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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Too bad. I was always under the impression that Obsidian may attempt to "fix" the majority of the game or at least be there to support the community when it came to modding (like Valve does). By far this has to be one of the most ambitious mods around, too bad they're not getting paid for it..

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First, I would like to thank you for answering my questions. I really apprechiate that you have taken the time to do so. I have never said that you owed anyone anything, so I will just clear that up first. I have also praised your hardwork and efforts.


"Because modders enjoy modding. Someone's joining should be based on their desire to make cool stuff, not on what we do to get people pumped up." - Dashus


I agree. I do believe that people should help you because they have a desire to. However, I also believe that people who help you would at some point want to see their work displayed somewhere.


"I wasn't aware our responsibility was to "keep morale high." - Dashus


The original question was a generalized statement, which I was curious in knowing if you have done anything. I guess your answer is 'no'.




Edit:: Added::


I may have been a little hard in my initial post. I understand you are doing this for free, and you also have several loyalists. I am one of those people who are interested in seeing the result of your hardwork. There comes a time where you have to just give us straight answers. I can undertand you are on the defense, but you just have to nip this one in the but.


1. Do you have an estimate on its release?


2. What can we do to possibly help you finish up?


3. Did you bite off more than you can chew?


It is okay to be straight with people. I think you will gain more respect by being honest. Even though I have been to your website a hundred times, I cannot ignore the fact that people have helped you, and people are clinging onto your promise. You owe everyone the right to have their work seen, and the right for a straight answer.


I can understand why you are on the defense, for you have been working on this project for a long time. Some people are impatient, and others are annoying.


What is it going to be?

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*Laughs and shakes head*

You're nothing if not persistent.


1) has been answered: No. I don't think nagging is going to get you a different answer.

2) I don't want to speak for Team Gizka, but from what I've seen, they tend to ask for help when they need it. In fact they recently asked for help with some modeling. I guess you could probably start there. Otherwise, I imagine that they want to be left alone to complete their work.

3) This question is blatantly rude and condescending. If your attitude causes a communication lockdown at TG, then I imagine a lot of people are going to be very, very upset with you. So how about just leaving it alone?


Here's a question for you: What is the real purpose of your line of questioning? It appears to be an attempt to embarrass Team Gizka or otherwise belittle their effort. If this isn't your intent, you may want to consider a different tack.


my 2 cents.

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1. Do you have an estimate on its release?


2. What can we do to possibly help you finish up?


3. Did you bite off more than you can chew?


1) What part of "when it is done" don't you understand? Does somebody need to :smash: into your head. Do you like it when a poster pesters you about when you will release a mod? Pot meet Kettle.


2) As Achilles stated if you read their forum you would know when they need help.


3) I agree with Achilles statement on this question.

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1. Do you have an estimate on its release?
Nope. Because we do it in our free time there's no way we can accurately measure the amount of time remaining.

2. What can we do to possibly help you finish up?
As I stated above, we're looking to get a modeller on the team.

3. Did you bite off more than you can chew?
We don't think so.

I have never said that you owed anyone anything
You owe everyone the right to have their work seen
We do not owe anyone anything. Just to clarify.

It is okay to be straight with people. I think you will gain more respect by being honest.
We have not once knowingly given a non-straight answer and if, perchance, we did, we hope we corrected it. We don't know when it will be done, and that's what we've said from day one.

What is it going to be?
What is what going to be?
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Thank you for answering my questions with a little more clearity. Instead of just answering 'No', you came forward with a more logical answer. The only one answer I dissagree with is:


'You' owe everyone the right to have 'their' work seen.


We do not owe anyone anything. Just to clarify.


I think 'you' owe it to the people who are involved with this mod to finish it. They all have worked hard on this, and it would be a shame to not see their work in any form.


- In a time management, as one of the leaders, have you given your team an in-house time table? Deadlines?


- Could you give us some insight on what you are working on now? Your W.i.P. has not been updated for some time, so I am sure some of us are a little curious.


