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How can I kill all party members on the Unknown world ?


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Hi world !


For those which have joined the Dark Side with Bastila on the Unknown world, you know that you can kill Jolee, Mission, Juhani and Zaalbar in the Rakatan temple and when you go back to the Ebon Hawk.

So, I would want to know how I can "suppress" Canderous, HK-47, T3-M4 and Carth by selecting appropriate options in dialogs, when these characters are waiting you on the Central beach.


Thanks !:p

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As I recall Messkell's shores of death mod allows you to choose who you kill. But my thoughts would be if you go darkside why kill your best sycophants and followers in that cause. These would be Canderous, HK-47, & T3M4. I mean really HK is pure innocent EVIL, T3 is pure Droid another words he is there to serve, and Canderous would follow you anywhere and fight in your name anytime anyplace. Even the Greatest Darkside Rulers have need of loyal and trusted servants and Henchmen.

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All Siths kill those which they consider too weak : Canderous, HK-47, T3-M4 and Carth are not very helpful, so I do not see why I would keep them alive in my party ...

For the Messkell's shores of death mod, are the *.NSS files included in the ZIP archive ?

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Originally posted by Galakmech

All Siths kill those which they consider too weak : Canderous, HK-47, T3-M4 and Carth are not very helpful, so I do not see why I would keep them alive in my party ...

For the Messkell's shores of death mod, are the *.NSS files included in the ZIP archive ?


Nope, Messkell does NOT release his source files for any of his mods. I haven't figured that one out yet, but it is something everybody here has gotten used to.

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You're asking for the decompilation of 139 script files. :eek:


I don't have the original .rim to compare in order to see what Messkell added.


Most of it is probably just this:

void main() 
 ChangeToStandardFaction(GetObjectByTag("Carth") ,1);
ChangeToStandardFaction(GetObjectByTag("Mission") ,1);
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I just want to obtain that :

  • Scripts that change party members into enemies one by one (For example : I fight against Canderous, then I attack HK-47, etc ... by selecting options during a dialog with each of them ; So, I do not want to be attacked by all the members of the team simultaneously). When fight finished, I would like to get all of the items my old allies wore during the confrontation.

  • Scripts that transform Canderous, HK-47, T3-M4, Carth, etc ... into hostile characters simultaneously, and, as in the first "point", which let me take all of the inventory's items they wore on them before dying ...

  • Final request : How can I get some XP, dark side or light side points by killing one or all of my party members ?

I think that's all for the moment ...


PS : Pcgamemods.com does not work : Could you give me a "mirror link" where I can download the Messkell Shores of Death mod ?

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For your first two questions, use the following code for your template:

#include "k_inc_generic"

void MakeEnemy(string sWho) {
 object oWho=GetObjectByTag(sWho);
 ChangeToStandardFaction( oWho, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1);
 DelayCommand(0.5, AssignCommand(oWho, ClearAllActions()));
 DelayCommand(0.5, AssignCommand(oWho, GN_DetermineCombatRound()));
void main() {
    // just uncomment the lines you want to use


For your third question:

void main () {
//adjust the amounts as you like
AdjustAlignment(GetFirstPC(), ALIGNMENT_DARK_SIDE, 10);
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Are you sure that this code will let me get all of the items my old allies wore during their last fight (And before ...) ?
Yes, you can steal their loot.



For the first code you published, does it allow to kill all party members in the same time, or destroy them one by one ?


Read what it says:

 // just uncomment the lines you want to use

You can make it do just one or you can do all at once.

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In the first reply you posted, you said that scripts used in Messkell shores of Death could look like to :


void main()


ChangeToStandardFaction(GetObjectByTag("Carth") ,1);

ChangeToStandardFaction(GetObjectByTag("Mission") ,1);




I think that this script is the "basic" one of combat, isn't it ?


PS : Did you try to access to the Pcgamemods' Web site ?

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No need to decompile 139 scripts, or try to decipher them......


I just released the source code scripts for 5 of my mods in one pack at pcgamemods....here's the list of mods covered..


"Manaan - Fish Fest"

"Evil Temple"

"Shores Of Death"

"Leviathan Strike"

"Slaughter The Council"


please ignore the documentation, I never got around to properly

documenting the scripts ....



"5mods" source



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