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Master + padawan collar fix by svösh

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Good to know I won’t be lynched for these thanks for understanding



this thread may help a bit http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=143301


I’ve already got you the UV map in jpg so skip the steps before that , but I truly recommend skinning this way. It’s faster and a bit more efficient then running the game to check each edit you make.


My trick was to use smudge, air brush, dodge, and burn and basically rough out a P shape on an angle . my skin’s were done very fast not exactly my best work but you just fallow the lines of the UV overlaid above and work below it. On a new layer or copy of your .tga’s using ctrl+J to clone the target layer.


But the new uv’s setup should be capable of skinning anything like DM’s Atton Echani robes collar how he intend them to be as well.



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Originally posted by svösh

But the new uv’s setup should be capable of skinning anything like DM’s Atton Echani robes collar how he intend them to be as well.




big ole' thanks there svösh ;) (my thoughts exactly :D)


This fix fixes one of the BIGGEST issues for me in-game. The only two things in the entire galaxy a poor Jedi calls his own is the robes on his back and his lightsaber. At least now they look like they have a real robe on not some "black hole" thingie :confused: what were they thinking...lol

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

I was waitin' for him to upload it at PCgameMODS and for some reason I don't see his www button at the bottom of his posts but I'm gonna check svosh's profile for it

errr...look at his sig ;)



and nice work as always svösh! :)

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Originally posted by Achilles

Gee...I don't know


I see I'm not the only one who's been to that site... hehehe..


[Yoda] but... there is... another [/Yoda] Isn't that right MattColejk ;)




So.... anyone decided to take on the task of making a "svösh model Default Robes Skin Pack" so everyone doesn't have to skin 30 robes to release a new one? :eek:

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

So.... anyone decided to take on the task of making a "svösh model Default Robes Skin Pack" so everyone doesn't have to skin 30 robes to release a new one? :eek:

Well, not all of them, but I have gotten some done. I did the jedi knight robe, and my own reskin of anakin's robe.

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