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[REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!

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* Click For Important Note About Mod Permissions *


TSL Hak Pad

@ NEXUS (Ultimate version, includes ALL Boosters/Fixes)

@ Deadly Stream

@ Filefront

@ My Site


TSL Hak Pad, Booster Pack 1

@ My Site (outdated, get the Booster Pack 2 for best results)


TSL Hak Pad, Booster Pack 2

* You MUST install the main Hak Pad mod first in order for the Booster Pack to work *

@ Deadly Stream

@ FileFront

@ My Site


Handmaiden Guardian Trainer Fix

@ My Site


Darth333's Wherami Armband Fix

@ My Site


USM Shop Add-On

@ NEXUS * Includes the Handmaiden Trainer & Darth333's Wherami Band Fixes *

@ Deadly Stream * Includes the Handmaiden Trainer & Darth333's Wherami Band Fixes *

@ Filefront * Includes the Handmaiden Trainer & Darth333's Wherami Band Fixes *

@ My Site * Includes the Handmaiden Trainer & Darth333's Wherami Band Fixes *






We've all heard it before, and have felt the burden. "Where's the Cheat Console?!? I can't see it!"


Apparently with the introduction to TSL, we also got introduced to the now 'invisible' cheat codes console which makes it very difficult to accurately get what you want. This mod is a fix for that (of sorts).






What this mod does is allows you to access the game's items via "Virtual Storefronts". So now, not only do you get the item, but you can read the stats, information and such as well as look at them before "creating" the item for yourself. ALL items are included in the variety of Storefronts, and all items are FREE. That's right, FREE, afterall this mod IS a cheating console 'substitute'.


Also, the Hak Pad can award Lightside Points, Darkside Points as well as act as a credit dispenser. PLUS, you can access both a Medical Lab Bench as well as a Workbench.


Because I wanted this to be easily accessible, the Hak Pad can be used from your game's main screen in your usable items bar to the lower left (where the armbands and such are displayed). The item itself is a Datapad, so you don't have to worry about having to equip an item in order to access it's functions.


Please bear in mind this is by no means a replacement for tools such as tk102's SaveGame Editor. That program has MUCH MORE capabilities than this mod. Mine is mainly to be used for in-game cheats without having to exit the game to get them.




One note, this mod will only allow you access to normal in-game items. Not custom items, modded items or anything of that nature. This was one main reason why I decided to use "Storefronts". If you have a little bit of modding knowledge, you can easily "insert" modded items into the Virtual Storefront's inventory. The game will then recognize the new items once you start your game. So in a manner, this mod is 'customizable' to your tastes. However, if your modded items are simply adjusted in-game .uti's (with the same name) those modded items WILL be available within the Storefronts. The inventory calls upon the game's list of item's .uti names.


Upon using the Hak Pad, you WILL notice some items that have no descriptions, or some may have no icons. This is because I've included EVERYTHING from TSL's .uti references. There are visual stunt models, non-upgradeable versions of items and a host of other goodies. I especially urge you to check out the Guns Storefront as it has some unique hand stunts that are amusing to say the least ;)






Just like with cheat code console items, some items may have unknown and unforseeable side effects... this mod is to be used as a "tool" of sorts. All it is, is a visual reference substitute to the cheat console. Of course, at least with this mod, there's no .ini hacks to be made. Even if you don't use it to gain the items, it will at least provide you with some stuff so you can experiment or look over if you are curious. I know that due to the random loot generator, some items are rarely, if ever, seen by everyone... Now you have the chance without having to dig out the cheat codes ;)




Feedback and suggestions are most welcome! I'm quite sure that this mod is 'incomplete' and a Work In Progress. There ARE some features I haven't been able to incorperate yet...(such as Ability and Skills adjustments) but future Booster Packs will add on to it's functionality. Any input to what you'd like to see would be welcome :)


and lastly, ENJOY!



3. STATS: (with Booster Pack v.2)



- Workbench

- Component Bench

- Medical Bench

- Virtual Items Storefront (FREE Items)

- Awards LS / DS Points

- Dispense Credits

- Create Chemicals Option

- Create Components Option

- Receive the Lightsaber Quest Parts

- "Train" NPC's into a Jedi Class!

- andargor's Holowan CLoakworks 2 Disguises (over 500+)

- Set PC / NPC's Level

- Adjust Skill Point Levels

- Adjust Attribute Scores

- Special Interface for other Modder's Tools






If you haven't done so already, create a folder named "override" (without quotes) in your KotOR II directory.


**- this mod uses a spells.2da file. If you are already using such a file, please read the disclaimer below. It's VERY important that your .2da file isn't located within a sub-folder of your override directory!





