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Earlier this week I was tempted to start 2 petitions at the same time: One for LucasArts to make a Grim Fandango 2 and one for LucasArts to NEVER make a GF2 to see which one got more submissions. I then had a sandwitch and forgot all about that. GF2 shouldn't happen if it were to going be made by LucasArts. They don't have the Tims or the Brets or the Peters (Chan and McConnell) to do the job right. Not that it would happen though.


Facts is facts, though: GF1 was a commercial dud despite being the best game ever. Last year LucasArts cancelled a very promising title, Sam and Max 2 very late in development, (and also not-so-promising but still decently hyped title, Full Throttle 2 a few months earlier) because they don't think they could sell copies. I'm inclined to agree that they couldn't market them well enough at that time, no matter how good the games would have been. GF2 seems less likely now than it ever did, sadly.


Sorry, after a few years of petitions like this, I'm a bit cranky and my opinion is that you should leave GF2 ideas to fan fiction writers, heh.

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It's nothing against you, but I'm afraid I won't sign, I don't think a GF2 will be a good idea. And anyway, even if they get 1,000,000 sigs, I doubt they will make it, it's all about comercial interests.

However, I will give it a thought, maybe I'll end up signing.

Welcome, by the way.

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Yeah, it's been discussed a lot, and a lot of people would not want a Grim Fandango 2. I agree with Metallus - it would really need Tim Schafer for it to be good, and he doesn't work for LucasArts anymore.


Grim Fandango was great on it's own, and doesn't need a sequel. You should just wait for more really special games by the same people - and you might like them just as much. Maybe even Psychonauts :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

GF2? Don't you people see we've got more important problems going on here? We need Shenmue III, goddammit! Get your mind off an unneeded sequal to an already excellent and start thinking about the death of an unfinished story!


Now that I've gotten that out, let me say that Metallus and James are right. You will really dig Psychonauts, MAg. I'm tellin you that's all we'll need. Well, that and Shenmue III.

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Originally posted by MAGarrett

Oh well, I'll settle for pyschonauts for now, I guess, since it IS made by them, on a side note to that, what the heck is psychonauts even about? I don't even know the genre of the game yet:p


You lucky little person you. Us people have had to wait three years for Psychonauts and you're only gonna have to wait two months. I'll let someone else, one a tad more articulate, fill you in on this game's genius.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed. While I think that it's almost certain a sequel involving the same characters (or, well, most of the same characters) wouldn't live up to Grim Fandango, I wouldn't mind a sequel involving some others.


I would've made a comment involving one of the characters, but it's been so long since I've played Grim Fandango that I'd probably mix things up and make a fool of myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot in my last post to say that also, even though they couldn't make as good of GF, I still think that Lucasarts still has some talent on the team good for making a good game like the new Sam and Max was gonna be before they cancelled it!!!


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Originally posted by legowar

I still think that Lucasarts still has some talent on the team good for making a good game like the new Sam and Max was gonna be before they cancelled it!!!

The Freelance Police team quit/were laid off. Most of them have gone on to form a new company, Telltale Games, and are deep in production of a game based around the Bone comic book series. So, sadly LucasArts has even less talent to work with, but it's not like they are going to make another adventure anyway, based on what they've been saying to the press about "market realities" regarding the genre.


I was lucky enough to see some stuff from Sam and Max 2 at Comic-Con 2003 (in San Diego), including a couple of new settings and characters that the public never saw. The newer stuff made me think that the game was really on the right track. It looked significantly better than the stuff (which actually looked pretty good anyway) that had been released to the public at that point in time. Makes me really sad thinking about it...


Anyway, you should check out Telltale Games and Bone!

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  • 1 month later...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl olololloololollolololololololoolololololoololololo lmao lmao lmao lmao lma omao ml lmao LMFAO!!!! :ears1: On the petion thing (which i signed a month ago) a one comment on it that said "I liked a butt once" lolollololololololllo how random outrageuos peice of (beep) would be so funny!lololololollolololollo

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