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Vampires of York: chapter 1, A Few Dark Shadows


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Sabrina walked over to the vampire. "You forced me to do this, you two attack me first." She opened fire at the vampire without thinking twice. "Thanks for your help. You better go home now" Sabrina said to Ethan. With that said, she left towards her house. As Sabrina made it to her house, one of her friends opened the door. "Where were y...? What happen?" her friend said. "Got in a fight. No time to talk. All of us have to go....and now." Sabrina pushed the door open and told all her friends to leave the house. Some of them were confused to what she said. "NOW!" Sabrina exclaimed. Her friends grabbed some of their belongings. "Follow me." Sabrina said. They all headed into more safer place.

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Ethan, now left alone with no car, yelled after her. ((I'm assuming Jake took his car since the other was crashed)) "HEY! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!" then hobbled weakly to the nearest hospital, the one where jake had gone.

"Christ." Said the attendant nurse. "He'sthe third one that looks like he's gone through a train crash and claims he just got in a fight."

((BTW, just wondering, will the clan now hunt them down, and will Sabrina meet up w/ the group again soon? Cause I'm worried everyone will end up spread over the place and the storyline will get stuck))

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Jake woke up to the sound of the door opening, jake was always a light sleeper.

"ah good you're awake, we need some information."

"go ahead, ask."

"alright, first we need to know what exactly happened."

"well me and my friends were at the dock li--- just hanging out and then this crazy guy comes and starts attacking us, so we try and fight him back, but he was too fast then another guys comes and starts attacking us, i pick up a crowbar and whack both of them, me and my friend get into our car and drive away but then i don't remember anything after that, i think i might have hit my head."

"yes you have major skull damage."

"brain damage?"

"no, you were lucky"


"indeed, we have another man who was in the car, he was uncounsias and injured as well, and another man came stumbling in last night as well."

"ah, good he made it, they're both ok right?"


"good, i gotta talk to them"

"so do we..."

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((Time-skip to the next morning happened, all agree?))

Ethan woke up, this time by himself. He gave a groan. He felt a blinding pain from his head and his leg. A doctor soon came in.

"I don't know who the hell you fought. But it must've been a tough one. In any case, your condition is now stable. You had some cuts, but those are now stitched. They'll probably leave scars for a few months though. You seem to have come close to breaking your legs, but you didn't. Your skull took a hit, and you had a concussion but that went away. You do, however, have a broken rib, and it may hurt if something presses against it. But other than that you're fine. The hospital may send someone else to ask you questions though, and your friend wants to see you. Is that OK?"

"Yeah sure." Said Ethan, glad to finally be able to talk to Carth again.

((Yeah, I know it's jake, but he'd automatically think Carth))

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(( Wow, can't believe I missed this. o.O Can I make a few recommendations if you wouldn't mind?


And most of these ideas I got from White Wolf's popular Vampire/Hunter series.


Vampiric super-strength and such rely on there infected blood, right? Perhaps a stake to the heart should weaken them, as it stops the blood flow. There super-blood not being able to flow through there veins in the state.


Another idea I liked in there Hunter Venue was "True Faith". It allowed a rare few humans to stand on even (or even greater sometimes) ground than Vampires. They had such amazing faith in there deity, be it God, Allah, Mohamed ect, that they were able to shield themselves from physical or mental injury, and even perhaps deal physical damage.


Some think that it is actually the power of the human mind, rather than a deity, that unlocks this power, there extraordinary faith opening previously sealed aspects of there brain.


This also made them capable of resisting feeding attempts by Vampires, able to project a powerful aura to repel them.


Though you would probably want to change some of it around to fit this story better. :) I think some of these concepts would be cool for characters. ))

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((well this is just a guess but i don't think this story was meant to be very fanatsy like, just that the vampires were stronger,faster and can jump higher than humans and can turn people, no crazy fanatsy thing, but i guess its mandalorian's thread not mine.))

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(( Well, still, humans who are infected by a virus that makes them drink the blood of ANY creature to survive is kind of crazy. And some people may have conditions were they are extremely sensitive to sunlight, but they don't friggen turn into ash when they get hit by it. :p


And the point was to give human Hunters a real decent fighting chance. They should be feared, and feared for a reason. And the power of the mind is a very real possibility, at least in the parameters this story sets. ;) Though I recommend not stating it as mental prowess for sure, just to leave some mystery. Vamps shouldn’t really understand it either. The way it works though, has nothing to do with the power being Holy and the Vampire being evil, it damages anything it hits. ))

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((Well I don't want to get into all the mystisism about vampires, threre's just too many variations and everyone playing will have their own idea of what a vampire should be. I like the Underworld aproach it's just cool.))


Three Hokusha vampires had been slain, the clan would not forget it. An investigation into the matter commenced imediately...


Carth woke up with blurry vision and bandages wrapped around his head. A nurse told him he'd be fine but sustained some major injuries. He told the nurse about how the vampires and how one of them bit another man, but Carth didn't and still doesn't know that they are in fact, vampires.



((I'll keep your ideas in mind for future races and factions, but for the time being we'll leave the humans and vampires as they are. I do like the sound of what your saying, Perhaps there can be a clan of vampire hunters who have developed these skills. We won't introduce anything new in this part though but definetly in part 2.))



