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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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don't the life debts go a little too eu for this thread? just my opinion.


yes, everyone seems to be jumping the gun :)


sure, chewie had a life-debt to Han. This was established way before EU even got off the ground, so it is arguably not EU, moreso bacikground info on the characters....just like we know "ewoks" but they are never named in the movies :D


However, and very importantly so, jedispy is referring to a movie specific example, in this case the Gungans. Qui Gon saved Jar Jars life on Naboo - Upon discussing with Boss Nass, he saved Jar Jar from punishment(hopefully it would have been death:D) by asking that Jar Jar honour his life debt.


so i'll give Chase and myself a point :)


* * *


New Question


Q. What is the Name of the sleek Naboo ship that escaped the Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo in TPM :)



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Oh - i forgot about the gungans. Woops.


A: I'm guessing that you mean Amidala's ship - therefore it would be the Naboo Royal Cruiser - but i think there is more than that, so ill pass.


(why is it i never think i have the correct or whole answer?)

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Crap, I forgot about JarJar. I haven't seen TPM in a very long time and I've tried to block out a lot of the crap that was in it.



In answer to the question is the answer "J-type 327 Nubian"?


I'm after it's name, not its make/model. But I will give Chase a point because Nubian is mentioned in the movie... Im upping teh ante on the current question, 2 points up for grabs !


Last call !!


Q. What is the Name of the sleek Naboo ship that escaped the Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo in TPM
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*kicks you all in the nuts*


I said NAME !!!! Like, Fred, Bill, Terry. The ship had a freakin NAME !!!


Answer : Marie Celeste Check the novelsiation.... It was called this as a cheeky reference to the famous ghost ship "Mary Celeste" whose passengers/crew vanished off the coast of portugal in 1872.


* * *

Question :


Q. How did artoo *really* move around in the sand dunes of Tatooine...?



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so it's not mentioned at all in the movie.... doesn't that make it an EU question?


did you keep that in mind when you asked these sithy ?? :p


*hops back a couple of pages*

q) name the 3 creatures that Obi-Wan Anakin and Padme faced in the Geonosian excecution arena, and which one was set upon who.


q) name the star destroyer in the opening scene from ANH


and just like with the Ewoks, there will always be things that aren't mentioend in the movie dialogue, but are specifically relevant to the movie. It is only EU if it originates entirely in EU and never appears or is mentioned in any movie, novelisation/script or CW episode. Anything that falls into a 'grey area' will be dealt with as it arises :)


with this question, I gave Chase a point for "Nubian" even though it wasnt the answer I was after, but it was in the movie :)


so, that said, back to the question !


Q. How did artoo *really* move around in the sand dunes of Tatooine...?



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You are perhaps finally realising that Astro > SW.com :p


OK to make it up to you Sivy, here's TWO scantily clad twilek girl for the 2 minutes of your life wasted looking for Marie Celeste on sw.com :D


can we get back to the questions now ?? :p


Q. How did artoo *really* move around in the sand dunes of Tatooine...?



Im your pimp Sivy, you know dat :p


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Q. How did artoo *really* move around in the sand dunes of Tatooine...?


I know it was supposed to be via remote control. However the POS didn't work, so I think it was instead something like they pulled him with a rope or line


I will wait for confirmation before asking a question

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Little Kenny Baker is in R2 for the 'sidewards jitters' he does when he gets excited :)


However, in the sand dunes of Tunisia(Tatooine), R2s treads simply wouldnt roll through the sand(regardless of whether his RC was functioning or not). So, as jedispy has mentioned, they put him on a little platform and dragged him with a rope for that shot when he rolls away from the camera after splitting up from 3P0 :)


* * *

New Question


Q. What was George Lucas' original idea for Threepios voice, before he chose Anthony Daniels natural english accent ??


[EDIT]..No takers ??

A.George Lucas originally envisioned Threepios voice to be a wise talkin new york car salesman (sorta like Andrew Dice Clays voice is the best example I can think of)... Im glad he *didnt* do that because that wouldve SUCKED:


Death Star.....forget about it already ! Ba-da-boom !


* * *


New Question


Q. What earthly delicacy, believed by some to be an aphrodisiac, is mentioned in the saga.. Where, when, and by whom ??


...hmmmm. Let me rephrase that :


Q. In ANH, Obi Wan felt the destruction of Alderaan as a great disturbance in the force. What words did he used to describe this ?



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Q. What earthly delicacy, believed by some to be an aphrodisiac, is mentioned in the saga.. Where, when, and by whom ??

DUCK!!!! It's Duck. It is first mentioned by Captain Panaka in TPM on Naboo. Interestingly enough, George Lucas seems to have a fascination with ducks. The most obvious is Howard the Duck the movie, but in the novel A New Hope, Obi Wan says something to Luke about a duck flying and quacking (can't remember the exact words). Luke replies with "what's a duck?" In TPM, you can actually see ducks during the scene where the Gungan "bongo" surfaces in the water near Theed Palace.


I am not sure if that was actually a question in play, but I thought it would be fun to answer.


Q: Earth is planet number 3 in the Sol solar system. In the Hoth system, what number is planet Hoth?

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jedispy will have to furnish us with the answer, my guess is 3, nut thats only a guess.


In the meantime, here is a new question :)


Q. What did Peter Cushing(Tarkin in ANH) have to do when in the same camera shot as the very *tall* David Prowse(Vader) and the moderately *tall* Carrie Fisher(Leia) ?


*hints* :p

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There are (as i count them) 4 Dugs in the whole anthology. There are of course none in the OT since Dugs weren't designed yet. They are only in the prequels.

The first one is of course Sebulba.

dug 01.jpg


The last 3 are all in AOTC

dug 02.jpg


dug 0304.jpg


As I stated, these are the only ones I can see. I didn't see any in ROTS, but if anyone can correct me, then I say they deserve an extra point.

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Q. What did Peter Cushing(Tarkin in ANH) have to do when in the same camera shot as the very *tall* David Prowse(Vader) and the moderately *tall* Carrie Fisher(Leia) ?

I'm thinking either have stilts, stand on a box, or have high-heeled shoes... I'll say he stood on a box.

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Yes Moeller, Cushing, who wasnt 100% well during the shoot, stood on the box in his slippers. Carrie Fisher has said that fliming those scenes were really difficult/weird because :

a) Cushing was such a lovely man it was hard to pretend to hate his guts.

b) the screen that shows alderaan in the movie was blank in real life of course. I think they had a paper or plate or something up there as a reference :)

c) Cushing stood on a box in his slippers, between takes he would wrap himself in a blanket to stay warm!


* * *


New Question

Q. Name the real-life sample source Ben Burrt used for R2 moans and wails



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