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What a Steaming Pile of #$%@


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OK, I've been playing video games for about 25 years now, and I've yet to encounter such a shoddy, incomplete, buggy piece of crap as this game right here. It almost seems as if they made the game and were either too cheap or too stupid to employ beta testers or troubleshooters at any step along their development process. Let's run down my list of problems:


1) Kreia refuses to talk, or get this, even walk! (That's actually almost funny. Almost.)

2) Bao-Dur refuses to, you got it, talk or walk!

3) Gameplay is so choppy and unplayable in certain areas, that it seems the developers didn't bother to cross test the game on any system configuration other than the one they were running themselves. Real good guys, way to put our $60 to good use.

4) Audio in cutscenes is disjointed, and sometimes even nonexistant.

5) Dialogue sometimes skips past everything that's said, until the last tidbit, where it's time to respond.

6) This is the best one of all--NO PATCH TO FIX THESE PROBLEMS!


I don't know who's to blame for this steaming, smelly pile of crap, Obsidian, Bioware, Lucas Arts. Or maybe it's us for actually buying this after the last one was so buggy. To all the people behind this mess, take a gander at Valve, Rockstar and Ubisoft, among others, if you want to learn how to actually make a superior product, rather than be content to crap out a sequel just for the sake of profit.


And if anyone is wondering if it's my system that's maybe the cause of these glitches, it's not. Here are my specs:


P4 2.4 ghz with hyperthreading

2 gig of DDR2 ram

ATI Radeon 9800XT 256 meg


I know that ATI users generally have problems with this game, but gimme a break, there are basically two video card manufacturers and chipsets, ATI and nVidia. If you can't make the damn game work on both, DON'T MAKE THE GAME, or at least warn ATI users that your piece of crap is useless to them.


Rant over. Now I feel better. Actually I lied, no I don't.

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Well... I have a:

P4 2,4 Ghz

1,2 GB RAM

on board NO-NAME soundcard

and an ATi Radeon 9600 128Mb


and I have played flawless K1 and TSL without sound stuttering and/or glitches neither graphics nor gameplay... I guess I am a lucky shmoe.

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Originally posted by Br00klynHydr0

Rant over. Now I feel better. Actually I lied, no I don't.

You seem to be under the impression that everyone has the exact same problems. Well, they don't. You, however, are experiencing some extreme difficulties, but that shouldn't allow you to call it a "Steaming Pile of #$%@" when you haven't at least experienced the game with minimal problems.

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Originally posted by Br00klynHydr0

I know that ATI users generally have problems with this game, but gimme a break, there are basically two video card manufacturers and chipsets, ATI and nVidia. If you can't make the damn game work on both, DON'T MAKE THE GAME, or at least warn ATI users that your piece of crap is useless to them.


Actually, there is truth in what you say here. I'm far from being an uber computer geek, but I fail to understand why they can't even have proper support for some of the fastest cards around. That being said, there is a workaround for most ATI glitches (which was posted at lucasarts).

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Originally posted by Br00klynHydr0

OK, I've been playing video games for about 25 years now, and I've yet to encounter such a shoddy, incomplete, buggy piece of crap as this game right here. It almost seems as if they made the game and were either too cheap or too stupid to employ beta testers or troubleshooters at any step along their development process. Let's run down my list of problems:


1) Kreia refuses to talk, or get this, even walk! (That's actually almost funny. Almost.)

2) Bao-Dur refuses to, you got it, talk or walk!

3) Gameplay is so choppy and unplayable in certain areas, that it seems the developers didn't bother to cross test the game on any system configuration other than the one they were running themselves. Real good guys, way to put our $60 to good use.

4) Audio in cutscenes is disjointed, and sometimes even nonexistant.

5) Dialogue sometimes skips past everything that's said, until the last tidbit, where it's time to respond.

6) This is the best one of all--NO PATCH TO FIX THESE PROBLEMS!


