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KOTOR 2: An Incomplete Game? [SPOILERS]

Rat Boy

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This article over at GameSpy caught my attention. After some digging, I found the thread that the author was talking about. Go ahead and read both before you read my rant...



Back yet? Okay, if all of this is true, I for one am really disappointed and angry at those involved. The ending already felt rushed, but knowing now that for one reason or another, Obsidian decided or was forced to ditch those wonderful ideas to end KOTOR 2 makes the game even more of a let-down...



Atton and the other NPCs fighting Kreia to defend the Exile. Visas and Handmaiden having a throwdown over the Exile. Dustil.



This is a rather bitter pill to swallow.

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i wanted to ask about the ending.

when i killed kreia, on the dark side, all i got was a scene of her falling down a hole and then the credits... no explanation of whether yr party died on the ebon hawk, what the black droid and bal'ur's little remote did, or what happens to ytr character afterwards...

is this it or did i accidentally skip something??



* please use spoiler tags - Darth333-

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A lot of stuff has been cut out from TSL but it also happened in Kotor 1: take the Vulkar base per example or the DS female ending where you die with Carth when the StarForge explodes I admit, that one would have ruined Kotor 2 :D .


I am pretty sure one of our modders here will find interest in remaking this TSL ending :)

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The game does seem very incomplete to me. There seems to be a large part of the story missing. I got the feeling of *This goes nowhere* from several places in the game. Like there should of been more to it. Unfinished.



What about the HK droids and their story line. The exchange and Goto. Mandalore and his search for other M andalorians. Bao's Droid and G0-T0. The disciple when contacting Carth. The whole republic watching you and letting you go thing. The relationships between you and the others.




The character stories and development dont seem to lead anywhere like it did in K1. Also the ending seems very rushed.


Actually I feel the game is broken and with all the bugs, it seems like a butchered modification of K1.

KOTOR was very well put together. From the background scenary to fine details and comments of your companions. The lively feel of cities and the size and access of areas.



Look at the Taris background in K1, it looks awesome. Then look at the blury mess in Nar Shaddaa's background.




Where as K2 seems very cramped, with no life to the worlds and although your followers will change, based on your actions. They dont seem to have much life to them.

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KOTOR 1 was a great that actually showed you fighting for something and i loved the ends


were as.....


KOTOR 2 was good and i like how there explain some things about Revan but i was really disappointed about the lack of hardness of the boss, some of the unexplain facts of the game like malachor 5, the really crapness of the last level and the ENDING were a really letdown


For me it doesn't give me the great feeling i got from KOTOR 1.

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Actually I feel the game is broken and with all the bugs, it seems like a butchered modification of K1.



I would hardly say that. I encountered 3 bugs, both at the beginning, and both were easily fixed with a quick re-load of the game (thats just me, though). The lack of character building was unfortunate, but I really only missed that with Atton (all the other chars had many dialouge options, but you can only play pazaak with him). As for the endings: I'm sure some ambitious modder will find a way to script it back in.;)

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I have to agree. I beat the game via normal means, but you get the feel that it was rushed.


You feel it in some of the dialogue.


You feel it with the romances. My character was a male Light Sider and I was trying real hard to win over Handmaiden, but to no avail... even after I have brought her along alot of times after her "profession change."


Dead end dialogue and not enough character/party member background development and conclusion.


The ending IMO, falls flat. They had a chance to do something extraordinary with what seemed like a truly bad*$$ Sith Lord.


The thread you pointed out (not the Gamespy article) brought up alot of things I haven't seen since I beat the game twice now.


Now, I like KOTOR II, but the half-a**ed cuts are disappointing... and that's putting it mildly. There are still great moments in the game. And I wonder how good KOTOR II would have been if the devs had a chance to work on this more.


I can't blame it on the PC release schedule. I would point it on the X-Box release, which was far earlier than the PC version. My guess is that crunch time came to shove the game out to almighty Micro$oft. I could blame Lucasarts also on this one.


I hope Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, and company take heed of any just thrashings for this rushness. KOTOR II is still a good game, but it could have achieved some greatness.

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damnit. I just read the review and obsidian forums post. Now im going through the sound files.


This is the ending that should be. This should of been finished.


This annoys me much more than having no population of NPC in the populated areas.


The game seems pointless to me now.

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Originally posted by Warmaker You feel it with the romances. My character was a male Light Sider and I was trying real hard to win over Handmaiden, but to no avail... even after I have brought her along alot of times after her "profession change."



