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Fantastic Four

ET Warrior

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Well, we all know that InsaneSith is never wrong, but its also clear that The Incredibles is better than Batman Begins. I think we might be at the start of a quantum paradox/end of the universe type situation...:eek:


PS/Although the incredibles characters were pretty much based off Fantastic Four, the plot was much closer to a few of the Elseworlds graphic novels (such as Kingdom Come (and sequel) and Dark Knight Returns) where superheroes have been banned/quit and are forced to return.

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Originally posted by toms

Well, we all know that InsaneSith is never wrong...


I cant remember acquiring that soft brown nugget of information in any academic or life lesson :p


anyways, is it to be automatically assumed that a F4 sequel is in the works... Are there any other cool villains in the 'F4 universe', coz Dr Doom was a bit of a tosser, in the movie at least :(



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I cant remember acquiring that soft brown nugget of information in any academic or life lesson :p


Well, he told me so, and if he is never wrong then it must be true. Logic see???



Mole man!!!!!:

The team first put its abilities on public display when the subterranean Mole Man attempted to take revenge on the surface world by destroying Earth's power plants and unleashing an army of gigantic monsters to annihilate the human race. The Fantastic Four turned back the Mole Man's threat, unaware that greater menaces awaited.



Perhaps the finest of the Fantastic Four's early victories came in the face of the fundamental force of nature known as Galactus. Only able to satiate his awesome hunger by depleting a planet's life-sustaining energies, Galactus had come to consume Earth. The FF repelled the ravager of worlds under the threat of an extraterrestrial device called the Ultimate Nullifier, powerful enough to eradicate even Galactus. In the process, the heroes liberated the alien's herald, the Silver Surfer.


On second thoughts maybe we should just forget it... :eek:

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Originally posted by toms

Well, we all know that InsaneSith is never wrong

I remember that you have said that before.


I thank you for alerting others to this still being fact. :)


But Batman Begins is a superior movie to The Incredibles because Christian Bale = awesome. While The Incredibles is right below it. Falling only by .1 of a point.

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This is a ridiculous arguement. Batman Begins and The Incredibles are both great. While some think that one or the other is better doesn't matter; it's merely another point of view, which doesn't neccessarily make it wrong.


Fantastic Four is pretty good if you just want to have a good time without much depth. 3 out of 5. :)

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Originally posted by Lady Jedi

it's merely another point of view, which doesn't neccessarily make it wrong.


It does if it is different to my point of view, because mine is right. :p


PS/ I really hate these movie threads, cos I love movies and talking about movies, but the film in question has never come out in the UK when you guys are talking about it, so all i have to go on is impressions from reviews and trailers. By the time i HAVE seen it and want to dazzle you all with my insight you have all forgotten about it and moved on to the next one. life is painful.:(

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Originally posted by toms

It does if it is different to my point of view, because mine is right. :p


PS/ I really hate these movie threads, cos I love movies and talking about movies, but the film in question has never come out in the UK when you guys are talking about it, so all i have to go on is impressions from reviews and trailers. By the time i HAVE seen it and want to dazzle you all with my insight you have all forgotten about it and moved on to the next one. life is painful.:(


Well, I'm sure you could obtain said movies...>_> <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to watch Wedding Crashers last night, but it was sold out... so i ended up watching this.

As an action movie it kind of sucked, with very few good action scenes and a very anticlimactic ending. The plot was pretty dull, as well as being kind of muddled, disjointed and badly paced. However as a comedy buddy movie between the Thing as Johnny Storm it was pretty funny though... :D


If I may share my story with you...


Got to cinema 20 minutes before film. Sold out, had to watch a different one.

Paid almost as much as i would for the dvd.

Sat through 20 minutes of adverts.

Then got a really obnoxious, in-your-face, "you may be arrested" anti-piracy advert.

Then got 15 minutes of trailers.

By now it was 55 minutes since i got to the cinema, and 35 minutes since FF should have started.

Then got a really stupid advert that actually started with

the cinema isn't the only place some people will be watching Fantastic Four this summer, some people will choose to download it. The film these people watch will be a lot smaller, with tinnier sound and maybe people walking infront of the camera" .. *shows clips of all the best bits of the FILM I'M ABOUT TO WATCH*.. "see it the way its meant to be seen. Cinema! Its the experience that counts!

(at which point I was thinking: why the hell didn't i stay at home and download this? And how may people in the audience have just been given the same idea?)

On the plus side, once the film started only one mobile phone went off, and no-one was chatting too loudly, or talking on their mobile, or throwing things... so it was a step up over the last few times i've been.


"Cinema, the experience sucks so bad that watching a tinny pirate download is more fun!"

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Originally posted by toms

If I may share my story with you...


Got to cinema 20 minutes before film. Sold out, had to watch a different one.

Paid almost as much as i would for the dvd.

Sat through 20 minutes of adverts.

Then got a really obnoxious, in-your-face, "you may be arrested" anti-piracy advert.

Then got 15 minutes of trailers.

By now it was 55 minutes since i got to the cinema, and 35 minutes since FF should have started.

Then got a really stupid advert that actually started with


(at which point I was thinking: why the hell didn't i stay at home and download this? And how may people in the audience have just been given the same idea?)

On the plus side, once the film started only one mobile phone went off, and no-one was chatting too loudly, or talking on their mobile, or throwing things... so it was a step up over the last few times i've been.


"Cinema, the experience sucks so bad that watching a tinny pirate download is more fun!"

Been there done that. A little while ago me, Pie and Pie's girlfriend went to see Hitchikers guide to the galaxy. As it turns out, an employee has reeled the tape on backwards, and were franticly working to fix this. After a 40 min wait, they just decided to give us a refund. It was then about 23:50. Now as we go back to the cashier to get our money, the moment it is our turn, they run out of money. That means we have to go there the next day to get the money. We later saw the movie at a friends who's brother had recently aquired it on DVD in Thailand...






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