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possible battle front II after episode III


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The whole game is EU. You can win as the Empire, Storm Troopers are actually dangerous..


Personally, they don't need to use the Vong, they have dozens of planets mentioned in the books and other games.


I mean how cool would it be to visit places from the Clone Wars Game or Naboo's moon, or Nul Hutta etc.

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I know that. I was one of the first people to know about Petroglyph's new game, being a follower of Westwood Studio's Command and Conquer series.


But let's put it this way. You don't exactly have to create an extensive number of single player maps and multiplayer ones, like in Halo 1/2. They're all multiplayer, so it shouldn't be too difficult for a group of people who work 9-5 creating maps to create some that reach the mid double-digits. Heck, have you ever played a game that had too many?


Battle For Middle Earth takes the trend that all the multiplayer maps are the single-player ones, as does battlefront. Ultimately, it saves time.

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You should visit Planetcnc.com sometimes. EA bought out Westwood studios and the rights to the CnC Franchise, but a lot of the core Westwood staff (or staff that were sacked) formed Petroglyph.


BTW, I'm not being abusive, it's a known fact in the CnC community that Generals is not a "true" Command and Conquer (and BfME by association). It's the equivalent of Speilberg doing Star Wars episodes 7,8,9.

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