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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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The supervisor of visual effects (John Knoll), if I'm not wrong... He and his star-fighter were destroyed by the Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class Transport...


correct :D


Leviathan, as the rules state, if you have answered a question and wish to ask one yourself, please feel free to do so :) If not just say pass. It would be nice if others asked questions too :p


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Q. What was wrong with Mace Windu by the time he reached Naboo in TPM?


bonus: Pic



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Q. What was wrong with Mace Windu by the time he reached Naboo in TPM?


Mace/Samuel L Jackson was actually replaced by a substitute actor for when the jedi council members arrive at the end of TPM for the council celebration.


* * *


Q. Why did Tarkin think Dantooine wouldnt make an effective demonstration of the firepower of the first Death Star ?



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Dantooine is far too remote for an effective demonstration.


What Rebel starfighter types, and how many, can be seen escaping the Death Star 1 before it's destruction in ANH.


Hint: One of them is the Millennium Falcon (YT-1300) (feel free to use that in your answer.

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OK....after arduous counting through almost 300 posts... the current TALLY is now here !!

Saga Tally 1.jpg


An awesome performance by Jedispy - accumulating 24 points, putting him in overall lead, closely trailed by Sithy. Nice job too DarthMoeller with 14 points :)


* * *


Of course, jedispy's question is still active:

What Rebel starfighter types, and how many, can be seen escaping the Death Star 1 before it's destruction in ANH.


Hint: One of them is the Millennium Falcon (YT-1300) (feel free to use that in your answer)



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I dont have an answer, but I've been waiting for a tally or something. I'm not doing badly :D!


Also, to half stop this from being spam, I want to ask about the mace windu question:


Mace/Samuel L Jackson was actually replaced by a substitute actor for when the jedi council members arrive at the end of TPM for the council celebration.


Why?! (That isnt a trivia question but a personal one)

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Also, to half stop this from being spam, I want to ask about the mace windu question:


Why?! (That isnt a trivia question but a personal one)


C'mon guybroomm, trivia can mean anything, any little detail, as long as its about SW in this context. So just like different actor/crew popping up in the background, or stormies hittin their heads on doors, this is another curious little anomaly that appears in a film.


here's a pic for you...see below


Now - back to the question !!

What Rebel starfighter types, and how many, can be seen escaping the Death Star 1 before it's destruction in ANH.


Hint: One of them is the Millennium Falcon (YT-1300) (feel free to use that in your answer)


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C'mon guybroomm, trivia can mean anything, any little detail, as long as its about SW in this context. So just like different actor/crew popping up in the background, or stormies hittin their heads on doors, this is another curious little anomaly that appears in a film.


Sorry, I meant that what I was asking wasnt for a question for the trivia thread type question, but a personal one that I was asking to know the answer to because i was curious! Sorry if i didnt make it clear.

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What Rebel starfighter types, and how many, can be seen escaping the Death Star 1 before it's destruction in ANH.


Hint: One of them is the Millennium Falcon (YT-1300) (feel free to use that in your answer.


4, Millenium Falcon, X-Wing(Luke), X-Wing(Wedge), Y-Wing

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Q: When is the only time that a lightsaber does not cauderize<sp?> a wound?

Do you mean during a fight only? If so, I would say Sidious v Yoda in RotS. Nobody gets hurt because of a lightsaber.


But there are multiple times when the lightsaber is ignited but nobody gets hurt. Some I was thinking of was when Luke ignites his saber and just waves it around for the first time, and when Vader ignites Luke's saber on Endor. And there's also the possibility of, against the Destroyers, when "It's a standoff, let's go" and none of the droids are destroyed, but droids don't suffer wounds.


If you meant during a lightsaber fight, take my first answer.

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My mistake. I mean to say

when is there an lightsaber related injury where the wound is not cauderized?

Errr, never?


Oh, wait, cantina, I forget the creatures name, but his pal had a death sentance in over 12 systems. Movie: ANH.


EDIT: Ponda Baba

And his friend: Dr. Evazan :)



Personally though I believe this is a blooper of a technical nature, same as with the rank badges in RotJ. Something that wasn't thought thru propperly. ;)

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Correct!! Yeah I'm surprised that LF didn't fix that in the SE. I suppose one could argue that perhaps Aqualishes have large arteries that run along their arms, thus causing a cauderized limb to bleed. Eh....yeah that's a load of crap. Another possibility is that maybe Kenobi's lightsaber had different settings, and one doesn't cauderize. Dunno.


Q: What were the call names of the Stormtroopers whose armor Luke and Han wore in ANH? (Looking for a designation here folks)

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i'll give it to ET...this is the move trivia thread and his answer is a direct quote from the movie, cant beat that :)


Is it documented anywhere that Han was 422, who's to say he wasnt 420 :p


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Q. What excuse did TK-421 give for not being at his post ??



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Bad transmitter. In actuality, all Luke did was knock on his helmet earpiece, a gesture which the Docking bay control tech interpreted as a bad transmitter.


Q: What was the number for the docking bay that they landed in on the Death Star?

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Bad transmitter. In actuality, all Luke did was knock on his helmet earpiece, a gesture which the Docking bay control tech interpreted as a bad transmitter.


Q: What was the number for the docking bay that they landed in on the Death Star?


"...clear bay 327....we are opening the magnetic field...." :p


* * *


Q. Why did Luke get a lower price for his landspeeder than he had orginally hoped for ?



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Q: How much did Han want to charge for the charter to Alderaan? How much did Obi Wan offer?



Hey Astrotoy, I was wonderin if you can provide a screenshot of the Enterprise flying around in TPM. I tried to find it and I can't see it.

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