I initially wrote that off as the devs trying to "steer" you more towards Visas, like Bioware did with Bastila over Juhani, but now I'm not so sure.

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my biggest dissapointment is the lack of some real good quests,or that endings are clearly butchered


remember the

Bith who heard the wave's of GOTO's droid commanding thingy,or HK Factory(visible in HK-47's dialog and in a unfinished area to which you could get on the xbox via a bit of modding)



read this: http://www.gamespy.com/articles/588/588057p1.html?fromint=1


i have to say that Xbox is ruining the gaming world,making game creators rush and usually give NO support to the PC community


and that i am 99% sure that lucasart had enough money to pay for a month more of tweaking

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Originally posted by TKATK

i have to say that Xbox is ruining the gaming world,making game creators rush and usually give NO support to the PC community


I wouldn't go that far, though it does seem that Companies are focusing more on the $$$ and less on the game quality.

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The relationships are just broken also Id say. From what ive read, its all there.


Im now playing as Dark Side and finding even more broken things. Warping, scripts not working, strange bugs. Not to mention more of the story that we will never realise.


This game is like beta its so unfinished and full of bugs. Even though K1 had bugs, it was at least a complete story. From Obsidian saying they have learnt a lot from K2, I imagine they got priorities wrong and when it came to the deadline, they were no where near having a finished story.


There is no hope for this game. I guess i shall wait for K3 and hope someone gets it right. Though this time i will wait for user reviews in these forums before rushing into the store.

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A good point on resolving the HK-series of droids.


I used the TSL save game editor so I could install HK-47's components and get him into the game ASAP. I used him whenever I can but I still get nothing new out of him.


Is there something I'm missing or is this broken also?

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Uhhh, if its true that there's all this stuff in the game, extra sound files, ect., how long would it have taken them to put it in? It doesn't seem that, if its all there, it would have taken a major time commitment to do.

Thus, I think the reason it is not there is not because of rushing, but because of a desire for open-endness. If they killed off half the characters it would kinda screw a sequel. (KOTOR I was different in this regard. Sure, as DS, you landed up killing half of your party; however, from the forums I have read, it seems that no matter what, LS or DS, if the developers had put in the "older KOTOR II" ending, then basically your entire party would be dead. That's different from KOTOR I).

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Originally posted by thebighirt

Uhhh, if its true that there's all this stuff in the game, extra sound files, ect., how long would it have taken them to put it in? It doesn't seem that, if its all there, it would have taken a major time commitment to do.

Thus, I think the reason it is not there is not because of rushing, but because of a desire for open-endness. If they killed off half the characters it would kinda screw a sequel. (KOTOR I was different in this regard. Sure, as DS, you landed up killing half of your party; however, from the forums I have read, it seems that no matter what, LS or DS, if the developers had put in the "older KOTOR II" ending, then basically your entire party would be dead. That's different from KOTOR I).


Killing off part of the team wont kill a sequel. I doubt anyone wants to play another game with all the same characters. Its cool to have some reminders from the previous game. Like K2 has Canderous and TK47, with a little hologram show from Carth and Bastilla.


If you remember. A few of the characters died in K1, when you had to kill them towards the end.


It would of been a very dramatic and quality ending. There is a difference between open ended ending and a rushed no answers ending. At the moment there is no ending. Except for the main character and Kreia.


I guess they could put the ending of the other characters into a flashback in the prologue of K3. Like what happenens to the rest of the party. The droids and what happens in the Ebon Hawk, where does Mira walk off to.

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It's too bad that so many things were cut from this great game. I would love to visit the HK factory. I bet many things were cut from K1 too, because some things don't make sense there either. I belive that's because they rushed the game. The first 30 hours are great (much better than K1), but the last 10 feel a little incomplete, especially the ending.



I don't really feel that much more should be explained about Darth Nihilus and Sion. Kreia explained everything that needed to be explained. The battle against them was way too easy, but i fixed that with Kotor tool. Only a true Guardian or Weapon Master can beat them now. :D:p



Anyway. The thing that bothered me the most was the ending. The whole game was so great (i liked it much better than the first one), but then the ending came and left me wanting more. Perhaps i enjoyed the game so much i didn't want it to end. That, at least was the case with K1 (didn't like the ending there eaither, but it was better). If they would just give you 5 min with your party members to explain everything, i would consider this game to be the best of all, but that unfortunately is not the case. Amazing how 5 min can change your overall opinion of the game, isn't it?


I still love the game though, and i'm surprised that so many people don't like it. I find it to be better than the 1st one.

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