*** IMPORTANT! The installer will NOT look for existing files within sub-folders

*** of the Override folder, just in the Override folder itself. If you have

*** modified versions of any of the above listed files (except dialog.tlk) sitting

*** in sub-folders, move them up into the Override folder before running the

*** Installer. This is to avoid ambiguity in case several files with the same

*** name exists in different folders.




Now, from the .rar file... drag-n-drop the folder "TSL Hak Pad" onto your desktop (or folder of your choice).

DO NOT place the folder in your override directory.


Next, open the Hak Pad Folder and run the installer application named "Install_TSLHakPad.exe" that came with this mod. This will update the necessary game files and install the Mod into your game. Make sure that there is a folder named "tslpatchdata" present in the same folder the Installer application is. This folder contains essential data files the installer needs.


Note that you must run this installer for the Mod to function, simply copying the files from the "TSLPatchData" folder will NOT work.






1- with cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:


giveitem hak_pad



2-) Press "ENTER"


** For the Anti-Console,


You're out of luck. Since this IS a "cheating/just for fun mod", I didn't feel "right" about adding it in the game. Kinda defeats the purpose. I'd suggest using tk102's Save Game Editor to get it:




Plus, since it's useable from the get go, there's no need to "back track" your steps or start a new game in order to get it.






When you run the Installer initially, it will create backup copies of any existing files it modifies**. These files will be placed in a new folder named "backup", located in the same folder as the Installer. To uninstall the mod, delete any files that were placed in your Override folder, then copy the content of the Backup folder back into your override folder.


The following files were added to your Override folder when you installed this mod:


spells.2da **























































































readme - TSL Hak Pad.txt


* - Orange files are added with Booster Pack 2






Super-Special thanks to:


[] stoffe -mkb-

For providing the most excellent TSL Patcher application! Thanks to him, you guys and gals don't have to worry about editing the .2da's, compatibility issues & other headaches involved with many of my mods.. hehehe. Oh yeah, and also for "adopting" alot of his readme lines due to this new installer... (still getting used to it)...


(*) Read about the TSL Patcher/Installer here:




(*) Download the TSL Patcher/Installer here:




Special Thanks to:


- Holowan Laboratories for all the great resources!



- Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool app, outstanding!



- Darth333 for the wherami armband



- Roboius for the GFF Editor, a great supplement to Fred's Kotor Tool



- To everyone else I may have forgotten, and to all who have tried this mod out (or at least got this far in the readme)...Thank you!

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Here's a mini- tutorial on how to edit the StoreFronts to add your modded items. I just copied & pasted what I posted over at PCGM in the comments section ;)




First, you'll need Fred Tetra's KotOR Tool:




Now, once you start KotOR Tool, goto: File > Open GFF Files...


Depending on what you want to edit (storefront), open the appropriate .utm file


hak_armor.utm --> Armor, Clothing, etc.

hak_bands.utm --> Armbands & Shields

hak_belts.utm --> Belts and Stealth Items

hak_droid.utm --> ALL droid related stuff

hak_explosives.utm --> grenades, mines rockets

hak_jedi.utm --> Robes, Crystals, Sabers and Upgrades

hak_masks.utm --> Masks & Headgear

hak_medical.utm --> Health, Stims & Implants

hak_melee.utm --> Melee Weapons & Upgrades

hak_misc.utm --> Parts, Spikes, Tunnelers, Pazaak Cards, etc.

hak_ranged.utm --> Blasters, Rifles, Upgrades


Once that opens, to your lower left is a button named "Inventory"... Click It


Now here's the tricky stuff...


To your left is the game items, to your right is the store inventory. Grab ANYTHING from the Left side of the screen (a datapad is usually the easiest to distinguish) and drag-n-drop it over to the Right side of the screen (The Inventory)...


Now scroll all the way to the bottom... and you'll see the item you dropped listed...


Click the "Dropable" check box so the check mark goes away


In the "ResRef" column, highlight the entry and type in the ResRef (cheat code) of the modded item you want to be available. Next to that entry, you can enter a quantity (how many of said item you want to be able to buy in one store visit)... enter any number from 1-99


Now, check the "Dropable" box so that the check mark appears again...


** You don't have to enter a "Name", KotOR Tool will erase it anyways, so there's no point in it ;)




Now, click the "OK" button to the lower right, then on the smaller window click the "Save" button and save either to your override folder or wherever you opened the file from.


** Make sure when all is said and done, you drop the new edited and saved file in your override...


Hope That Helps! :D

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This mod is awesome!!!

I just have one question about it, I like to keep my Override folder kinda organized, in the main folder I only keep the .2da files and I create folders with the mod's name inside the Override to place the .uti's, .ncs and others.

The TSL patcher can install it like this or I have to do it manually?

If so, do I just put those files I see in your post in the folder of this mod or there are more?

