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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

close enough. It got wet and shorted out basically...


* * *


Q. What is special about Mace Windu's lightsber ? Name its key component ?




now who's asking EU crossover questions?


when exactly is the scene where Mace talks about what's in his lightsaber? because i must of missed that



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Originally posted by Sivy

now who's asking EU crossover questions?


when exactly is the scene where Mace talks about what's in his lightsaber? because i must of missed that




It was described in one of the AOTC TV spots :p Surely you remember that :p


Going back to your star destroyer question, the name "devastator" wasnt even in the ANH novelisation, being assigned much later in EU...


* * *


anyway, the answer I was looking for was ELECTRUM :p


Q. what sound effect does Ben Burtt assign to the force being used on different occasions in the saga. Describe 3 instances ?



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Q. what sound effect does Ben Burtt assign to the force being used on different occasions in the saga. Describe 3 instances


Well...uh...I guess one sound effect is buzzz...crackle...snap....<fry>....<violence>....<death>. That would be force lightening.

There's fshwoom for force push (used by yoda to push away debris in AOTC, and maul when pushing kenobi over the edge.


Ooh!!! Don't forget ba-TWING ba-TWANG when lightsabers block blaster bolts.


Seriously. We need more information

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A. Im not making this up, its in one of the docs that come with TPM.... but for specific reference .... check the


1. Vader using choke in ANH

2. Obi Wan distracting stormies on death star in ANH

3. Maul using force to fling droid head to open a door in TPM...

(4. A few times in the yoda/dooku encounter)


Burrt uses a deep vibration sound to demosntrate the force being used. Those with good sound setups on your home TV/DVD check it out :p:)


* * *


Q. Why did the Trade federation blockade Naboo in TPM ?



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<Jedispy waives his hand in jedi-like fashion to Astro>

You will continue to ignore Rogue Nine


They blockaded Naboo due to heavy taxation on trade. By signing a treaty with Naboo, it would create a state of free trade.


Not sure if I'm right, but if so...


Q: Where was R2-D2 when the Jawas captured him?

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Correct. Moisture farmers' crop is moisture. It just so happens that mushrooms also grow in the vaporators, which usually is the food that they eat. I guess I never understood the concept of moisture farms on a desert planet. From what I understand, Tatooine doesn't have a lot of humidity. Oh well, I suppose it doesn't make any sense for me to have a problem with that, but be o.k. with lightsabers and the death star.

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i wish that people would ask questions, i cant get on that often and when i get here there is no question up and i cant get any poins - i can only ask questions.


But about the moister farming things, i think that because there is vertually no water on tatooine, they farm water from the air so they can get some water.


now someone ask a question!

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Originally posted by guybroom

i wish that people would ask questions, i cant get on that often and when i get here there is no question up and i cant get any poins - i can only ask questions.


now someone ask a question!


hey cmon guybroom. please remember that alot of us work, have families, are at college etc... I do make sure there is an active question every night before I hit the sack :)


plus the swamp saga trivia ppl are generally lazy :p


you know where the EU trivia thread is, go there ! :D


* * *

New Question


Q. What is "Uttini" ? What two films does it appear in ?



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Sivy gets the point for the jawa question, but it doesnt mean "come here" I think it i smoreso an exclamation of suprise or urgency...


yes, epIV and TPM(podrace)


* * *


Q. What was the problem with Darth Maul's voice for the production of TPM ? What resulted ??



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Ray Park might be able to kick ass, but his voice doesn't scare anyone.


so they got actor Peter Serafinowicz to do the voice.

you might know Peter Serafinowicz from 'space' or 'shaun of the dead' where he plays Shauwn's landlord.


pass on question

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