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[ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!

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MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS LATER ON! I'll announce it in the thread title!


Well, I decided to post here, as I saw the thread entitled kotor comics in this part of the forum... here are a few samples of my kotor art.

This is my exile. I know, the lightsaber came out weirdly!




Here is Atton:




And here are Carth and Revan, arguing once more...



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Thank you so much for your nice and motivating comments! here are two more drawings. this is the first pic I did for Atton, and I didn't have some good references, so the clothes and the gun are rather crappy!









This is how I picture Atton's death in the cut scene ending:


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Originally posted by jblue789

That's a nice picture. Though, one would expect Atton to be a bit more mutilated, scorched, beaten, and bloody....

hmmm... i prefer Kyla Rand's pic to the game original cutscene of Atton's death: there is more emotion... here is a screenshot I took of that scene after reactivating some of the cutscenes that were removed: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/atton1.jpg


and I definitely prefer this style to anime where all the character look like they are made from the same mold!

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Originally posted by Darth333

hmmm... i prefer Kyla Rand's pic to the game original cutscene of Atton's death: there more emotion... here is a screenshot I took of that scene after reactivating some of the cutscenes that were removed: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/atton1.jpg


WOW WOW WOW! I did you manage to reactivte it? Do you mind if I use this pic on other forums? I didn't know they actually made the scene! that is awesome... I played on X Box so I don't really know about the advantages of the PC version.

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Originally posted by Kyla Rand

WOW WOW WOW! I did you manage to reactivte it? Do you mind if I use this pic on other forums? I didn't know they actually made the scene! that is awesome... I played on X Box so I don't really know about the advantages of the PC version.

Sure , np do what you want :) The scene was there: they only thing that was missing was setting a few global variables. However, some things don't really make sense when you look at them more closely (edit: to avoid confusion, I am talking about the cutcenes in the game, not the drawings)... anyways, this is your thread and I don't want to bring it off topic. As I said above, I prefer the interpretation you gave: drawings have much more flexibility than cutscenes that use only a limited range of animations.

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Well, in fact, I drew this pic before knowing what really happened. I imagined the scene with him being force lightning hit by Sion or Kreia... I had no idea he had his arm cut and who did it. I just heard he died sacrifing himself for you... Maybe I'll make a bloodier pic eventually!;)

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PLease don't bring this thread off topic. If you want to discuss the cut material, start a new thread. This thread is for Kyla Rand's work. If I posted the pic above, it was only in response to another post, to show how the drawings reflected more emotions than the real cutscene, not to discuss the cut stuff (I posted those pics at HL a couple of weeks ago anyways).

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Originally posted by Kyla Rand Thank you so much for your nice and motivating comments! here are two more drawings. this is the first pic I did for Atton, and I didn't have some good references, so the clothes and the gun are rather crappy!




This is how I picture Atton's death in the cut scene ending:


Hey Kyla, fabulous pics BTW... I'm glad you heard our plea for more ;)


I don't mean to uncover the "mysteries" of the artist, but I was curious on the tools you've used. The coloring technique mainly.


The style is very similiar to most professional designers (model, clothing, etc.). I was wondering if you freehand the coloring with pastel or crayon (and scan the images into a computer), or if you used a program such as Illustrator (which for those that aren't familiar with, is just as hard to do... no fancy "instant color" button hehehe).


The coloring looks as if it's done by hand with the stroke lines... but if it's done by a program... you've just shown yet another amazing talent by simulating the 'hand coloring' :eek:

And by all means, if you'd rather not reveal your secrets, that's perfectly fine... was just curious. :)


and as Darth333 has stated, you've really captured more emotion in one frame than most cg graphic artists can do in 30 :thumbsup:

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Hello Kyla. Fabulous work, of course. The style reminds me of Joe Madureira or as he called it "american manga", as Joe has gone into hiding for some obscure reason and doesn't draw anymore, I can hardly wait for more from Kyla.


As for the cut cutscene thing, I believe that it isn't finished, as it is not in the game... so had it been put in the game there would probably have been some missing arms, bruises and stuff.


(Joe Mad! drew the Onslaught story for Uncanny X-Men and later his creator owned comic Battle Chasers at Cliffhanger Comics and if anyone knows what he is up to nowadays, please drop me a line)

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