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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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There are certain things we can fix and certain things we can't. The crash you describe has hit me several times. Sadly, however, I can't do a thing about it - that's in the executable. We can (and have, in many (not all) cases) fix(ed) camera and quest bugs.

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That's not the impression I get there... and I would consider myself a longtime follower of their site and progress.

You know how it is Mac... you have nearly left this modding galaxy several times yourself, due to life, disinterest, whatever it may be. I mean you no disrespect, quite the opposite.


They are plugging away, and yes there are stretches where we onlookers really don't know what is going on... we can either be frustrated, or be patient.


I feel the same as Miltiades. Several of us have been asked to test the 1.0b1 build, and I have no reason to believe I won't get to test it. Sometime soon perhaps. When it's done, of course. :)

When I realized my own problems with modding on a constant basis, I began to understand the scope of things. After the game was released, I was very excited and engaged into the potential of "KotOR II's" empty levels. I was driven by excitement, creativity, and other modders. Once a good enough time passed, (sometime after DAP), I started to dwindle down. My attention started to focus on life and career.


I think it was about a year ago, and everything for me began to change. I realized one thing: I was modding "KotOR II" in 2006, for I wanted to change what Obsidian failed to do (my personal opinion - not to offend anyone). I ended with "It is what it is". I cannot get the cut-content in its intended form. Modders cannot replace what developers and publisher intended to do. "The Sith Lords: Restoration Project" can give us their interpretation of things, but it won't replace what was truely intended for the game.


Ouside of the mod itself, "TSL Restoration Team" has given the community some great tools to use. Even though they haven't released a full-blown mod, they did release several tweaks and tools for "KotOR II". Just decompiling the scripts alone takes time. I'm truely greatful for that work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suggestion: instead of making it so that you go down to the HK factory while you're on your mission in search of the stolen Ebon Hawk, how about making it so that you can somehow return much later and do this? Why do I suggest this? Because HK-47 mentions that it might be possible to locate the factory where they are being built, and it isn't possible to have that conversation before going to Telos because you don not receive all of the components needed to repair him until after that. G0-T0 also mentions it, but he doesn't join your party until you've been to Nar Shaddaa.


This is why I ask if it's possible to make it so that you return to Telos' surface later to partake in the HK factory quest. Maybe create some sort of quest item that you must obtain, say, on G0-T0's yacht, like a key that opens the door or codes to open the door from a terminal once you return to Telos. It'd be nice of you could create an FMV where the Hawk flies there, but if that's too tough, I think we can live without it. Just replace the shuttle that's there with the Hawk, though.

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Suggestion: instead of making it so that you go down to the HK factory while you're on your mission in search of the stolen Ebon Hawk, how about...


Simple answer... no way to classify any of that as a restoration.


And, you have to go to the Old Military Base on Telos when you do (the first time)... it would take a massive rework of the plot to change that.

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Not really. Why can't you simply make it so that you can return to the old military base any time you wish, either with the Hawk or by adding an additional warp destination to one of those transit consoles? That way anal people like me, who refuse to visit the HK factory, may postpone going down to that level until hearing about it from HK-47?


I think it could be very simple if someone could simply make it so that it isn't mandatory to visit the factory on you first visit to the base, and make it so that you can somehow return there whenever you wish, likely via some type of warp.


This probably goes beyond the Restoration Project's duties, though. Perhaps it'd be a better idea for an original mod?

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I'm not sure that I follow you here.


The old military base has to be visited the first time you are on Telos... so you can take the shuttle to the Polar Plateau and meet with Atris. At no time in that first visit is the HK Factory accessible, although you do run into that locked door. That is it...


How can you refuse to visit something you cannot access?


You may be playing a modded game with a HK Factory mod in it? Otherwise, I really have no clue what you are talking about, Marilyn.


In the game out-o-the-box, and with the RP, this sequence will remain unchanged. In the RP, you will not be able to return to the Telosian surface until the plot has been triggered by the dialog with HK, and then HK has taken a captive 50 unit on the Ebon Hawk and tortures the location of the factory out of him.

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I'm not playing a game with the HK factory in it at all.


Oh okay, so then it looks as if TSLRP will be doing it more or less the way I would like them to. I'm sorry, I was just under the impression that they would simply restore the factory to be accessible during you're first visit. I didn't know there was actually more plot involving it later other than HK's and G0-T0's lines.


So basically it will be taking place after HK's line, which I feared it wouldn't. Sorry about that.




In case you're wondering, "Marilyn" isn't my real name. I'm actually a male. The name essentially comes from Marilyn Manson and Twiggy Ramirez, and I used the name as my character's name the first time I played KOTOR. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey buddy, this is a fan-made project. They don't have to do it. And many of them are students so they can't devote very much time to it. It's not their job like it is with a video game company that produces the games in the first place. I'd show a little more patience and a little less... um, impatience.

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yeah, but that excuse is wearing thin. they have devoted enough time to solve 700 issues, but then stop for the last 23.

and more patience? I've been waiting for 2 years.

as for the don't have to do it: no, they don't, but they chose to do it, and then told the world that they were doing it. suddenly stopping is worrying at best, suspicious at worst. especially with the end in sight.

they don't have to do the mod, but as soon as it was announced, they did owe their fans honestly about the progress, or they shouldn't have made their efforts public.

