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George Lucas Answered my Question!


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whatever, just see this: i asked him a very common question in here and look what he said:

Hi Mr Lucas, I really love Star Wars and am a great fan. I also think SuperShadow is exceptionally great because of his outstanding role in the making of the Star Wars movies. I was wondering, would it be possible that we could build light sabers and use them? I would really love to know. Thanks, RC 1162.


George Lucas: Light-saber technology is a little beyond our current level of accomplishment here on Earth. Making light sabers is not impossible or infeasible. The problem is that we are too primitive and backwards to make a weapon as elegant as the light saber. I expect when the first light saber is created it will be named after me. It is only fair that it be named after me since I popularized the idea of the light saber to begin with. It will probably be several thousand years before anybody on Earth can make a real working light saber.


can you believe this guy? how arrogant can you get?

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Ask the blasphemer "if Terrans are so backwards how did he invent the lightsaber and how can he be as perfect as he claims?"


Supershadow will not have a correct answer to that due to the fact that he is an imposter and does not have access to the real Daft-Side weapon-branch library at Skywalker ranch.

As for how to make them, I will not tell you either, it would be foolish to spread knowledge that would tip power balances.

I maintain several, but I am highly skilled, however you in your clumsiness would inadvertantly castrate yourself, thereby decreasing the gene pool of George's fanbase.:xp:

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Ask the blasphemer "if Terrans are so backwards how did he invent the lightsaber and how can he be as perfect as he claims?"


Supershadow will not have a correct answer to that due to the fact that he is an imposter and does not have access to the real Daft-Side weapon-branch library at Skywalker ranch.

As for how to make them, I will not tell you either, it would be foolish to spread knowledge that would tip power balances.

I maintain several, but I am highly skilled, however you in your clumsiness would inadvertantly castrate yourself, thereby decreasing the gene pool of George's fanbase.:xp:

As do I, naturally. We spar regularly while George cooks lunch :xp:

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Heh, here's one that we all know to be false:


Q: Hello George, and thank you for the Star Wars movies. I just wanted to know, why can’t you release a box, which includes all six Star Wars movies? I know SS said that there wouldn’t be markets for the six pack. But when I first heard that you were going to make the Episodes 1 - 3, I started to wait to get all the six movies in one box. So basically I've waited now about 9 years and I'm still waiting. I have the original version of classic trilogy on VHS, but I don't have any Star Wars on DVD. I'm now 27 years old. I'm a very patient guy and I will wait for the six pack, until the day I die. So could help me just a little and tell me when you're going to release all the movies in one box? The waiting without knowing the date is very frustrating. Anyway thank you for the best fantasy story ever.


hanks for your warm words about Star Wars. It means so much to me. Currently, there are no plans by Lucasfilm to release all six Star Wars films in one deluxe box set. The market for Star Wars DVDs has been completely saturated. 99% of potential buyers already own the DVDs. Your best hope is for us to release a 6 film box set for the emerging entertainment formats like HD DVD and Blu-Ray. You will probably never see all six films in one package on the old DVD technology.

Everybody knows that all 6 movies will be on dvd by next year :xp:

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"A55H0l3 lies here"


I would love to see that :p


"In memory if our belove...well not realy...more hated son, here lies SuperSha...A55H0l3 we mean.."


1995-2006 (We hope)



Everybody knows that all 6 movies will be on dvd by next year


Thanks for the info, i'm eager to get it ^^

I hope they will add the new ILM edition of the old trilogy, it will make the difference between Ep. 3 and 4 a bit less obvious.



We could try to concince Chuck Norris of killing him. We could say he;s probing mankind a great service, and he can legaly round house kick the b4st4rd.

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thats a good one. and while we're talking about thrashing him up, remember Mark Henry? he once said on smackdown: "i do what i want, to whom i want, whenever i want, nobody can stop me." why dont we say SS called him a fat455? so he'll come and big-splash SS's 455 to hell :D


im really happy to hear about the 6 pack coming soon, cant wait to get it. too bad for SS though, he got DISSED ON DA FACE!!! :D

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I think he means all the movies will be in a box set together, Kurgan.


