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How to become a Jedi

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What the ....? How can anyone find that provocative?

You're trying to prove that he is wrong, he's just showing his opinion and you jump heim.

Seriously, stop trying to jump on me for any reason you can try to dig up, even if it makes no sense.

We're not jumping YOU, it's the other way around. You're jumping US, control your temper, man. Not even I lose my temper that much or quick.

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No wait, he was making a statement about me, I'm entitled to correct or specify some elements. If I happen to prove him wrong, hey, that's what it is then. But it's far from provocative.


The debate is over by the way.


Oh, and let's not quote the amount of "shut up" and aggressive smilies againt me. You'd be surprise who's calmer.

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Man o' man if you were a jedi (you know who) you'd def. be easy to turn to the dark side if your flaring temper is that bad. :confused:


and MAN for people accusing someone of flaming or abusing them you all sure don't have a problem telling "lukeiamyourdad" to shut up like every post ;)




Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada



So you are saying: If we don't have an explanation why we are atheistic, then we are not allowed to be???


That is such an arrogant thougth.



Arrogance is believing your right in something without any thought going into it.


I am an athiest and can SURE tell you reasons why. I wasn't skipping along one day and said "ooh well I wanna be an athiest, or a jehovah's witness." If you can't list one single reason why your belief is the way it is, the decision was made in haste without reason.


I can list reason upon reason and quote Bible passages to which led me to believe as I do.


You guys have been POUNDIN' lukeiamyourdad for his comments. He is using a comparision between the two to make his point. If you stop taking offense and telling him:


SHUT UP "wah wah" SHUT UP


He is allowed to post his thoughts in that thread just as someone was allowed to make it and the rest allowed to post in it. For you to tell lukeiamyourdad to shut up just because he doesn't agree with you over and over again is rude, flaming (to me), and just plain RUDE. (did I say the rude part once already :confused: )


I'll close with this and drop out of the "flame wars" with this quote from a great man who states it all perfectly:


It Is Better People Think You A Fool Than To Open Your Mouth And Remove All Doubt---Samuel Clemons


and as for Darth333 and gettin' all scared. If you think your posts are offensive enough for her to close the thread you might want to think twice about posting them ;)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

No wait, he was making a statement about me, I'm entitled to correct or specify some elements. If I happen to prove him wrong, hey, that's what it is then. But it's far from provocative.


The debate is over by the way.


Oh, and let's not quote the amount of "shut up" and aggressive smilies againt me. You'd be surprise who's calmer.


No I wouldn't ;) I've been reading your posts :) Your def. a Jedi :D thru and thru ;)

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Originally posted by jedigoku

dude i got scared cuz the tread got way off topic and as for the shuting up part I'm sorry i just can stand not being taken seriously

*Says the same thing jedigoku said *


I am sorry for telling lukeiamyourdad to shut up.:(


No I wouldn't I've been reading your posts Your def. a Jedi thru and thru

There is no need for sarcasam.


thank you where is Devon by the way he hasn't had any input for a while

I wonder too...


*Sighs *


Man... How can I screw up sometimes...:(


*Goes to sleep, guilty and sad for it... *

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

*Says the same thing jedigoku said *


I am sorry for telling lukeiamyourdad to shut up.:(

Glad to hear this because this thread was going to be :lock:


I think you have been here long enough to be well aware of the forum rules concerning this kind of attitude. Prime has already asked you to cool down a few times in this very same thread.


As this thread is popular, I'm going to give it a very last chance. If you want this thread to remain opened, keep in mind that people are entitled to have different opinions and it is not because they post opinions that do not match your beliefs/opinions that it is flaming or personal attacks. Debates are welcomed here but keep it civilized.


No more "shut up" ...and stop using caps: it's just plain rude. If you have a problem with a post, use the report post button or PM a moderator: we will look at the situation and take appropriate measures if required. Consider this an "official" warning.

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Originally posted by jedigoku

thank you where is Devon by the way he hasn't had any input for a while


I'm here. :wavey:


Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada


I wonder too...


*Sighs *


Man... How can I screw up sometimes...:(


*Goes to sleep, guilty and sad for it... *


There's no need to feel guilty just because I haven't posted in a few hours. College is piling on more homework... Exams are coming up... :eek: So, I have to spend more time studying. (Unless I want to redo one year of college).


