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Ladies and Gentlman,



I have some very good news for you all....too good to be true KOTOR III Is on the Way!!!!


this is what they had to say...






The net has been full of speculations about a KotOR III ever since this story about lay-offs at LucasArts hit the web.


Now the Hedgehog, one of the webs most famous names when it comes to industry rumours has a reported a juicy bit about a possible sequel:



"Obsidian’s New Baby Jedi??

George and crew are most pleased with the initial performance of KOTOR, so pleased in fact that KOTOR 3 is well into development! This time however expect everything to be new and improved! An all new next-gen engine is being prepped as is a modified battle system that will place a heavier emphasis on the lightsaber. There are even whispers that the game may be shown in some form at E3 THIS year, though I’d expect it to be far from completion, perhaps nothing but a video!".




Our take: Looking at both the critical and finacial success that the KotOR-series so far was for LucasArts, I guess we all can agree that a part III is a no-brainer. And with BioWare busily working away on their own IPs, Obsidian is the most likely developer.



I got it from here !!!!!





and wait theres more !!!!



Along with other things of the Crystal ball nature! This weeks Network runs the Industry gamut of new hardware, Software, and services sure to tickle you checkbook pink! It’s going to be an expensive year for gamers, with the launch of the PSP in March and the Xenon hopefully by Christmas cash is going to be stretched. Right alongside common courtesies and relationships with the opposite sex!



•Another Run for the Rings.

By now you all know that the report from last week by Jeux-France about Nintendo holding a Press Conference on the 18’th is bogus. Not that I’m really surprised, those Frenchies loooove to speculate but rarely ever show up with anything concrete! Well the European Nintendo Power is also taking some fruit from the rumor tree; stating that a new Sonic the Hedgehog title is on the way to the GC and DS this year. WOW, you guys figure that out all on your own?? There’s been a new Sonic the Hedgehog game on the Cube roughly every two years; and a demo featuring Sega’s Blue rodent was on display for the DS at E3 last year. Oh and despite Nintendo Power omitting it, any new Sonic game’s on home consoles will be multiplatform!


The Hedgehog’s Take- Uh of course with the XBOX/Xenon timetable still in limbo we could make that all next generation systems!


•Obsidian’s New Baby Jedi??

George and crew are most pleased with the initial performance of KOTOR, so pleased in fact that KOTOR 3 is well into development! This time however expect everything to be new and improved! An all new next-gen engine is being prepped as is a modified battle system that will place a heavier emphasis on the lightsaber. There are even whispers that the game may be shown in some form at E3 THIS year, though I’d expect it to be far from completion, perhaps nothing but a video!


The Hedgehog’s Take- Are we finally going to encounter the real Sith, or will we be stuck fighting cheap imitations again??


•Getting More Mileage out of the Cube?

Speculation has been running for awhile now that Nintendo doesn’t plan to retire the Gamecube even after the launch of the Revolution. Up until now it’s all just been analytical opinions and hearsay, that’s changed! A contact of mine up at NOA recently gave me the lowdown on an outdated internal 3-year sales forecast Nintendo drew up. Written in 2004, the forecast apparently had Gamecube sales projections extending into 2007! There is of course a chance that this is a simple formality, or it could be that the revolution will be sharing shelf space with its older brother for quite a few years!


The Hedgehog’s Take- Nintendo’s recent announcements regarding future software releases certainly seem to indicate that they expect the Cube to be operating well into 2006 as well.


•900,000 People are Waiting Bungie!

For their updates and downloadable content of course! Bungie of course wants to deliver, and has a lot in the pipeline but they’ve been held up by one major problem. Cheater, hackers, and assholes have hijacked much of the Halo 2 online experience and the boys in Redmond have been scrambling to catch up. In a way it’s understandable, Halo 2 is the fastest growing online community in history. 900,000+ in less that 3 months; who wouldn’t be overwhelmed? The good news is that DLC is on the way and from what I’ve heard it rocks.


The Hedgehog’s Take- One new map apparently takes place on the outside of the Cairo defense Platform, yes complete with bottomless atmospheric reentry pits!


•A Prelude of Things to Come.

Some hardcore PC converts may loath it, but for the most part response to Bungie’s unique Matchmaking/Party system on live has been overwhelmingly positive. From the sounds of it MS likes what it hears too. Whispers have spread that Microsoft is considering making the Party/Matchmaking system pioneered by Bungie a standard feature in future Live games. In essence, all games would offer those features and have a similar layout!


The Hedgehog’s Take- Major congrats Bungie, you may have just shaped Console Online gaming for years to come!


I got this from here !!!!









