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Ideas for a sequel? *might be spoilers*


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They left Sev cause they needed the rest of the squad more.


"Delta Squad" for Yoda is Boss, Scorch and Fixer. Only those three....


Note to the side: EP3 and the end of RC are at least a year and a half apart.


In a sequel finding Sev dead would cause a much more interesing story, wouldn't it?

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I'd love a Commando sequel, it was very refreshing, having a Star Wars game that didn't have any Jedi or lightsabers, speaking of which Commandos with lightsabers would be bad so would playing a Jedi, we have Jedi Knight and KOTOR series for that, along with Battlefront and Clone Wars(shudders) if you want to storm through a battlefield with a lightsaber. This game was grittier and that's what I liked... after I realised the Force wasn't going to save my backside here.


Just didn't like the ending, though I figured Sev would've survived and ultimately ended up helping the Rebels prior to the Alliance being formed. An Imperial Commando would've been, interesting, but now I affiliate Commandos with fighting the good fight and exterminating Rebels and Jedi would go against that image. So I'm gonna hope the Tides Of War title will happen. But for that one, I hope we find out Sev's fate. I know replacing clones is easy enough, but would Delta Squad want a replacement for him... if they had a choice in the matter, so how would they treat one?

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I'd love a Commando sequel, it was very refreshing, having a Star Wars game that didn't have any Jedi or lightsabers, speaking of which Commandos with lightsabers would be bad so would playing a Jedi, we have Jedi Knight and KOTOR series for that, along with Battlefront and Clone Wars(shudders) if you want to storm through a battlefield with a lightsaber. This game was grittier and that's what I liked... after I realised the Force wasn't going to save my backside here.


Just didn't like the ending, though I figured Sev would've survived and ultimately ended up helping the Rebels prior to the Alliance being formed. An Imperial Commando would've been, interesting, but now I affiliate Commandos with fighting the good fight and exterminating Rebels and Jedi would go against that image. So I'm gonna hope the Tides Of War title will happen. But for that one, I hope we find out Sev's fate. I know replacing clones is easy enough, but would Delta Squad want a replacement for him... if they had a choice in the matter, so how would they treat one?

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  Redtech said:
How about starting from Sev's POV as the tutorial level, then showing the "new" commandos as the min game with some interlooping part-thing.



Yeah, that sounds good :)


  Bomberman65 said:
Yeah well I heard somewhere that there making a sequel and It was called Republic Commando: Tides of War. I'm not sure If Its true but oh man I hope It Is.


Link ?


  commander_delta said:
god at the end of republic commando finding that we left sev there it made me cry


Yeah, that was freaking sad :( I felt especially sad for Scorch, as Sev was his pod brother and all

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I figure that they have a little while until the clones receive order sixty-six. A game about order sixty-six would be really cool, but it might be a bit too contraversial. So, say they make another campaign or two on Kashyyyk. Each mission isn't that long when you think about it. The travel and time between each misssion might be long, but I'd say that each campaign would take less than a week, maybe. Unless the times when the drop-ship picks them up and delta squad is riding takes more than a couple of days.


So there is one or two campaigns on Kashyyyk. Then maybe before order sixty-six, they are sent to somewhere like Mygeeto. There could be a campaign or two there also. Therefore, the sequal doensn't have to have anything to do with order sixty-six. They could maybe even be sent to another planet.


I'd be also fine with just and expansion pack. They missed out a lot between Clone Wars: Zero Hour and the invasion of Kashyyyk. They could have been sent to Cato Nemoidia or Utapau, places like that.


Btw, I think that they should find Sev. He was cool.

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