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yeah, but that excuse is wearing thin. they have devoted enough time to solve 700 issues, but then stop for the last 23.

and more patience? I've been waiting for 2 years.

as for the don't have to do it: no, they don't, but they chose to do it, and then told the world that they were doing it. suddenly stopping is worrying at best, suspicious at worst. especially with the end in sight.

they don't have to do the mod, but as soon as it was announced, they did owe their fans honestly about the progress, or they shouldn't have made their efforts public.


Then, there's the whole, "They have a life." excuse. What gives with that? I mean, just because they have a life, they can't release possibly the largest and most contributive mod in TSL history when we want it? That's absurd.


If they resolve many errors, it'd be harder and harder to correct more trivial errors that they find later on, since they're harder to track. Not every problem is as easy to fix as the next. Some of them are caused by a simple decimal point placed where it shouldn't be (Or not. I know nothing of coding, but that statement seems logical to me.) Just do other stuff besides KotOR for a while, and once it does come out, it'll be very delicious.

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yeah, but that excuse is wearing thin. they have devoted enough time to solve 700 issues, but then stop for the last 23.

and more patience? I've been waiting for 2 years.

as for the don't have to do it: no, they don't, but they chose to do it, and then told the world that they were doing it. suddenly stopping is worrying at best, suspicious at worst. especially with the end in sight.

they don't have to do the mod, but as soon as it was announced, they did owe their fans honestly about the progress, or they shouldn't have made their efforts public.


Have you ever actually modded the game? Or do you just enjoy publicly humiliating yourself?


If you HAD modded KOTOR 1 or 2, you would know that modding isn't a simple business. Saying "get it done faster" isn't a valid argument. For all you know, they hit a major scripting snag. They haven't "stopped", they may not even have slowed down. Just because they aren't releasing a progress report every 2 seconds doesn't mean that they aren't still making progress.


BUGS AREN'T THE SOURCE OF TRACKING PROGRESS. If you'd spent more than 2 seconds on the forum, you would know that. I'll save you the trouble:


I probably could have started a new announce thread on this topic alone but we've got a lot of announcements and stickies.


Both the bug count AND the amount of content to be restored will be at 0 when we release 1.0c1. Neither is an indication, by itself, of how close release is. The reason the bug count doesn't go down is because we're generally working on content or stuck in RL (done your gift shopping yet? :p)


A number of people have asked why we don't just release 1.0b1 as a public beta; we have an update system in place but ideally we'd rather not have to use it. We'd rather release with (close to) 0 bugs. We have no delusions of releasing a bug free mod. That will never happen.


With every bug that isn't released we don't have to deal with it weeks or months later when it'll take us twice or three times as long to remember where in the code to look to even begin to figure out how to fix it.


A particular class of bugs will cause the update to invalidate saves in the module in which the bug(s) occur(s). We have had to deal with this throughout; it is not fun to have to load a save from 30 minutes just so you can re-enter the module to test a single camera angle (which may be upside down.)


Which leads me to this point: there are also bugfixes going into 1.0b1 - we verify them as we fix them but inevitably something that works on our setup doesn't on a beta tester's. We'd rather have it fail for a single beta tester than 800 people.


We are also not looking for obscure bugs - when 1.0b1 is released we will be making a run or three through just make sure we haven't broken things. We'll be fixing as we go. Ticky-tack bugs we don't care about. We're talking things that will clearly detract from the play experience.


We appreciate that concern is being expressed about the mod still (being nearly three years in and having people apparently still care is pretty cool) but to be honest we're still sticking to when it's done. Nothing has and nothing will change that.


The end.

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Have you ever actually modded the game? Or do you just enjoy publicly humiliating yourself?


If you HAD modded KOTOR 1 or 2, you would know that modding isn't a simple business. Saying "get it done faster" isn't a valid argument. For all you know, they hit a major scripting snag. They haven't "stopped", they may not even have slowed down. Just because they aren't releasing a progress report every 2 seconds doesn't mean that they aren't still making progress.


BUGS AREN'T THE SOURCE OF TRACKING PROGRESS. If you'd spent more than 2 seconds on the forum, you would know that. I'll save you the trouble:




The end.





Yes that's all true and i agree for the most part, however, they could at least do us fans the courtesy of sending out a progress report once and a while.


I have done plenty of modding myself, so i know just how hard it is to do a project as big as this, but i have always believed that progress reports are the backbone of ANY mod, not to mention one as big as TSLRP.


I'm not asking for an EXACT date, however it would be nice if they could gave us some idea of how much longer it will be.

It was funny at first but the Excuse "It'll done when it's done" Is definitely

getting old. after 3? years it's really time for something more.


All i want to make sure of is that this amazing mod doesn't drop out like so many other mods have done over the years. If for some reason the TSLRP team is unable to finish the mod, my hope would be that the would release it in it's current form so that the work they have done is not lost.




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After reading JFSOCC's remarks just reminds me why I never do WIP threads. The only time I can think of where I actually did do some was to do a poll on what people thought what to do with certain choices I've created. Other than that, I don't think I've ever done one for the sake of doing one, nor will I because I don't want to ever feel rushed.

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