I don't know who's to blame for this steaming, smelly pile of crap, Obsidian, Bioware, Lucas Arts. Or maybe it's us for actually buying this after the last one was so buggy. To all the people behind this mess, take a gander at Valve, Rockstar and Ubisoft, among others, if you want to learn how to actually make a superior product, rather than be content to crap out a sequel just for the sake of profit.


And if anyone is wondering if it's my system that's maybe the cause of these glitches, it's not. Here are my specs:


P4 2.4 ghz with hyperthreading

2 gig of DDR2 ram

ATI Radeon 9800XT 256 meg


I know that ATI users generally have problems with this game, but gimme a break, there are basically two video card manufacturers and chipsets, ATI and nVidia. If you can't make the damn game work on both, DON'T MAKE THE GAME, or at least warn ATI users that your piece of crap is useless to them.


Rant over. Now I feel better. Actually I lied, no I don't.


Shut up. Let's get a mod in here to clean up this shoddy, smelly pile of crap.

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umm, you do realize that your 'top-notch' system is what's giving you the problems, right?? two things: your graphics card isn't going to automatically run the game at the highest settings. not even the X850's run the game at the absolutely highest settings. second, your proccessor it probably giving you a bit of a bottleneck, which would explain the problems with your sound. i haven't seen any game, as of yet, that supports hyperthreading, so don't bother trying to tell me that its having an effect.


just turn down your settings a bit, and you should be fine. ;)


to compare specs with my machine:

Athlon 3200 XP

Radeon 9700 Pro (overclocked to 700Mhz)


Integrated Sound


and the game runs at a smooth 30-40 fps. :D


i'll grant you that the game has some bugs in it, but the game is definately quite playable and enjoyable. for a gamer thats been around as long as you have, i'm quite surprised that you'd flame a game this badly without considering the fact that not everything works perfectly in the gaming industry (or any industry, for that matter).

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Originally posted by Dragonball Fan

Shut up. Let's get a mod in here to clean up this shoddy, smelly pile of crap.


I agree.


It's posts like this that made Obsidian think hard about closing down their boards, and I'm hard pressed to disagree with them when people do stuff like this.



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Originally posted by Br00klynHydr0

OK, I've been playing video games for about 25 years now, and I've yet to encounter such a shoddy, incomplete, buggy piece of crap as this game right here. It almost seems as if they made the game and were either too cheap or too stupid to employ beta testers or troubleshooters at any step along their development process. Let's run down my list of problems:


1) Kreia refuses to talk, or get this, even walk! (That's actually almost funny. Almost.)

2) Bao-Dur refuses to, you got it, talk or walk!

3) Gameplay is so choppy and unplayable in certain areas, that it seems the developers didn't bother to cross test the game on any system configuration other than the one they were running themselves. Real good guys, way to put our $60 to good use.

4) Audio in cutscenes is disjointed, and sometimes even nonexistant.

5) Dialogue sometimes skips past everything that's said, until the last tidbit, where it's time to respond.

6) This is the best one of all--NO PATCH TO FIX THESE PROBLEMS!


I don't know who's to blame for this steaming, smelly pile of crap, Obsidian, Bioware, Lucas Arts. Or maybe it's us for actually buying this after the last one was so buggy. To all the people behind this mess, take a gander at Valve, Rockstar and Ubisoft, among others, if you want to learn how to actually make a superior product, rather than be content to crap out a sequel just for the sake of profit.


And if anyone is wondering if it's my system that's maybe the cause of these glitches, it's not. Here are my specs:


P4 2.4 ghz with hyperthreading

2 gig of DDR2 ram

ATI Radeon 9800XT 256 meg


I know that ATI users generally have problems with this game, but gimme a break, there are basically two video card manufacturers and chipsets, ATI and nVidia. If you can't make the damn game work on both, DON'T MAKE THE GAME, or at least warn ATI users that your piece of crap is useless to them.


Rant over. Now I feel better. Actually I lied, no I don't.


