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Suck it up and be a Trando for god's sake!


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It's kinda frustrating me that people are refusing to be on the Trando team, and the Trandos lose horribly. I really hope that in a patch or something, they make it so you are always auto-selected, so we don't get these floods of people joining the Republic and neglecting the Trandos.


Why people are so petty that they MUST be an "OMG TEH COMMANDO" if it means that the match is going to suck and the Republic is going to beat the Trandos 5 to 0 is so totally beyond me.


There is NO advantage to being a commando, and there is NO shame in being those ugly lizards from SP. There's more shame in flocking to the commandos and ruining the match.


So please, to all who play team games in multiplayer - suck it up and join the Trando team for god's sake!



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Yeah I think some people are clueless. Playing CTF or Assault, almost without fail, in the last round of the game, at least one more person will join the Republic team to unbalance it, even if they are already winning by a large margin. Very annoying.


Blue is the "default team" where players are first added.


Red team gets to go first in Assault (for the very first round anyway). ;)



Yeah, I'm guessing people either want to be the "good guys" or else they have the mistaken impression (gleaned from playing the SP campaign) that the Commandos are somehow more powerful. I haven't seen anything to convince me that in MP the ACP Repeater and the DC-17m Blaster Attachment are not equal.


Sides, why wouldn't you want to be the Trandos? Their taunts are scary and rule!


I have my F8 key (set right in the menu) to "Switch Teams" and I have no problem switching if it's needed. I hope bots are added to this game to solve some of the imbalance problems...

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I think the Trandos are awesome I usually end up on the Trando side and have no problems with it. Most people don't set their games up for auto-select. IT should be Auto-select in most cases cause people seem to be like. OMG trando nooooooooooo.

I've been on more winning Trando teams than I have Clones. People are petty anyway. Its like omg I've gotta play the good guy or I'll suck horribly. I've even seen people spec an entire match till someone leaves the clone team. Its sad really. Most people just suck.

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Originally posted by JDKnite188

Bossk > *


Okay, that should motivate some people.


Hey, someone should make a Bossk class! :)


What would be better is to just rename the Trandoshans "Separatists" so they can have more options for classes, like Battle Droids and such.

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Originally posted by Oidar

I think the Trandos are awesome I usually end up on the Trando side and have no problems with it. Most people don't set their games up for auto-select. IT should be Auto-select in most cases cause people seem to be like. OMG trando nooooooooooo.

I've been on more winning Trando teams than I have Clones. People are petty anyway. Its like omg I've gotta play the good guy or I'll suck horribly. I've even seen people spec an entire match till someone leaves the clone team. Its sad really. Most people just suck.


The speccing thing is also funny. I've seen people spec for long long periods of time when the teams are unbalanced.


I mean, yeah, a lot of people are new and don't know how to play, or are afraid of being "schooled" and want to wait for the best opportunity. They may even have legit reasons for using spectator mode.


But I have to beg and plead with them to join the action, it's silly.


It's almost as if they are JUST WAITING for one team to gain the advantage so they can join the winning one (and vicariously achieve some glory for themselves they are afraid they couldn't achieve on their own). At least that's my jaded, cynical side talking. ;P

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I admit, I like the clones better. BUT i still go on the trando team everyonce in a while. They have cool skins n' such, its just that they have red shields. And, for me a leats red=bad, blue=good. I end up ignoring the clones and shooting at my teammates until i realize what Im doing. lol:(

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Originally posted by PhireStorm

I admit, I like the clones better. BUT i still go on the trando team everyonce in a while. They have cool skins n' such, its just that they have red shields. And, for me a leats red=bad, blue=good. I end up ignoring the clones and shooting at my teammates until i realize what Im doing. lol:(


Yeah, I found the red thing to be a little annoying, too (although i got used to it pretty quickly). But I find horribly unbalance teams to be even more annoying. Teams that are off by one can make a big enough difference (especially in assault and ctf), but a few minutes ago I got this:




(we still one 30-26 without the teams changing)

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i go on the team that has the smalles amount of players

i don't care trando or republic


trando have better aiming guns *my opinion*

and the clones have some more better options on there guns


so i don't care both are good :D

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Originally posted by Nokill

trando have better aiming guns *my opinion*

and the clones have some more better options on there guns


Zuh? Trandos and Clones can get all the same guns, the only difference is the starting gun (and the two seem to be identical in function). If you are talking about who makes them, it has nothing to do with which side you choose in the game.

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Wxatly, and the begginning trando repeater sucks...it takes 300 shots to take a clone down....the DC-17m takes about 15. :mad: Us trandos can't depend on running around and grabbing DC-17's to survive, while the clones get it automatically. When we're under fire, we're usually caught with our beginning weapon.


I play trando all the time, but that doesn't make much of a difference, because I always join in time for the clones to be 20 ahead :(

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I don't see any advantage in the ACP Repeater or the DC-17m Blaster in MP. You must remember how wimpy the Repeater is in SP and think it's not been changed for MP, because it has been changed.


In fact, I find myself grabbing a Repeater while I'm playing on the Republic so I can confuse the Trandos. It's all good, man!

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The two guns seem identical to me (I've tested it: the ammo count, reloading, melee attack and firing rate are the same, and I can get kills with both), and that would make perfect sense for balance purposes. If you possess both weapons, you essentially have double ammo, that's a good thing.


Ammo count: 160 (40 rounds per clip x 4 clips)

That's about 7 seconds of continuous firing before you have to reload (each clip).


As detailed on my in-development site here.


Also, since in MP you can't "adjust aim" with iron sights like you can in SP, yet another 'difference' between the two guns is erased.


Heck, the guns are so much the same that they both have the odd "explosions appear before the blaster bolt actually hits" effect! Model + sound effect swap (and yellow bolts instead of blue).


I've also run into people who whine "Oh #@%& why do I have to be the stupid ugly lizards??"


Sheesh, suck it up you prima donnas!


Btw, I've played HJekk and he (or she) is quite the player. ; ) Fun when the community is this small you tend to run into familiar names!



As others have said, the apparent bias against Trandoshans probably has a lot to do with the ideas ingrained in people from Single Player.

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Originally posted by Oidar

Yea if the Trandos looked like the Skarrj from UT2K4 then people wouldn't want to tangle with them, especially if their wrist blades were their melee weapons.




Uhh.. is he nude? I don't remember if they were nude in the original UT, but somehow they looked a lot tougher and cooler back then... ;)




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Hehe. I've been playing almost exclusively on my own server (so I can use my own settings and not have to worry about the server closing unexectedly), aptly titled "Kurgan's Meatgrinder."


Due to the (lack of) server tools, it's non-dedicated, and only up when I'm playing usually.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Hehe. I've been playing almost exclusively on my own server (so I can use my own settings and not have to worry about the server closing unexectedly), aptly titled "Kurgan's Meatgrinder."


Due to the (lack of) server tools, it's non-dedicated, and only up when I'm playing usually.


Oooh, when I got on MP for the first time, I noticed that server! :D I didn't join, wasn't sure if it was really you. Cool :cool:

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