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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Hey, anyone know why the build number changed? I don't see any progress on the bug traker or is it because they have managed to add a new language or implement some more content?


Huh?! I wasn't aware of it changing, did it change from 0.8b3 to 0.8b4? If so then all that is is the number of weeks they have been working on that particular build, so next week, if they are still on 0.8b* then it will be 0.8b5 :)

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Huh?! I wasn't aware of it changing, did it change from 0.8b3 to 0.8b4? If so then all that is is the number of weeks they have been working on that particular build, so next week, if they are still on 0.8b* then it will be 0.8b5 :)


Hmm I guess that's what the build plan says but 0.8b3 has been around for more than a week (almost a month) or at least I think it has (maybe time has slowed down for me.. oh no according to Constantine that would mean I'm in hell :))) )


Edit: hey guys.. thought I post this lil message to see if these forums are dead...


I haven't seen anyupdates for some time now.. and the bug traker seems to have frozen


I know that the bug traker isn't a countdown to release and that they are probably adding more content.. but u have to admit that it's been a long time since we've heard from anyone at TG.. I just want to know if they are still alive & well.. hope someone answers... :)


paulxpz, I have combined your 'bump' post with your previous one for now. Please refrain from needlessly 'bumping' this thread with posts like this. Thanks. -RH

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Progress is measured in more ways than can be illustrated by simple bug trackers and "'progress' reports".


There are still 5 TBR items, and one PR. And there are still "bugs" remaining to be fixed. The team right now, AFIAK and always IMO, is working on implementation right now, which cannot be reflected by the bug tracker. The bug tracker isn't aware of "new" content until it has been implemented in the mod build, been tested and then found to have a bug... then there is something for the tracker to report. Without those conditions, the bug count will sit.


Those of us who spend some time at the TG forums understand the mantra... "It'll be done, when it's done". Their work is winding down, so practice patience...

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  • 1 month later...
Just an FYI:


0.9b1 will be the only build in the 0.9 family.

1.0b1 may take a few weeks but it will be the next build.

The invite-only beta will begin upon its release.




That sounds really promising. Oh, and nice update on the progress reports. Though I heard the voice-files long ago, it's nice to finally see that scene.


For those who haven't see it yet - http://team-gizka.org/2007-10-22.html

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hooraay.. we have new progress to talk about!!! this is great! oh and don't worry Dash'


we will wait patiently for the next build as we allways have...

Besides.. more waiting makes for better replayability i think... and for those who can't wait there are allways new mods out there to make the game more entertaining


or for those like me there is allways the revisiting of some oldies like jedi outcast to keep ourselves fresh :)

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hey it looks like they greyed out the features... i know they said they will release the mod when all the non-feature issues are solved but does this greyed out thing mean they have decided to stop working on the features alltogether or will they be done in a separate release or update?

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hey it looks like they greyed out the features... i know they said they will release the mod when all the non-feature issues are solved but does this greyed out thing mean they have decided to stop working on the features alltogether or will they be done in a separate release or update?


No, not necessarily. To both prongs of your question.


TG's build plan never included the feature issues in the Beta release. The features that have been fixed and are in the mod up to this point are in because they were important to that team member, easy, or fun. The rest of the features may be released with 1.0c1, or some of them, or none of them.


The greying out is a simple reminder that 1.0b1 is 4 bugs away from release, and will be the next build. I can't wait to get at it!

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No, not necessarily. To both prongs of your question.


TG's build plan never included the feature issues in the Beta release. The features that have been fixed and are in the mod up to this point are in because they were important to that team member, easy, or fun. The rest of the features may be released with 1.0c1, or some of them, or none of them.


The greying out is a simple reminder that 1.0b1 is 4 bugs away from release, and will be the next build. I can't wait to get at it!

I've been playing TSL non-stop for the last few weeks, just so that I can notice all the stuff that changes in TSLRP :D
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At least they take the time to bring us bug-free software. Lucasarts and Obsidian could learn much from this :xp:


I've read the Futures list on the 'bugtracker' thingy. Most are just suggestions of improving certain cutscenes, dialogues and balance issues. It's personal taste, not a real 'bug.'

I suppose that's the reason for the greying out. :)

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  • 2 months later...
Always check out the website and forums of Team Gizka for news. At the moment, they're still at 0.9b1 with about 16 bug fixes included in the 1.0b1 build.

Yawn. If the mod gets finished, the mod gets finished. I haven't played "KotOR II" in its entirety for the past two/three years. Since this mod has been on the burner for three years, I will be suprised when it is finally released. I won't play the mod, but I will be glad to see it finished.


If you have been following their website, they seem to be regressing in progress. Since we have been told that the progress report is not a true countdown to completion, I don't think anyone on the outside can guess how many more years it will take until release. I'm a little agrivated that it has taken so long, but I can understand that life must move forward. I hope they are doing well in college. :)


Well, good luck peoples. :)

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If it is going to take that long I will proceed with a play through with as many of the fixes and some of the K2RP content if they get a January release out, as my health is not 100% and I would kick myself in whatever dimension if i am not around for the release. Hope things continue well. :)

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But they've been hinting that they were for months now. Although they never actually said that, they definitely made most of us believe it, whether intentional or not.


There's no way I would have thought that it'd be a few more years from now. And I was the one to tell people not to get their hopes up in the first post on this page!


Oh well. Keep up the good work anyway, Team Gizka. I suppose I'd prefer quality over a rushed release. I think the game itself adequately demonstrates that lesson.

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If you have been following their website, they seem to be regressing in progress.
That's not the impression I get there... and I would consider myself a longtime follower of their site and progress.

Since we have been told that the progress report is not a true countdown to completion, I don't think anyone on the outside can guess how many more years it will take until release. I'm a little agrivated that it has taken so long, but I can understand that life must move forward.
You know how it is Mac... you have nearly left this modding galaxy several times yourself, due to life, disinterest, whatever it may be. I mean you no disrespect, quite the opposite.


They are plugging away, and yes there are stretches where we onlookers really don't know what is going on... we can either be frustrated, or be patient.


I feel the same as Miltiades. Several of us have been asked to test the 1.0b1 build, and I have no reason to believe I won't get to test it. Sometime soon perhaps. When it's done, of course. :)

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It's also good to note that, unlike other popular Star Wars game mods, such as the Dark Forces, Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith mods for Jedi Academy, all of which are progressing painfully slowly (and the first is calling it quits less than halfway through the project... after six years), TSLRP is progressing astoundingly faster. This is probably due to the fact that they are not recreating an entire game from the ground up, nor are they creating a lot of original material, but are mainly unlocking material that is already there, but hidden. I have faith that we will see this project completed sometime before 2008 is over.



Unrelated to that, I had a question: I know that you lot are pushing for a release as bug-free as possible. I must ask: is this limited only to bugs within the mod itself, or does it extend to correcting bugs from the original game itself? My biggest peeve with this game has always been the random crashing, especially when disarming a mine and clicking on the next mine before the animation finishes for the mine you are currently disarming. Such corrections would be wonderful.

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