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Sith War Sword


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Originally posted by DarkSidePadawan

I know it is on the Harbinger...but where?

Most loot is randomly generated in TSL, so it may or may not appear on the Harbinger.. though to be honest I'm not sure about the Warsword...


although, you wouldn't be talking about my Darksword mod perchance? (a mod)..


Just want to make sure.. :)


EDIT: ahh.. nevermind, I just realized there's an actual "Sith Warsword" item in the game.. doh!

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Most loot is randomly generated in TSL, so it may or may not appear on the Harbinger.. though to be honest I'm not sure about the Warsword...


Yeah I'll bet Chainz is right. Maybe it spawns somewhere on the Harbinger, but not the same place every time, or maybe not there at all some times.

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

Yeah I'll bet Chainz is right. Maybe it spawns somewhere on the Harbinger, but not the same place every time, or maybe not there at all some times.

I'm on my 11th playthrough and still occationally find something that I've never seen before due to the random loot system. One thing that sucks is that it seems that once you find an item, you're likely to find more of them. For example, I've found 5 Grey Jedi Robes so far this game and I'm only 75% of the way through it. Something else would be nice :D
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Originally posted by Bastila

I found the Sith war sword on telso first time its after you meet Ban Duo i found it


you mean boa-dur right and the sith war sword aint all that great but the items change every time you play the game I have like 5 matrix armours which i never use any way amoung many other blasters once I found 4 plasma rifles on the harbiger

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Originally posted by Achilles

I'm on my 11th playthrough and still occationally find something that I've never seen before due to the random loot system. One thing that sucks is that it seems that once you find an item, you're likely to find more of them. For example, I've found 5 Grey Jedi Robes so far this game and I'm only 75% of the way through it. Something else would be nice :D


my last play through, I found 16 Freya's War Blades. she was mighty careless!

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Practically, all items except a few are random. Generally the quality of these items is generated considering the level of the pc (late in the game you get better items than in the beginning). There is no way to know what you get, but is possible to replace items in the game reloading a savegame before (and only before) you're entering in a new area; with merchants the randomisation of the shop items is generated the first time you speak with the trader. Reload before speaking to have new items (in this particular case isn't necessary reloading before you enter in the map).

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It gets really annoying finding and having a bunch of junk in the game that youre never gonna use and then not being able to find the real good stuff because the game keeps generating the same garbage. Also I think the items that are generated should be more plot oreinted so that you dont find something on one planet that really belongs on another. Also the big important characters like Revan and Sion should have really special items that they always have so you really wanna defeat them instead of them just having another medpac or nothing at all.

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