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What Ever Happened To Largo after Monkey Island 2 ?


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I agree. Largo was great.


Whilst we're on the subject, does anybody still have the mp3 that was posted by Mojo a couple of years or so back on April Fools? You know, the one concerning "Largo's return", with all the music and everything.

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Largo's fate could be possibly anything. If Largo really did survive the explosion of LeChuck's fortress (at least a possibility), he could be blown far away just like Guybrush (for a possible MI5: imagine Largo on a deserted island waiting for someone to rescue him...). Or else, for LeChuck isn't known as a compassionate man, eh, zombie, he could be killed by LeChuck for failing him, like ThunderPeel2001 mentioned before. Remember that LeChuck threatened Largo that he would hang him with his own guts if he fails him again? Really not a nice picture. Possibly he could also be ranked down to a simple sailor (but still living). A zombie-minion Largo would be interesting, too!

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