. Since it isn't my job, it doesn't really matter in the end when it gets finished. Being healthy is way more important than modding. The world will go on without me finishing by a self imposed deadline. :)

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I voted "never", but it's really like maybe once every other year?!


Runs in the Family I suppose, I can't remember the last time my mother or sisters got sick, but when we do...it's a doozy. It's like it builds up or something. Let's see...the last time I was sick...I believe I had Scarlet Fever...


nothing beats a 106 degree temperature and a cold soaking...brrrrr... (beats the alternative however)...

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Originally posted by Prime

I almost never get sick.


Thats the way it was with me, until I started working Friday nights on my mod. Suddenly, I have this awful case of the flu. Of course, I'm only a young-ish person, and generally we get more illnesses until we reach a higher age. Eh.

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Originally posted by C. Skye

Thats the way it was with me, until I started working Friday nights on my mod. Suddenly, I have this awful case of the flu. Of course, I'm only a young-ish person, and generally we get more illnesses until we reach a higher age. Eh.

can you say "coincidence"??? :p


out of all seriousness, as long as you get at least 4-6hrs of sleep at night, your immune system shouldn't take too many hits. just don't quote me on that since i'm not an expert. all i know is that pulling all-niters for college work only seems to affect how many expresso's i drink the next day. :eyepop

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Originally posted by stingerhs

all i know is that pulling all-niters for college work only seems to affect how many expresso's i drink the next day. :eyepop

*Nods head in agreement!*


Sleep to Coffee Chart


8 + Hours.................... No Problem

6-7 Hours.................... 1 Every 3-4 Hours

4-5 Hours.................... 1 Every Hour

2-3 Hours.................... 1 Every 15- 30 Minutes

0-1 Hours.................... Get a Caffiene I.V. Drip



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Originally posted by tk102

I think there was an equation I learned in college that went something like:


1 pot of coffee = 8 hours sleep - 1 week of your life


Hmmm... (ponders & calculates) ACK! this means I have apx 1 week to live! :eek:


(does this mean I can max out my credit cards? ;) )


:fist:*ChAiNz.2da curses his coffee addiction*

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