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Desann question

Darth Smaug

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Only Sith use "Darth" in their names. Also, in the time of the Republic they didn't always use their "Darth" names publically, to avoid detection.


After ROTJ, the Sith Order was dead, and many of their traditions lost with them.


Desann is a johnny-come-lately fallen Jedi, he's not a Sith. So there's no reason for him to take on the title, except ego (assuming he even knew anything about the Sith).

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Yeah, Desann's not a full-blown Sith lord/master, he's just a Dark Jedi. I've pondered from time to time what the difference is between Dark Jedi and Sith, and I think I've come up with a fairly reasonable theory:


Sith: The Sith follow the teachings and beliefs of the Sith order to the letter. The Sith draw purely upon the dark side of the Force as is dictated by their order. Though they originally wielded purple lightsabers, all "modern" (4,000 years before Episode IV and later) Sith use red lightsabers. Moreover, "modern" Sith have adopted the title of "Darth" before their name, though that wasn't always the case (Exar Kun never had a "Darth" title during the Great Sith War). After Darth Bandon overhauled Sith customs 2,000 years ago, there have been only two Sith alive at any given time, one master and one apprentice.


Dark Jedi: The Sith are evil; Dark Jedi on the other hand are amoral. Dark Jedi are Force-sensitive individuals who do not follow the teachings of the Jedi or the Sith.


Since Dark Jedi are not bound by the same rules as the Sith, they aren't limited to using only one side of the Force. They call upon the powers of both light and dark, whatever it takes to suit their needs. This explains why some of Jerec's Dark Jedi used light side powers in Jedi Knight. Additionally, Dark Jedi don't have to worry about lightsaber colors. This explains why six of the seven Dark Jedi in JK don't have red lightsabers. Due to a lack of any structure or code, Dark Jedi tend to be weaker than their Jedi and Sith counterparts. Since there is no numerical limit to the number of Dark Jedi, their numbers can be as few as one or two to as many as thousands or even tens of thousands, as the Reborn, Shadowtroopers and Cultists in JO and JA proved.

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I think also that at a certain time the Expanded Universe basically just used "dark jedi" for anybody who used the Dark Side of the Force.


Once the prequels re-wrote the book on who the Sith were, it's come to mean a "fallen Jedi."


Though of course in the EU, starting with Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, there are those who embrace the label with pride (Jerec and his "Dark Jedi").


Less is known about the Sith Order, and so it makes sense that few would embrace their teachings and get everything "right."

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from what i have gathered, much of what is known about the sith comes from the comic book series titled Tales of the Jedi. I belive KJS's character of Exar Kun is refrenced from these comics. anyway, prior to the prequils and George's Canon information on Sith, this was the best source i heard of. Im not completely sure on this fact as i've never been a huge comic collector but i think this is how it happened :)

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A Sith is a follower of a Force tradition bordering on a full-fledged religion that seems to be centered around being the opposite of a Jedi: merciless instead of merciful, cruel instead of compassionate, and--from a very "cheesy" perspective--evil instead of good. After a certain point in galactic history, no more than two Sith (Darth Vader and Darth Sidious) ever exist again, and at the end of the Battle of Endor, the last two Sith Lords are killed and most (if not all) of the formal texts and learning of the Sith Order is lost.


"Dark Jedi", meanwhile, is a catchall term for any Jedi or individuals with Jedi training who fall to the Dark Side. Desann clearly falls into this category, and though he may have found something left over after the main Massassi temple on Yavin IV was destroyed by Corran Horn that instructed him in some esoteric Sith methods, his main source of power and information was the Valley of the Jedi, and he was not a Sith. As well, any number of Dark Jedi, according to various EU sources, may have served the Emperor, including Asajj Ventress. (An interesting aside: Asajj apparently considers herself Sith; Darth Tyranus is amused by and disdainful of this assumption.)


"Dark-sider" is a term used for any Force-user who turns to (or is raised in) the Dark Side, wasn't a Jedi, and isn't a Sith. The Prophets of the Dark Side, Tavion (apparently), the Nightsisters of Dathomir, and so on and are dark-siders.

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yeh but theres lots of species in the sw universe and luke does say in jo that desaan is from a far out planet in the outer rim and was only found by a travelling trader he also says the natures of the force weren't known on his planet so if in the comic there is force related topics then i doubt they are the same species

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