((Okay, the clan will have informants in the hospital and eventually will hear about what happened as word get's around from the nurses and medical reports. Sabrina would know this and should probably want to get them out of there.))

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((sounds good to me))


Jake tried to get up agin, he could nwo sit up but it still hurt, but as he did sit up a nurse came in and told him to lay back down and save his strenght, jake did so but felt he had energy burn but did as the nurse said, 'i mean who can resist a hot girl telling you to lay down?' jake thought.

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(Out of Character: Yeah...Underworld is cool. :cool: Anyways, back to the RPG. I'm assuming it'z morning, right?)




Sabrina went down a subway entrance and onto a platform. Making sure no one was looking, Sabrina and her friends exited the platform thru a tunnel. She then led the way to an old abandon room down in the sewers, in one of the tunnels. Once reaching there, Sabrina fixed a couple of wires to make the electricity flow thru the room. She flicked on the which. By looking around the room, Sabrina figured that it was used to monitor the subways that run underneath the city of York.

Sabrina walked over to a control console and brushed off some dust. "We are going to live here for now on. To make it more comfortable, we get some stuff...cautiously." She looked at two of her friends, Jennifer Benedict and Ryan Turner, two of her human friends. "You two are humans, so you can get us some stuff during the day."

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"Hey doc, can I get out of here for a bit?"

"Sure. But you have to come back, we still don't know if you're in nominal conditions."

With this Ethan left. The creatures they had fought seemed to be vampires and he would treat them as such. Of the old superstitions their hate of UV light was the one he was most willing to believe so he would have to buy a weapon and ammo now. He headed to a pawn shop his uncle owned.

"Hey Al, mind if I buy a gun?"


"Friend of mine's in trouble. He's in the hospital and I need to protect him. I don't trust the police on this one."

Al looked suspicious.

"All right. Take this one. But if I hear anything bad happened with one of these I'm turning you in. Or your mother'll kill me."

"Fair deal."

He took the sawed-off shotugn, hid it and ran back to the hospital, and checked in with the doctor.

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((wow smuggling a sawed off shotgun into a hospital? impressive :p))


After a few more hours of sleep Jake could get up and walk around, he started roaming the hospital, his body still hurt but he felt he would saty here a while longer, at least until he can be able to run and jump and stuff, especailly with those creatures around.

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Ethan entered his room again and saw that the bed had been made while he was out. This was good. He placed the shotgun between the matresses. Soon after the doctors came in and had a look at him.

"Well you look all right now, but we're going to keep you here overnight, just be sure."

"All right. Can I see my friend now?"

The doctors looked at each other.

"I suppose it can't do much harm. Go ahead. Your friend's up and about roaming the halls."

Ethan went out to look for him.

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((Sorry for not posting in so long, I just kept forgeting and procrastinating. Okay, smuggling a shotgun into the hospital...Just keep in mind that some of the doctors are informants for the Hokusha Clan and are keeping a close eye on the three of us. So at least make it seem like it's difficult to do things like smuggling in shotguns.))




New Character



Name: Claire Stryker

Age: 412

Gender: Felame

Human or Vampire: Vampire

Clan: Hokusha

Appearence: short straight blonde hair, the cutline at her jaw line. Medium lean build. Dresses in tight black leather complete with buckled boots and trenchcoat. Has a red tatoe of a raven on her back reaching from shoulderblade to shoulder blade about nine inches long.


Personality: She is quiet and almost depressed. More negative than posative but not completely unhappy.


Brief History: She was turned at a young age, she never knew her parrents and holds some bitterness towards that. She grew up in the Clan and became a skilled fighter and deadly killer. She spent the last few hundred years doing very dangerous missions and assassinations, now the clan asked her to go to the newest Clan territory.


Likes/Dislikes: Partying, danger / normal people, society


Strengths/Weaknesses: Physically strong, skilled fighter / emotional problems, low value for life







Claire was woken up early, it was in the evening and the sun was still up. Still she was needed. Her commander informed her about the situation in which three scouts did not return and their corpses had been found. Claire was in charge of investigating the matter and would be given several scouts and humans to command.


First off some suspects were in the hospital and needed to be questioned. Then those who were responsible would be taken to the Clan house where their punishment would be excecuted.


Claire set off right away, using underground passages to stay out of the sun. She headed for the hospital.


In the meantime Carth had been questioned by the nurses and nothing substantial could be found other than he was involved but not responsible for the Clan deaths. The other two patients would need to be questioned as well.


After the nurse left Carth tried to stand up, he felt like he was going to fall over and had to hold onto the railing on the side of his bed. This was no good, how long would he be in here? And what happened the night before? It didn't make sense. His mind was swirling and Carth decided to go back to bed.

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Jake walked silently through the hospital looking form room to room until he finally found Carth asleep.

"Carth get up, we need to get out of here." Jake whisper/yelled to him. Jake looked around anxiously when he spotted a doctor eyeing them very oddly, Jake stared right back until the doctor finally turned away when he was talked to by a nurse.

"you know i'm starting to think those guys are closer then we'd like."

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