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MI1/MI4 continuity? [Possible kinda MI1 spoilers]


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What's up with the continuity between Secret and Escape? Carla and Otis complain about being left on Monkey Island, yet Herman also implies that you left without him. So which ending is it supposed to be? And why did they even put reference to a game with multiple endings in the first place?

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The game follows the ending of MI1 where the crew is left behind on the island, because Herman's dialogue implies that he did indeed escape from Monkey Island in MI1 to return Guybrush to Melee but then decided to continue being a hermit on Monkey Island. He voluntarily returned and, in an effort to become a full-time hermit, sank his ship.


Seriously though, what would have been so insane about combining the two endings?

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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by Udvarnoky

The game follows the ending of MI1 where the crew is left behind on the island, because Herman's dialogue implies that he did indeed escape from Monkey Island in MI1 to return Guybrush to Melee but then decided to continue being a hermit on Monkey Island. He voluntarily returned and, in an effort to become a full-time hermit, sank his ship.


Seriously though, what would have been so insane about combining the two endings?


Well, MI4 implied that neither the crew or Herman came back, meaning Guybrush would had to have gone back on his own. But yeah Herman did imply he came back with Guybrush, only to go back again, but a lot of it still doesn't make sense, mostly to do with HT Marley, but I can't be asked to go through that again, we dragged that into the ground so much.

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In monkey island 2, guybrush finds Herman on Dinky Island, and has "set up shop" there. I'm guessing thats what you meant, but after talking to Herman, you find that, I believe, Herman claims he deserted himself there, so that he may tell his teachings to all who come.

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Originally posted by Scummbuddy

In monkey island 2, guybrush finds Herman on Dinky Island, and has "set up shop" there. I'm guessing thats what you meant, but after talking to Herman, you find that, I believe, Herman claims he deserted himself there, so that he may tell his teachings to all who come.



I remember that....


"If a tree falls in the wood and no one is there to hear it, what colour is it?"



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