If you registered just ofr that, I`d say youre wasting your time, bitching isnt going to fix it, so just shut up if you have something to say about it here, pardon me for being rude, but theres no point calling the game crappy just because it annoys you when it bugs up, just save, close the game, and start it up again, that usually fixes it, and maybe the two characters; Kreia and Bao' Dur refuse to talk because you have exhausted thier storyline? unless im getting the wrong idea, Bao' Dur doesn`t really have much to talk about, because your character knows them personally, so it would be a little stupid for Bao' Dur to have to remind you about everything, and Kreia is just Kreia, she talks too much if you ask me, not that i mind, its good to have some voice in the game sometimes, i hate running around with nothing happening.

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That's a link for the Lucas Arts forum's thread I started at the same time I did this one. I notice 100% less moronic replies, thus telling me that all of the KOTORII players with lesser intelligence prefer this here forum. Congrats guys =)


If you read through it, you'll see that I'm not even close to the only one with these problems, so rather than be a goddam fanboy and blindly stand behind this piece of unfinished crap game, you should swallow your pride and say what should be said.

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Of course you're not. Do you expect there to be ANY game, where not one person hates it? It's your own fault for trying to post it here. I mean, look at this place. It's crawling with people who actually ENJOY THE GAME AND DON'T FEEL LIKE LISTENING TO PEOPLE WHO RANT ABOUT IT. Also, considering that your rant was more or less a pretty much nothing but an angry letter, seemingly expecting nothing but angry posts, well... yeah. And as I've said, it's not Obsidian's fault that ATI has t3h crap drivers. Even ATI knows that their new drivers are having lots of problems with KotOR II, and haven't fixed it yet. And also, consider this:


Obsidian Entertainment is given until Spring 2005 to complete the game. Now, that's plenty of time to finish it all. Then, Microsoft starts looking around, shaking in the lack of a Christmas game. They bribe LA into forcing OE to finishing the game by December. At least for Xbox. In a rush, they cut out things that still needed work, and weren't able to pick out all the bugs. Without their minds in proper order, they release the Xbox version without Live capablity, which comes in later. They then decide that if they gave extra content to the PC version, Xbox version owners will create a mass recall of the games, as they cannot update their own game content through Xbox Live. At the same time, OE foolishly forgets to pick out the many bugs that they were forced to forget about with the Xbox version. And thus, KotOR 2 was born. :p


EDIT: I bet that LA will rerelease the game with all the old content and tons of bugs fixed, just so they can milk more money out of it from disappointed fans/fans who want more. I would be willing to buy it... <_<

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I had a low amount of bugs(a lot lower then with K1) very rare crashes and my system is aging.


Same here (actually, later I found that I had more glitches than I knew, but they were really unnoticeable because I was too immersed in the story). It looks too me like you, Br00klynHydr0, have terrible luck, and a terrible attitude. It looks like you also can't read the forum rules. Consequently, many on the OE boards share these traits.

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I've been reading the thread. Some people(SOME) have had similar problems.


Just because somebody sees 10 or so persons posting about a problem doesn't mean it affects everyone.


Besides, you're such a hypocrit. You keep saying the game is a load of crap, yet you want to finish it.


Oh and you know what? If you had started the thread asking about a problem you're having without calling it "What a Steaming Pile of #$%@", you would get a nicer response from people in a FAN FORUM.

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umm, wow. the only offer of help that you got from the thread you posted was "re-install the game", and now you feel that you need to come over here and post another flaming rant over here?? did you or did you not read my post??? i offered a much more constructive post than anyone did over at the lucasarts forum. it kinda makes me wonder if anyone actually reads my posts. :(


heck, i'd even offer personal one-on-one help via MSN Messenger or AIM if you wanted. you can for the most part solve your problem if you really wanted. ranting won't be of much help. its like yelling at the tree you just hit with your car for being in the way. and just because you tried lots of stuff in the past with a different game doesn't mean that you won't have success with this game.


with that said, you can easily get help either through the Workbench forum, or contact me through the pm system. its not too difficult, and you may actually be able to enjoy the game. :)

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