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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Please leave the questions up awhile before you move on. There's been atleast 2 questions now in the last 3 days that I could have answered. :(




A: Mos Eisley, Dockingbay 94


I think the second one is in Theed, just after Anakin and Padme arrives there in AotC.


Not gonna search for any pictures, it's late, I'm tired. :)

Just give me the full pot as compensation for not letting me answer those 2 questions earlier (tatooine and ewok one). :p

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What I don't find fun is when I do look something up, and I precede to write the answer, some fool answers before me with a copy and past of the exact same thing I found. :rolleyes:


That bugs me to no extent. :D



Anyway, let's not get off-topic and breaking Astro's fine rules, shall we. :)




I pass on making a question.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Q: How many of you actually know the answer of the top of your head? :p It's really not trivia if you cheat and research it.....


hey Zed, unless you want to participate, you can leave your insightful comments for elsewhere :)Read the rules ...Spam again and it'll be deleted. Not being nasty, just efficient. This thread is all about questions and answers. Any discussion about points in the questions/answers is cool too :)


Researching is highly encouraged, including using screenies etc to back up an answer. This has many benefits. Firstly it reduces people guessing, and providing incomplete answers. Also as Jan said, looking things up can be a great way to learn things. This thread or the EU trivia wouldnt last very long if it was a series of "off the top of your head" answers.


* * *


Jan if theres been questions you could've answered, you should have answered them :p Yes, paraphrasing of sourced material is preferable over copy n pasting, but this is usually easily spotted :p


yes Jan because its the opening round here, Im being lenient on everyone, despite their laziness :p you can have the 2 points


jedispy leaving a question up for a day is OK, anything less than that is probably jumping the gun. I check daily, so if things are stagnating I'll move it along :)


nice Q about artoo though.


* * *


abe's question stands :

Q. How many trooper helmets was the ewok at the ROTJ celebration using as drums. Also what colours were they ?



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A: Off the top of mu head (happy now you guys?) there are 4. one is black, the other 3 white.


I am sure this is wrong though, so i'll pass a question.


[EDIT] Checked the tape and i knew it was wrong. The answer is 5 helmets: 2 black and 3 white.


I am positive of the answer now, but ill still pass

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

that it was an Aqualish...dast.


it was Ponda Baba, or "Walrus Face" as they called him in the old figurines. I wont take the point, though neither will you ET. It shall remain a mute point :)


* * *


Q. The Death Star Escape from ANH, where Luke and Han man the turrets...who was on the top turret and who manned the lower turret ?


bonus : pic



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Originally posted by InsaneSith


Ody Mandrell

Ben Quadinaros


Pass on question.


It would be nice if you could ask a question now and then :)


* * *


Q. Who was that getting choked to death and thrown by Vader at the start of ANH ? Where else is he mentioned ?



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. Who was that getting choked to death and thrown by Vader at the start of ANH ? Where else is he mentioned ?




A) Captain Antilles. He is also mentioned by C-3PO as the previous owner of R2-D2 and himself.


Q) What were the callsigns of Luke and Han while on Hoth?

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Does that really qualify as a trivia question ? I'm pretty sure you don't even know the answer to that withouth having to watch the sequence... This is more like a Who's the first to bother watching the sequence and post the answer kinda question. This is hardly fun.


So... of course I don't know the answer, but I do know it swallowed Boba Fett and that he died there. :D

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Originally posted by coupes.

Does that really qualify as a trivia question ? This is hardly fun.



aww :violin:



he he... we've has Z's trivia "off the top of your head rant" and now coupes chimes in...


yes, counting questions suck, but they are still trivial


as counting questions go though, this one isnt too bad....


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