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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

This mod is awesome!!!

I just have one question about it, I like to keep my Override folder kinda organized, in the main folder I only keep the .2da files and I create folders with the mod's name inside the Override to place the .uti's, .ncs and others.

The TSL patcher can install it like this or I have to do it manually?

If so, do I just put those files I see in your post in the folder of this mod or there are more?

As long as your spells.2da is located in the main override folder, it should install nicely... however, DON'T place the "TSL Hak Pad" folder (located in the .rar) in your override directory... it'll screw things up ;)


When it installs, the Hak files will be located in your main override folder (from there, you can now move those files into an individual folder)...


But as you've alreadyy done, it's always good to keep your .2da's in the main override directory :)


I've named my files pretty self-evident so moving/deleting etc. is easy... just search for "hak" and it'll find every file included in the mod (other than spells.2da) hehehehe....

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

could it be possible to acces a visible console with your mod as well???:)

I'm not sure what you mean?


Do you mean like a "list" of cheat codes... or an actual visible cursor line?


I have tried every way from Sunday in order to get the console visible...


From overriding all game fonts, ever .ini hack I know of (and there's alot ;) ) to manually editing all of the Game's GUI's to know avail.... this mod was my final answer out of futility...


I was just gooing to make it a list you could select from, but the Shops were MUCH easier... I would've had to make a giveitem script for every item.. and well, I'm just not that talented when it comes to scripting... ask anyone here ;) hehehe....

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

I meant, a dialog box that would let you see what you're typing, but I guess by what you said that it isn't possible, sorry to bother you, But it sounds great and I'm gonna DL soon:D

No bother at all man :D


Trust me, if I could (or when) ever find a way to get it to work... everyone will know... hehehe ;)

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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi


Sorry to keep bothering you guys :(

But I can't find the made items in the left place.

I even clicked on Custom Items and nothing. Does it has to be placed somewhere specifically?

Made items? Are you talking about modded items?


If so, you won't be able to find them. Fred hasn't added that functionality in it yet... you'll need to drag any of the items from the left of the screen to the right side of the screen, THEN change that item's ResRef (cheat code) to the modded item's ResRef...

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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

Ahhhhh!! :D :D

Ok, just one last question :p

It can be any kind of item?

Like I'm trying to include an armor, do I have to get another armor or I can get anything like a datapad?

It can be any item you wish :)


I just use datapads as they are "easy to find" in a shop... if you use an armor .uti in an armor shop.... things can get confusing if you accidentally sort the columns before scrolling to the very bottom ;)

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Well now, the Holowan Emporium for TSL is now in circulation! Nice work! :thumbsup:


But one question ChAiNz... What took you so long? :p


J/K! :D


I'll strike it up to me being fickle and set in my "old" ways... I just have to try the impossible and frustrating route before I do the obvious solution ;) hehehe..


Besides, everyone is blowing me away with released mods so I was getting jealous of my low turnout rate for TSL. Peer Pressure! :lol:

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It is not the quantity that counts guys, but the quality. :)

Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Peer Pressure! :lol:

Don't give in to peer pressure myself. I just wait for the muse to hit me...


When I ignore her long enough the muse uses bricks, and they hurt!



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Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with this mod. I've downloaded the file, extracted it onto the desktop with "TSLPatchData" folder. I am able to access the "Install_TSLHakPad.exe" file, however after the warning about the spell 2DA file I click YES and an error screen appears that states... "RichEdit line insertion error."


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Originally posted by yohan


Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with this mod. I've downloaded the file, extracted it onto the desktop with "TSLPatchData" folder. I am able to access the "Install_TSLHakPad.exe" file, however after the warning about the spell 2DA file I click YES and an error screen appears that states... "RichEdit line insertion error."


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Hey Yohan,


That's a first for me?? To be honest, I'm not even sure what that means.. yoohoo! stoffe, any ideas?


Yohan, can you copy and paste the contents of the "installlog.rtf"? When the installation began, it should've placed this file in the same folder where the .exe file is. :)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

That's a first for me?? To be honest, I'm not even sure what that means.. yoohoo! stoffe, any ideas?


No idea, haven't encountered that one before. That's the disadvantage of being just one person with one computer to test on, hard to find all odd things that can happen to others but conveniently never happens to yourself. :)


@yohan: Did this happen as soon as you pressed the button to start the installation? Was the info-text cleared before it happened? What OS version and OS language are you using? Have you installed any other mods that use the same installer app, and if so did the same happen there?

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Dang. Was about to release my own version of this mod I made back in may.


Oh well, all in good fun :)


What's up with pcgamemods today, I've been trying to download it for the last 10 minutes and I'm on a broadband isp... :confused:


I don't suppose you have uploaded this mod somewhere else?

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