Originally posted by Darth333

As this thread is popular, I'm going to give it a very last chance.


Originally posted by Darth333

Consider this an "official" warning.


Yes, ma'am! :sweat:

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I'm going to agree with Vladimir-Valda about what he said that the existence of god is not the subject of this thread but I'll disagree with him about God existence coz I believe that he does exist, but we will not going to discuss this here.


PS: you Atheists, try to be open minded and accept others believes as they accept yours.

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There's no need to feel guilty just because I haven't posted in a few hours. College is piling on more homework... Exams are coming up... So, I have to spend more time studying. (Unless I want to redo one year of college).

I don't feel guilty because you have exams and couldn't show up... I feel guilty because I always get pissed off without any reason, and insult everyone:( , I am sorry lukeiamyourdad and I am sorry Prime.:(


As this thread is popular, I'm going to give it a very last chance.

Consider this an "official" warning.

*Shivers... *

Yes, ma'am:sweat:


Keep it together Vlada, don't let anyone piss you, jedigoku or Devon off anyway that anyone tries...Keep it together...

All right guys, let's not get provoked by off topic posts, and let's continue normally, and please...


*Falls on his knees and starts begging *


Please! Don't critisise us, we will do our best not to get pissed off any other time, ever again! But please, do ourselves and yourselves a favour: Please don't start anything about God or politics or please don't be too harsh, if we start to be too harsh, then you will have the right to close this thread for good, and ban us from this Forum for good...


I am sorry, I am just a desperate piece of s**t that is easily provoked and who doesn't like to be critisesed...


I am sorry for insulting lukeiamyourdad... It's just that I am easily provoked when it comes to subjects about religion and politics, and I say things I don't mean and don't want to say...:(:cry8:


I am sorry for critisiesing Prime, the problem is:

I don't like my superiors, hell, I don't like any superiors, and that's my problem...


If I or jedigoku or Devon break any of these rules, you can ban any of us for life! But I strongly sugest that you ban me instead of them. Because I broke almost every rule of this Forum.:(


*Sighs *


I always screw up everything...


*Walks out with his head bent down... *

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

If I or jedigoku or Devon break any of these rules, you can ban any of us for life! But I strongly sugest that you ban me instead of them. Because I broke almost every rule of this Forum.:(


*Sighs *


I always screw up everything...


*Walks out with his head bent down... *


Vladimir, you are overreacting! :hit4:

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

It looks like that even jedigoku stopped posting on this one...

I must have done something terribly wrong, so whatever I did I apologise to anyone I insulted or hurt or anything, because I didn't mean to.:(


ya didn't do anything wrong I've been busy most of my posting is done between 5pm and 12am here in wisconsin and it is about noon here

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Darth Melingous, it surely is possible to make a lightsaber, but this is about finding out the truth. The Lightsaber will need to be disscused later...


For now let's continue on hypnoisis...:D


P.S. I won't insult anybody I swear. I am sorry lukeiamyourdad.

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Well I was trying to change the subject of the thread back to something related to what it was created for "how to be a jedi" and that directly relates.


If you guys wanna yap away go ahead. I tried ;)


I personally think there's way to much "chatting" and not enough "on topic" posts other than back and forth banter. I was merely trying to steer it the right direction. I officially wash my hands :barf:

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I think if we are going to discuss proving that the force existist we should start a seperatite thread to prevent this one from being closed other wise we should keep it related to becoming a jedi that is just my thought

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Well I was trying to change the subject of the thread back to something related to what it was created for "how to be a jedi" and that directly relates.


If you guys wanna yap away go ahead. I tried ;)


I personally think there's way to much "chatting" and not enough "on topic" posts other than back and forth banter. I was merely trying to steer it the right direction. I officially wash my hands :barf:

Yes, it is nice of you to try and lighten up the mood. But the problem of this thread since the beggining is:


About the Force: There is NOTHING


And if we want to know the truth, we should start respecting each other (this is turned to me), and start making arguments, to start researching (I won't insult anybody I swear. If I do, ban me for life).


And the problem of the Lightsaber is too, that no one knows anything about it.

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