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Protesting Against The CU!


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Ok, now the defense-stacking whining noobs are getting serious and are protesting in Theed. They are spamming macros with no pause, and are using a macro that calls and stores speeders. If you ask me, this is no protest, this is just plain griefing other players! All they are accomplishing is crashing the Bria server. When will those Bumb-minded whiners learn that the devs will not change their mind on a project they've been working on for a 1+ year. The only people doing this are people who play SWG just to master it, but us Star Wars Fan Bois are here to stay until they lock our account, or until the game gets removed (Which is never will) I mean, we are lucky just to have SOE even do stuff for us.





McCusto, Out!

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Originally posted by lil_dude

only way to protest is to have more then 50% of the games population quit, otherwise the devs won't give a ****, protesting in game won't do anything, they still get paid...


That's happening as we speak. Way to go SOE, you totally screwed us over big time. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it. GG.

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Personally, I hate the new CU. I do think that protesting is futile, but more power to them. Maybe the Devs don't care but they may have to answer to their bosses why there's problems in the servers.


Whether you like the CU or not, it is evident that a huge percentage of players extremely dislike it. It's tragic that the devs will simply dismiss that.

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The CU is less like Star Wars than it ever was. It's WoW with a bunch of Star Wars names. It's rather pathetic. And if the devs are going to ignore it, they deserve to lose the money. What was the point of asking us all of those questions about wether or not we like it after we leave the test server if they aren't going to pay attention to the responses? I know that more than half of the SWG community said no to the CU. But whatever, I'm done with it. It's the JA+ mod of SWG. Only n00bs and people who don't know any better will enjoy it. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It most certainly is a cloned Warcraft game in terms of combat - but combat there works!


I spent months getting to master TKA and my profession has taken one of the biggest hits. Lets look at this in detail.


I cant get any XP - why? Because ive hit the limit. Meaning that I cant progress any further than level 56!!!!My health wont increase, which is 2140. Thanks for the 'reward' of double XP week - useless to me.


The armour I had, i cant wear - I can use the stims I made - all the food i paid top money for, i cant use. Costing me thousands in credits.


The biggest let down is in combat. Before, I used to beat the hell out of dragonets for example - without a buff - but now, one hit me in ONE SHOT and it Incap me from my speeder!!!! Not bad at hitting a moving target, oh a hill.


Then I used Force will - didnt work - i got up to be incap again, then again then deathblown.


What does this mean? It means that most players will now chose ranged professions - leaving TKA a wasted of time together with other professions out there.


I didnt think Galaxies could get any worse but it has.



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