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Good News Concerning the Forum Closure!

Boba Rhett

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Ah heck.


I have been reading the April Fools jokes on all the other net sites today and this one got me!


I was checking my e-mail every few minutes waiting for the cease and desist letter! Me and my savings account can rest easily now.

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Copy of announcement so that we may preserve it for posterity and for giggles:






Yesterday I received a letter from Lucasfilm's legal department. Instead of trying to give you the gist of it, I'll let you all read it for yourselves.



We are the Attorneys for Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. of which LucasArts is a division (hereinafter “LucasArts”).


We are writing to you on behalf of our client to notify you that some of the content of your website infringes upon LucasArts copyrights and other intellectual property rights.


More particularly, the forum known as Holowan Laboratories presents to the public unauthorized modifications of the games Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It has also come to our attention that this forum also contains numerous explanations on how to modify the files of the above mentioned games. Such material is in breach of the End User License Agreement for the above mentioned games as well as copyright laws. As a reminder, the End User License Agreement expressly provides:


You may not: [...] (3) modify or prepare derivative works of the Software, except as otherwise may be allowed herein; (4) transmit the Software over a network, by telephone, or electronically using any means, or permit use of the Software, in a network, multi-user arrangement or remote access arrangement except in the course of your network multiplayer play of the Software over authorized networks in accordance with its documentation; [...] (6) design or distribute unauthorized levels; (7) reverse engineer the Software, derive source code, or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover any underlying source code, ideas, algorithms, file formats, programming or interoperability interfaces of the Software by any means whatsoever, except to the extent expressly permitted by law despite a contractual provision to the contrary, and then only after you have notified LucasArts in writing of your intended activities; [...].


Therefore, we hereby request that the forum known as Holowan Laboratories be immediately disabled and that contact information, including IP addresses, for the following members […list truncated for privacy reasons – concerned members will be contacted via PM…] be forwarded to our attention at the address provided herein below.


LucasArts also demands that you promptly remove any and all other content infringing upon our client’s rights from the rest of your internet site, as well as from any site you control, that you cease and desist all use of LucasArts material subject to copyrights within five (5) days from the date of this letter.



Also, your website will be monitored to see if you are in compliance with the law and LucasArts reserve the right to take any and all steps deemed necessary to protect its rights.







As was stated earlier, I will be contacting the individuals whose names appeared in the letter so that we may proceed from there.


I'm very sorry it came to this, everyone. Until further notice the editing boards will be closed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me or one of the Holowan moderators via PM or email.

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That was BAD!! I thought this was the end of it all!! NOT COOL DUDE! lolololol


I really thought this was closing. You got me and that is the most masterfully evil april fools joke all day!

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Im somewhat curious as to who was actually in on the joke. I'm fairly certain all the moderators were because of the wordings in their post. Just curious.


Actually, it gave me time to read through some of the other forums. Holowan is still the best, but this is a great site all around!!!:cool:

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Originally posted by Lion54

I think someone should notify Chainz.2da. I think you guys scared him a little to much.!!!:cool:

If he dosen't finish the Ultimate Lightsabre mod, I for one, will not be happy :(



I wouldn't worry too much about ChAiNz.2da ;) Re-read his posts...


ChAiNz...why did you had to copy an old letter? :p

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Originally posted by Darth333

I wouldn't worry too much about ChAiNz.2da ;) Re-read his posts...


ChAiNz...why did you had to copy an old letter? (Nice try) :p


You gotta let me in on this next time, another 30 minutes and I was considering bringing TSL back to the store. (Modding is the only reason I've got it.) :)

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

You gotta let me in on this next time, another 30 minutes and I was considering bringing TSL back to the store. (Modding is the only reason I've got it.) :)

Letting you in would have meant one less fish! :p ChAiNz was on his own ;)

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Originally posted by tk102

@envida: I hope you didn't kick yourself in the nuts.


I was very close. At first I knew it was a Aprils fools so I posted it as a joke, but then I started to get concerned and was getting upset, angry and ready to do my deed when I saw the revelation about it being a Aprils fools thank god :rolleyes:

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