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KOTOR III contd.

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So you can stare at the back of a female PC all game long, while also staring at Male only character Handmaiden:D





for the engine upgrade............




just imagine........................................


Bastila and Mira looking just as crystal clear and uberhot as ALYX VANCE

:drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2:

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

So you can stare at the back of a female PC all game long, while also staring at Male only character Handmaiden:D





for the engine upgrade............




just imagine........................................


Bastila and Mira looking just as crystal clear and uberhot as ALYX VANCE

:drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2: :drop2:



We HAVE to vote for that!!! :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

So you can stare at the back of a female PC all game long, while also staring at Male only character Handmaiden:D





for the engine upgrade............




just imagine........................................


Bastila and Mira looking just as crystal clear and uberhot as ALYX VANCE

If only... *sigh*

But you gotta admit, having a Kotor Source game would be so awesome.. think about how the lightsaber duels would look, think about how when you turn a saber on it affects EVERYTHING dynamically and there are realistic lighting fading effects, think about the chicks! Oh... wait...uh... nevermind :D


Also, I agree with most of what Mac said, but i disagree with less dialogue. I think that K2 already has barely enough to make it convincing :rolleyes:


To add to what mac said:

-Better animations


in K1 the animations in cutscenes weree amazing... in K2 you get an exile crawling up from the floor and then nothing :(



-More PC sounds!!1!!10ne!!


I was dissappointed that in K1 my PC sounded like a man or woman but in K2 they were a mime :(


-More PC customizablity


I want the option to change my characters hair, or eyes, or body or anything else without having to mod


-Realistic influence + some voice changing when DS :D


I never understood why Emporer Palpatine sounds so...so... evil in the Trilogy but in the game your NPCs voices never change :( (Wouldn't it be sick if you could hear a DS handmaiden or atton voice?) Also, how about if your NPC(s) are DS/LS and you do something that is tottally against your alignment (e.g. Kill some poor b@st3rd for no reason when LS) they actually react with some character instead of just plain behaviors that never change.


Just my 2 cents.

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Also, 50 Planets and 2 months of gaming time needed to complete the game, and 3 weeks worth of dialogue in total.

set of 15 NPCs

Double storyline, switching between your PC as the Exile, and your PC as Revan.



Actually DIFFERENT endings, with more than just two, depending on your actions throughout the game (After all, Kreia does say that from the slightest push....)


Full modding support



The different actions for different lightsabre forms



A system that won't require me to get a PC from next year to run it....


Realistic heads


Marvin the Paranoid Android

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Also, 50 Planets and 2 months of gaming time needed to complete the game

At least.


Actually DIFFERENT endings, with more than just two, depending on your actions throughout the game (After all, Kreia does say that from the slightest push....)



Marvin the Paranoid Android

You have: HK-47, T3-M4, GO-TO and the Remote for that.

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"think about the chicks! Oh... wait...uh... nevermind"


NO, minding is the whole point:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:






"I want the option to change my characters hair, or eyes, or body or anything else without having to mod"


That would be interesting, but there would have to be ten times as many default PC heads as the others (incuding all original heads of course) just because some of those custom edited heads never look as good as the predesigned ones because of lack of artistic skill in people like me:D(tony hawk underground anyone?:D )


"they actually react with some character instead of just plain behaviors that never change."




"Double storyline, switching between your PC as the Exile, and your PC as Revan."


That was the one and only thing I absolutely HATED about Halo 2,

Dual PCs or SOLO PCs nothing less, nothing more, unless anybody wants to discuss triple PCs, but that discussion would probably lead people into wanting to play a game where you play as the FORCE and control everybody:rolleyes:


WHO IS MARVIN THE PARANOID ANDROID, what, is he like a mix between Data and Reginald Barklay?


Support for flexible objects, like tattered flags and bumrag clothing, and more stuff like ribbons and flaps on female clothing, and war banners hanging from long weapons.


On the Movie side of the thread, I realized today (yep I watch scifi channel while I remodel houses, there's duct tape on my geek cap:p )

that the woman who played Wade Wells (skinny redhaird chick) on the show SLIDERS would make an interesting MIRA, the only problem is, she didn't seem as "well endowed" as Mira does;)

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I'd like:


1. many the original characters from KOTOR I and II

2. a new and modern game engine

3. more and bigger planets plus all the planets we already know :D (which should also be a bit bigger than they are now)

4. the 'real' Sith

5. more skills, feats, enhanced dialog and influence system like many of you have discribed above

6. a more balanced and complete game than KOTOR II is (!)


That's it for now °_^

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The thing is by the time KOTOR II comes out, the actual engine will be way too outdated.


So a new engine that retains the same feel and type of gameplay as KOTOR I & II is a must.


Most of the things I want has already been mentionned, but I'll add a few:


-Make ranged weapons useful.


-Make single weapons worth using (other then for the coolness).


-Better looking headgear.

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"I'd rather not have a new game engine, it would not be a game in the KOTOR series without it..."


If I said it before, I'll say it again,

you can adapt them to suit K's style, the result will be a game that looks like the original, only more refined then you could imagine, and a new engine could provide opportunities to make the game more compatible with other systems, and open up new possibilities.


On the subject of the source engine, don't you think that the soul of Half Life was preserved and enhanced in HL2?


I will now perform my magic trick which will instantly convert you.....


Imagine naked fighting with Briana in source.....


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I have a cool idea for KotOR III's storyline. Rather than starting out as a Republic worker or Jedi or good guy and facing the choice later on whether to keep following the Jedi or to fall to the Dark Side, you would start out being raised by the Sith; and the choice would be either to remain loyal to the Sith or be saved and go to the Light Side and become a Jedi.


Here's some other stuff I'd like to see in KotOR III:

-Play as a different type of alien like a Twi'lek.

-More planets.

-Have a more customizable character where you can customize his/her appearance.

-More weapons.

-When you select a dialogue response for your character, have him/her actually speak it with the voice you chose during customization.

-If you have good mechanical skills (repair, computer use, demolitions), it would be cool if you could build and program your own weapons, droids, or even ships.

-Longer gameplay.


That's all that I can think of at the moment, but I'll keep y'all updated if I think of other good stuff.

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Originally posted by JediWatchman

I have a cool idea for KotOR III's storyline. Rather than starting out as a Republic worker or Jedi or good guy and facing the choice later on whether to keep following the Jedi or to fall to the Dark Side, you would start out being raised by the Sith; and the choice would be either to remain loyal to the Sith or be saved and go to the Light Side and become a Jedi.


-Have a more customizable character where you can customize his/her appearance.

-When you select a dialogue response for your character, have him/her actually speak it with the voice you chose during customization.


First - I like the storyline idea. It would be interesting to turn the tables on the PC.


Second - We already have the optioned of where you can customize your PC's appearance.


Third - The only wrong thing with that is it will take up alot of time.

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Originally posted by THE MERCENARY

Second - We already have the optioned of where you can customize your PC's appearance.

I think he meant customize like how you can customize your face in Galaxies or Tiger Woods (pick how big your eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc are, positioning etc). I agree, that would be very cool.

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