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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Q. From what was the word "ewok" derived ?


Hah, this one's easy. "Ewok" is made by rearranging "Wookiee", since Ewoks are supposed to represent smaller wookies. I believe Lucas dropped the i, e and o to make the word sound small and sweet, just like the Ewoks themselves.


Since I'm feeling rather confident, here's a question:


Q: How old was Boba Fett in Episode II?

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Hah, this one's easy. "Ewok" is made by rearranging "Wookiee", since Ewoks are supposed to represent smaller wookies. I believe Lucas dropped the i, e and o to make the word sound small and sweet, just like the Ewoks themselves.


Since I'm feeling rather confident, here's a question:


*slaps sabre with wet fish* :p


your confidence is not warranted sabre, as your answer is incorrect. Lucas named the Ewoks after the MIWOK native american tribe from Northern California.


LINK to verify answer


* * *


Q. Which imperial trooper(s) are seen with their helmets off in the OT(excluding Luke and Han) ?


bonus : pic



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Q. Which imperial trooper(s) are seen with their helmets off in the OT(excluding Luke and Han) ?


bonus : pic




Wasnt there a scout trooper with his visor up? whould that count lol


wow you really have me stumped here buddy.


Edit:Just thought of another imperial wore a helmet at one point and this is a very very long shot but .......... Veers?




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lolz... Astro > y'all :p


Funny thing, the answer is actually in a picture that I put up much earlier in this quiz :)


see this pic



An Endor Strike Team Commando took a Biker Scouts Uniform when acting as a decoy during the bunker raid. I thought the "excluding Luke & Han" would have given it away :p lolz


* * *


Q. Apart from ESB, when else did Luke injure his right hand ??



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An Endor Strike Team Commando took a Biker Scouts Uniform when acting as a decoy during the bunker raid. I thought the "excluding Luke & Han" would have given it away :p lolz


Balls! thats what i ment by

Wasnt there a scout trooper with his visor up? would that count lol


I couldnt find that picture anywhere lol i couldnt remember he was a rebel in disguise or not either


give us the point anyway for veers as he was a imperail with and without a helmet lol

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read the question Jek... 'only seen to climb the stairs in the PT' infers that if he did climb stairs in the OT you have to answer false...


* * *


question stays open :






Either way, it's a poorly worded, and vague, question.


My answer is False. Although it's not shown on screen, he descended down the stairs of the Sand Crawler, and ascended/descended the stairs in the Lars' farm. However, if you include rams, he ascended and descended that numerous times. He descended stairs on Cloud City. Also, not shown on camera, he walked up the stairs to get the poop deck on Jabba's barge.


I think that's it, I guess it all depends on if ramp is an acceptable answer to "stairs."

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It says 'only seen to climb the stairs in the PT'.

But I think it's a trick question. I don't recall ever seeing him climb any stairs - I don't think the costume allows it.


Aha! I watched Empire and Jedi over again, and there is one scene, like I said before, C-3PO went up one step.


In Cloud City, in the scene "Meeting Lando," Threepio is distracted by some beeping, "That sounds like an Artoo you in there." You probably miss that he just stepped up, but you see the step when the camera pans away and his limbs go flying.


So, I stick to my answer, False.

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lolz.... it is not a trick question and if the wording seems mysterious then you need to read it more carefully. Basically, the question is to discern whether 3PO climbs stairs in the PT or OT...


please note Jek, one step does not = stairs :)


I will put you all out of your misery by giving the answer :p


3PO is NOT seen to climb any stairs in the OT. As he DOES climb them in ROTS then the answer is TRUE !!!


As The Doc mentioned, it was due to suit restrictions. Anthony Daniels could only get up and down one step, as in the instance jek has mentioned, and also when entering Docking Bay 94 in ANH(see pic)


In ROTS, ILM was able to use CGI to enable 3PO to go up and down the steps outside Padmes apartment :



The points drift into the ether <<


* * *


New Question:


Q. True or False, in the OT - the very first time Luke saber contacts Vaders Right arm it dismembers it ?



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