Thank you for responding in a non-offensive/deffensive manner. Sometimes you have to give a little more of an explination that just 'no' or 'when it is done."


Thank you,


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I think 'you' owe it to the people who are involved with this mod to finish it. They all have worked hard on this, and it would be a shame to not see their work in any form.
Their = Our. I'm not just the PR guy remember. The entire factory is essentially my responsibility. I have also written both the installer and updater. We all code.

In a time management, as one of the leaders, have you given your team an in-house time table? Deadlines?
It's decentralized. There is no one giving out orders. We work on what we come across. Or do rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to do it.

Could you give us some insight on what you are working on now? Your W.i.P. has not been updated for some time, so I am sure some of us are a little curious.
Check the WIP. If it's not done we're working on that. Can't really be more specific than that.
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Cool. Thanks man.


Your answers clearrified why the mod is still in production. Too bad there wasn't a pillar to bring everything together, but only time will tell if that happens. Once you guys find a center, I know the mod will be done.


Thanks man. I will leave you to your fun,


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Once you guys find a center, I know the mod will be done.

I'd just like to clarify a potential misconception. The mod is not done because it takes a long time to do this in our spare time - not because we "lack a leader". By "decentralized" I merely mean that we do not have one person as the "overseer". We all sort of took charge of different areas. If someone has a question about how their stuff might interact with Dantooine, we all know that TA is the specialist. The factory, me, the genoharadan, jd, the endings, aur, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if Gizka could include a fix to stop the influence bug?


[Whereby you main PC is at 100% dark/light and max influence, making party member max dark/light. When PC gets another dark/light point, party members become max light/dark instead.]

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I don't know if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if Gizka could include a fix to stop the influence bug?


[Whereby you main PC is at 100% dark/light and max influence, making party member max dark/light. When PC gets another dark/light point, party members become max light/dark instead.]



You beat me to the post this time, hehe...


I actually was going to offer my mod to them, I have fixed this bug, it needs a little touch up work still, but I can easily have it done within a week, if not less..


Anyways, I have this fix done for the most part, but the problem is it needs to run every 1 second to completely squash the bug, and since your mod will be changing almost every area in the game, it would be a good place to implement it.. You could add it to some object in each area, and voila.. Fixed..


Btw, I have tested it running on an infinite loop, with a delaycommand of 1 second, it causes no FPS hit.. So its a viable fix.. Just needs the right forum for release. Nobody is gonna choose my mod over yours, and since it has to edit every area of the game, thats the choice they would be left with if I make the fix permanent... I guarantee they dowload yours.. :) I would..


The only thing it needs added to it is the influence part, which isnt that hard, I had it done in a previous version, but scrapped it to make the code more efficient, and havent re-added it in yet..


So if you are interested PM me, and I will make a full version for you guys, and you can implement it into the project..



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To truly fix it would require modifying the executable. We've decided we're just going to leave it be.


If the website does not have a big 'ol 1.0c1 as the version available, the public cannot download it.


I have finished and upped this to lucasfiles, its named Influence Bug Fix 1.0

it should be available for download soon, they have to verify it or some such before they post it..





Another thought for a fix would be a C++ program, sorta like a trainer that monitors and sets the values, it could be made into a launcher, then after launching the game it then monitor the addresses in memory that contain influence, and alignment data for the npc's, and the exile, and then make the proper changes.


This would remove the need for using module heartbeat methods, it could run constantly and not effect the game at all, this would be the most ideal fix. As it would completly fix the bug, and would be a lot more flexible than Kotors scripting language allowing it to be programmed to work exactly like the in-game influence system is supposed to work..


Not to mention it would be compatible with everyones mods.. And with it doubling as a launcher it would be easy to use as well.. I think someone should seriously look into doing this..


So if any C++ programmers wanna give this a go.. hint hint... Or any language for that matter that could handle this task.. Please do..

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  • 2 weeks later...

It will not "corrupt" any saves. That said there may be a number of bugs thereafter. Additionally, not all of the content will be available if you are using a save after first landing on Telos. Any save from before arriving at Telos will get you access to all the content we've restored.

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