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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong thread, but I don't think counting questions are really supposed to be asked, because most stuff like that is pointless and people have to go back to the movies and check to get the answer.


And damnit, how did I not think of Jinn vs Maul on tatooine? :fist: Oh well, I still go the point.

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A: In release order, I think it was Ben Kenobi vs Darth Vader on the Death Star, and chronologically, Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine (wasn't too long, but still was a battle.)


If I was right, then.....


Q: How many Destroyer droids did Anakin shoot when he was taking off in Naboo, while in the starfighter?


Three Destroyer Droids.

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yes, commanderobiwan, as Moeller has mentioned, counting questions are bad. They can be cleverly rephrased though :p Id suggest you look at the rules on the very first page for a quick rundown


Nien Nunb is correct for Kainski ...


Here's a new question :


* * *


Q. Who were the jedi that first encountered General Grievous in the CW series ? Where were they ? (nb. as stated on page 1. clone wars questions are allowed !) :D



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[...]1) A: Shuttle Tiberiam (or Tideriam) it's something like that

"Shuttle Tydirium", I think...

yes, commanderobiwan, as Moeller has mentioned, counting questions are bad. They can be cleverly rephrased though[...]

Nevertheless, I'd like to keep this question active. In the meantime, I'm going to search a potential answer to it...

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Who is the 17th person to speak in RotS? you must not repeat the same person twice


WTF... congratulations for asking the worst question in quiz history :(


Yes, this is a counting question, and a bad one...


RC 1162 - please refrain from asking a question like this again


* * *


New Question :


Q. Describe the discrepancy in the Sith lords' eyes ?



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