LucasArts undergoing "major restructuring"


Star Wars games publisher confirms laying off staff and moving Episode III development off-site. KOTOR 3 development stalled.

Responding to yesterday's reports that it had laid off staff, LucasArts today said in a statement that it was undergoing "a major restructuring of its development studio." A notice on the company's Web site outlined some of the restructuring's details, including layoffs of 31 staffers and the appointment of Peter Hirschmann as vice president of product development. Hirschmann, a two-year LucasArts vet and former Electronic Arts producer, had been managing the development of Star Wars: Battlefront and Mercenaries.



The restructuring is the first major change to be officially announced by LucasArts since Jim Ward took over as its president. “Since joining LucasArts in early May, I’ve taken a hard, critical look at our business," he said in the statement. "I’ve come to the conclusion that to make LucasArts thrive, and to position ourselves for the long-term future, we need to make some fundamental changes.”


Today, LucasArts began to outline what exactly said changes would entail. Firstly, in-house development will be scaled way back, because "the company will be concentrating on fewer titles," read the statement. While Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars Republic Commando remain at LucasArts, the publisher has farmed out development on its as-yet-untitled Episode III game to The Collective. The Southern California studio has developed several titles for LucasArts, including Wrath Unleashed and Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb.


On the project front, an informed industry source said the team attached to the early stages of development on Knights of the Old Republic 3 was let go in yesterday's layoff.


I got this from here!!!!








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Originally posted by Prime

I'll believe this when I see more solid info...


What you mean by *this*?


All of the KOTOR Stuff is believable, if not slightly obvious. Of Course they are going to make a third. Of course they will have to have a new engine, because otherwise it will pale visually in comparison to most games. If there is a show at E3, it is farely obvious it would be only a video.


And there is the summation of the KOTOR3 info.

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Will this be on XBOX or XBOX 2? Please tell me Xbox. If you dont know yet, thats cool. If it's in all that garble up top... I didn't read it all.... I'd just like the jist of whether I'll have to wait another decade after just getting Xbox (a new computers not an option mind you... plus even if it was, I like my analog controller lol)

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Of Course I've seen both Halos (What self respecting Xbox owner hasnt) but the Game chugs along on Xbox at the moment, if the Console has to deal with even more, I don't think it can handle it.


I also think that in a year's time even the holy grail of graphics from the Xbox will be nothing to what the PC willl be able to put out, so the game would look pretty poor on a PC if it was designed for Xbox. May be wrong in both these points, I didnt really think about them to much, just felt compelled to say something.

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then why the hell did they post that article then? if its a fake!!!! what mis-leading info is http://www.starwarsknights.com giving us?


oh god I feel like a total fool thanks to http://www.starwarsknights.com what right do they have to do this to you and me?



Also I do still believe KOTOR III is being made! I just think there is a cover up or somthing.

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If you look at what Com Raven wrote, he just reported what other sites mentionned and he included his sources. He never stated that Kotor 3 was being made.


He is not the one who wrote:

"Now the Hedgehog, one of the webs most famous names when it comes to industry rumours has a reported a juicy bit about a possible sequel:


Obsidian’s New Baby Jedi??

George and crew are most pleased with the initial performance of KOTOR, so pleased in fact that KOTOR 3 is well into development! This time however expect everything to be new and improved! An all new next-gen engine is being prepped as is a modified battle system that will place a heavier emphasis on the lightsaber. There are even whispers that the game may be shown in some form at E3 THIS year, though I’d expect it to be far from completion, perhaps nothing but a video!".


It was a quotation from another site and it is very clear from the news he posted. The only personal comment he made was at the very end of the post

Our take: Looking at both the critical and finacial success that the KotOR-series so far was for LucasArts, I guess we all can agree that a part III is a no-brainer.
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Our take: Looking at both the critical and finacial success that the KotOR-series so far was for LucasArts, I guess we all can agree that a part III is a no-brainer.


Of course it's a no-brainer!:D

KoTOR 2 left the doors wide open. In other words,


The. Story. Must. Go. On.


LucasArts and Bioware/Obsidian wouldn't leave us in the dark now, would they? Hm? :animelol:

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Originally posted by kookaburra

then why the hell did they post that article then? if its a fake!!!! what mis-leading info is http://www.starwarsknights.com giving us?


oh god I feel like a total fool thanks to http://www.starwarsknights.com what right do they have to do this to you and me?



Also I do still believe KOTOR III is being made! I just think there is a cover up or somthing.



.... Banana? :indif:



We just try and keep everyone informed of the latest news. We're not psychic. Sometimes things pan out to be incorrect. No reason to bust a kidney over it. ;)

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