Okay fine, he must be talking about this:






C3: More from George Lucas at Media Q&A


Posted By Britany on April 23, 2005


At the end of his presentation, George Lucas took part in a media Q&A backstage. Miguel sends in the highlights:


The all digital version is longer, I believed he metioned a dagobah scene in that version but not in the regular theatrical version.


He confirmed 2 TV projects: One is continuing with the Clone Wars cartoons and the other is the live action series.


Another box set is in the works: Looks like a 6 disc box set with all episodes 1-6. Possibly a 7th disc, maybe with deleted scenes from the original trilogy.


He was asked if he would be changing things again in the movies, prequels or original. He replied that everything is the way he wants them now.


As far as the rumored super archival edition due out in 2007 on super hi-def dvd, there is no truth to that.


He really wants to rerelease the OT back in to theatres via the new 3-D technology.


No episodes 7, 8, 9.


Note the bolded parts. However the first one is worded poorly and should be taken with a grain of salt. "6 discs" you say? Each of the prequels was released as TWO DISC SET. So if you just packaged up the existing sets that would be TEN discs, not 7! (if you added a bonus disc that would be 11).


Then again Lucas did release the OT boxed set twice, the second time missing the fourth bonus disc. So maybe it will be six discs, with the prequel movies stripped of their extras, so just the movies only plus a bonus disc of "never before sold on DVD" extras. That wouldn't be worth it (considering such a set would cost at least $75 if not more, would you pay that much for one disc you didn't have already? Only a few minutes of deleted scenes exist and they're in awful quality, you can view most of them on the 'net if you're curious (the longest is an alternate cantina sequence that's faded to black and white and missing most of its audio, plus there's Luke & Co. at Anchorhead, Luke and Treadwell droid with no sound, a quick shot of Luke & Biggs walking past Treadwell with some music, Luke & Biggs outside Anchorhead talking, all of the aforementioned being found on the Behind the Magic CD-ROMs, except for the quick non-dialouge shot of Biggs & Luke, and then about 1 second of the sandstorm from ROTJ, Jabba the human in ANH from various sources, and a couple of quick Mos Eisley shots and Vader walking with that one officer that later warns Tarkin about "evacuating" the latter two examples were put into the Star Wars Holiday Special). Nice for people who have never seen them, but not that big a deal, unless he were to restore them all and put in something really special... but even then. He ought to just release a big empty box and the "Deleted Scenes" disc seperately, and let people who own everything purchase that as well if they want to. But who knows. I'm betting Fox/Lucas/LFL will screw this one up, any way you look at it.


Anyway I think the best official versions of these movies to own for the foreseeable future are already out. So all that remains is a big cardboard box to put them all in (unless he decides to change the packaging, but he could just swap out the dual amray cases for singles and just put them all in one big cardboard box), rather than paying $80 for that one guy who sells empty boxes for your discs online... I'm guessing some people are still waiting and hoping that they can hold off buying the SW DVD's in the wish that an "ultimate edition" will come out. But even regarding possible errors in the above, it doesn't sound like it's going to happen. No sweat.

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@DI, Yeah, when we get loaded up with caffeine they never stop at medium rare:xp:

Remember that one time Miss Porty tried to steal a burger before they were done, he got all ornery and started spanking her with the spatula..."This ain't Naboo! This is my house! Who's your dark lord, I said who's your dark lord?!!!" Good times man:D


@jmac, Yeah, we like to give G-dog tons of fun names, unfortunately most where ripped off, "G-Unit" for example...

Once somebody sprayed silly string all over him, the nickname lasted for months until some lingerie manufacturer infringed on our copyrightniz:xp:


I really don't see the point in buying another multi disk set (unless your one of the dudes who spends 20 grand on a Solo action figure:lol:)


He should make several television episodes in 3-d IMO

Maybe not the main story of the tv series, due to difficulty of glasses distribution, but some specials or miniseries or something.

I'd be up for anything with Star Wars and IMAX in the same sentence though;)

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